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About Hxrrison

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  1. Age: 17 Timezone:GMT Experience in DayZ/Arma: over 50 hours on dayz and 100+ on wasteland Past Groups: If any why did you leave: 2 previous groups had to do school studies What rank do you see yourself at: starting at private and working way up What operational specialty would you want to be: medic or sniper Why do you want to join (2 or more sentences): Probably because i lost interest in the game but want to get back into it and would like to work with a group as going it alone is hard. Also i am out of practice and it would be good to have a team to help me get back to where i was.
  2. hey id be interested add me on skype harrison.crossley adn we could talk about it
  3. Hxrrison


    Bro you seem like just the type of clan-ception member we would like in our 'ard clan add me on skype there are some important stuff i need to lay on you
  4. Hxrrison

    Looking for some Chernarus Dayz players

    join the concrete crew we are relaxed and have ts
  5. looking for a bandit clan to join i play nearly everyday live in the Uk. I'm just looking for a clan to join to play with if you play other games it would be a bigger bonus pm or contact me on skype or steam Steam - harrison161
  6. Hxrrison

    Should i buy arma ?

    i know of one other game type but thats it really but tbh i think if i got it then i would find out more
  7. Hxrrison

    Should i buy arma ?

    and whens soon because if its after Christmas it doesn't really matter
  8. Hxrrison

    Should i buy arma ?

    should i buy arma i'm just not sure because ive seen that there are a lot of hackers in it is this the case?