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Pikachu (DayZ)

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About Pikachu (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Pikachu (DayZ)

    Admin banned from AU #500

    @OP See: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/108825-au-500-swifty-admin-abuse/ Change servers.
  2. This isn't so much a ban the hacker post, more of a head's up to the server admin. Server: US 3241 (v1.7.4.4/build 99343) [3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-11] dayzmod.com - hosted by ineedmoreinternet.com Date & Time: 27 NOV 2012 @ 20:00 PST - 2300 PST Who: VsT is one I can vouch that I saw in person. There were quite a few others. What happened: Hacker's paradise. I'll start with what was wrong with the server, and then the players. Server: - 2 Hotels were spawned in side by side in Prigorodky - 2 Planes were found spawned in, one was found at a rough grid of 112128 the other near the Hotels already mentioned - Nuke was dropped on Balota airstrip around 2130 PST - (Unconfirmed - Told by a fellow player) Respawning players got teleported to the general middle-of-nowhere live target range Players: - VsT: This lovely gentelman showed up in Electro when we were in the grocery store. Killed us all. About 15 minutes after this I respawn near Balota and raid the airstrip. Low and behold he shows up again, finds me hiding in the quad-con in a hangar, says in directional that he's not going to kill me, I open the door, see he's standing in a soldier uniform, called him out on it and then he got BattlEye kicked. Honestly I wish we were typing because that would've been a funny log to see. Around 2-5 minutes after that another hacker showed up and dropped the nuke on the place. Happened on the west end of the airstrip with the control tower and the two hangars. Facts: Soldier skin Speculation: Spawned weapons, teleportingLike I said, This is more towards the server admin as a heads up to check his logs, because some crazy stuff was happening on that server last night.
  3. Pikachu (DayZ)

    Help me please Troubleshooting

    Delete your DayZ files and reinstall them through DayZ commander or Six. That's the only thing I can think of if you can launch OA but not DayZ.
  4. Pikachu (DayZ)

    Where's all the kids?

    Skyrim has unkillable children in it as well. Anyways, According to this link: http://www.giantbomb.com/killing-children/92-4067/ only 58 games have included killing children in the game. In a world with probably hundreds of millions of video games, children are a pretty big taboo.
  5. Pikachu (DayZ)

    Help me please Troubleshooting

    Can you included a screen shot of said error? Is it something like "[NAME].exe has stopped responding and needs to close"? Can you launch Arma 2 OA by itself without DayZ Commander? Are you launching DayZ Commander with Administrator privledges?
  6. Pikachu (DayZ)

    New Vehicles on DayZ Wiki?

    http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page is managed by Curse. Ask them.
  7. Pikachu (DayZ)

    I need 8 glass, 2 EP and 4 scrap metal paying highly...

    I will give you all the above. We will meet at the site where you stashed your heli, I'll trade you the parts, you trade me the items and then I'll kill you and take the.... wait wait wait. Err. Disregard. I meant I'll walk off peacefully and be on with my day :)
  8. Pikachu (DayZ)

    Bad Serial key given in Setup

    Here's your sign... No in all seriousness, there is no such thing. You've been duped. There is no offical CD key changer from Bohemia Interactive, DayZ Mod or BattlEye. What you downloaded is probably a tool for scriptkiddies to change CD keys once they've been banned (which sounds like what you went through considering CD keys don't have a shelf life) and whoever wrote the program used so happens to steal your old CD key in the process. It's probably installed a program to continue to steal your CD key as well, so don't waste your money on buying more. [Edit] Fun links! https://www.google.com/search?q=dayz+cd+key Clicked the first one to pop up, eh? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/106805-to-people-who-got-their-keys-stolen-and-or-dled-hacks/ What happened to you
  9. Thanks to the DayZ staff for a fast response in getting this unlocked :) Anyways, You've been banned by the Admin's 3rd party banning tool, namely Dayz Anti-Hax. You need to get in contact with the server's admin and have him review his logs to see specifically what happened to trigger the ban. http://dayzmod.com/f...ccess-flooding/
  10. Pikachu (DayZ)

    I could use some help. Suggestions?

    Sorry for the bad news, mate. If you're desperate, try uninstalling ArmA 2, use CCleaner (http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner) to do a registry sweep, do a virus scan and then install (buy it again >.<) ArmA 2 on a external hard drive. Or use a different computer if you have it.
  11. Pikachu (DayZ)

    I could use some help. Suggestions?

    Looks like you have the hacker's virus. See: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/106805-to-people-who-got-their-keys-stolen-and-or-dled-hacks/ Try a virus sweep, but good luck. You're probably going to have to wait for standalone to play again, mate.
  12. Pikachu (DayZ)

    Banned on US023 Namalsk

    It's a private hive. You may have been banned for the AS50 as it's considered by most to be a hacker's weapon. Based on a general google search, US023 isn't too reliable. http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/335915 Infact the server is down right now. Just find a new server on the Bliss Private hive, your stuff should carry over. I recommend dropping the AS50 though.
  13. Pikachu (DayZ)

    Banned on US023 Namalsk

    A little more info would help... Admin ban or global ban? Did the heli crash? You named Namalsk, was this on a private hive? If not, what server? C'mon buddy...
  14. Pikachu (DayZ)

    Need to know if my HDD is bottlenecking my system

    Currently there isn't a single PCI-E card that can completely saturate the bandwidth limit for a PCI-E 2.0 slot. PCI-E 3.0 was made for a 3+ card system where all 3 cards combined will saturate the bandwidth completely. So no. @ OP As for the disk question, the ram is fine and I doubt that you are reading from the disk's cache when running ArmA 2. (HDD's cache are used for outrageous file sizes such as compressed folders or larger photoshop files as a inbetweener from HDD to RAM) The Intel i5 is probably your problem child as it's usually a 2 or 4 core processor. Based on the lack of description for the processor I'll assume you're using a dual core with hyperthreading (2+2) as getting the top end i5's around 3.4ghz with 4 cores are usually comparable to getting an i7 (a price difference of $30-$60 and you get 4 cores plus 4 virtuals). The dual cores are clocked higher hence why you're able to clock at 4.0ghz (is this with turbo boost or without?) and ArmA 2 Hyperthreading support is a toss-up based on a google search. Some say it hampers the game, others say it doesn't affect the game's performance. I tend to agree that it does not affect performance. http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processor-comparison/compare-intel-processors.html?select=desktop http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f440-pr-arma2-general-discussion/85195-arma-2-intel-quadcore-hyper-threading.html A simple upgrade to an i7 would give ArmA 2 8 cores to use as opposed to your 4 (be they physical or virtual). Either way, the HDD shouldn't affect the games performance much. I haven't noticed a difference between my 2 systems (one using a platter HDD and the other a SSD) My guess is the processor and the fact that you're probably trying to play the game at 1080 lower your resolution to 720 and anti-alias the hell out of the game (since this will use your GPU instead of the CPU) tl:dr Processor.
  15. Pikachu (DayZ)

    US 303 Dallas

    My apologies. :/ Looks like the kids found a new way to shit in everyone's boots.