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SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

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About SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

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  1. SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

    All Servers Down?

    Yeah... My Guess is... it is over gun control in video games... I told you guys not to shoot the damn BUNNIES!!!! - Sea
  2. SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

    Cant connect to any servers

    Same Thing... Seems like this site is slow and maybe that is what is going on with the Official Hive Servers? :( - Sea
  3. SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

    Looking for Host to Rent - Official DayZ Hive Server

    Thx for the messages... I have chosen a server provider... and am on my way... - Sea
  4. I am aware the DayZ team has stopped approving Instances... though it seems many of the server farms/rentals all appear to say they have them... I have purchased one and found out after the only thing available was "private" or "comunity" (Their Comunity) Hives ... I am looking for a server to rent in the Official DayZ Hive... - My Thoughts are... maybe some has gotten tired of thier server and stopped paying... or maybe they want to give it up... either way... if there is one out there... I am intrested in it... Please email me if you have one... My Email is: <My Username Here>@quakecon.org Thanks in advance to anyone that shoots me an email... - Sea
  5. I have not Received a responce yet... but was going to try another PayPal account... (not sure why :) ) but when I did it said account already in use... and I tried to login... with the last usr/pass I submitted (the 2nd time) and I am in... seems server is up... and I am not running... so I expect to get an email saying they found the error and got it fixed.... but... so far so good... not crazy happy about the comunication... but I got was I wanted... a server... - Sea
  6. I have just tried twice now.... to sign up for the DayZ.st server rental... and well... both times it gets through the PayPal (Take my Money) and then gives me an error... The First time it happened... I checked PayPal and sure enough... Transaction is marked as completed... So I emailed them... and they responded via email fairly quick... we went back and forth... and finally they said... Try it again... so I did... (from another system just in case IE was a part of the issue) and I got the same thing... I have just emailed them screen shots... so we will see where this takes me... but acording to PayPal I am now renting 2 DayZ.st servers... :( - Sea
  7. SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

    Where is all the potatoes?

    Can we grow our own pain killers?
  8. SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

    Infected Players… I want to be INFECTED!!!!

    Yeah... Seems there are some major discussions on PEPs that hate raiders... and hate the idea... but they understand it is a part of the game... and live with it... and it adds a seperate aspect to the game... and there are people that only play as player killin raiders... and they would prob not play if they could not PK... To me... this is the same with this idea... it allows people who would like to be a zombie... run 20+ MPH and have uncontrollable actions take over from time to time... and possibly never play as a regular player again... (as long as they keep eating... -maybe that is raw meat/flesh from players or even animals) There could even be stages of the infection or food levels... you could start off walking around like the "Jamie Hyneman" dudes with the hats... then you get worse... and can only knuckle crawl/hop... then at it's ending stages you are only able to crawl... thanks for atleast throwing it around... - Sea
  9. SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

    Infected Players… I want to be INFECTED!!!!

    Great responses... even those that hate the idea... I can se your perspective... I love the idea of Player Zombies being fast as hell... especially after they EAT FLESH.... others mentioned it... and there and a few other threads seemed were also started on this before and after... that I have seen... to me it would add another piece to it... the onion already has so many layers... why not add one more :) Game is great as it is... and I think of HalfLife 1 gameplay... game of the year for atleast 2 years... then they added Blue and other perspectives... it just seems to take the same game and then change it enough... so the stratagy becomes so different... allowing other players to enjoy the game if they don't like run from zombies all day! :) - Sea
  10. Infected Players… I want to be INFECTED!!!! I would love to see a player become infected if they are hit by a zombie and skin is broken (they begin to bleed) I see this being another interesting piece of the game… and here is what I am suggesting… Players get infected by coming in contact with other infected players or spawned infected bots and are injuring during the contact Players who survive these contacts and are able to bandage their wounds and continue playing should then have an infection and it should begin to spread. (I would say over a 24 hour time frame) until the infection takes over the players body… Once a player is “fully infected” the player should have similar effects as extremely Low blood counts (Maybe without the passing out) Player should remain infected until they are given a cure! (similar to the antibiotic in the game) To me where this gets fun… Players who are infected will not be attacked by other spawned infected bots… and can move freely in cities or building without attracting attention… Infected Players should be able to “Call” or scream out for other infected to have the spawned infected bots start swarming to the area… **My Favorite** an infected player should not have the option to attack… they should be like a rabid dog around fresh meat… in other words… if an uninfected player is within striking distance… the infected player should automatically lunge out and attack the player… I think the player should also still have to eat and drink (maybe other players dead or alive as well as found food and water) I also feel it would be interesting if infected players could carry items but because of their state they would slowly randomly drop things… (they should not be able to use weapons) ** I think Players would be able to join up with uninfected players to scout out areas etc… and they should look like a spawned infected player… ** If joining with another play... they cannot get to close... otherwise they will automaticly attact the uninfected player(or group of players) - SeaBiscuit
  11. SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

    players taking items & Vechiles outside of map area...

    Yes... this is exactly where I was going with the script... I know SQL... and can have a job run every 10 or 15secs... and if player is off map... I will know... I am just new to DayZ admin... and not sure if/how I could notify the user when this happens... any help here would be great... What I would like to do... * Have a SQL Job Checking for Players out of bounds... ** Warn them about Vehicles that are out of bounds during server reboot will be lost... * Have a Second Startup Script... ** It will look for Vehicles that are out of bounds and move them to their original spawn... *** This will happen ONLY if there is no other vehicles withing 10m or so... **** AND There has not been another vehicle spawn from that same location... (same world_id or whatever...) I can get all the sql working in about 10 mins... but the ingame player notification... that is where I will need help... anyone know how to do this... preferably from SQL Script... (maybe call a bat file that will admin chat user... or something like that) Thanks for your help - Sea
  12. SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

    players taking items & Vechiles outside of map area...

    btw... I am the typing/spelling champion of Cherno... :) should be "vehicle"
  13. SeaBiscuit (DayZ)

    players taking items & Vechiles outside of map area...

    THANKS for the response.... yeah... I do think it should be in the engine... but not sure how the arma ii modding works... not sure if they have access to the engine... but if they do it should be handled somewhere... ** Brought up... because there seem to be people out there that feel this is a form of cheating... and feel this is almost a high enough offence to ban off of... I am not going to pick sides on this one... (atleast not in the forums) but I will only say... I find it hard to ban someone for or even tell them not to do it if the game lets them do it... (and they don't need skill or other abilities to acomplish) ** BUT if the game server would just reset these items... and it was known/posted... or hell (maybe message the player via admin chat or other if THEY are out of bounds)... then I would expect this would not be an issue again... one way or the other... I would like to see what others think... Thanks for your time, - Sea
  14. there should be a "CHECK SCRIPT" that can be run at server start (re-start) that will look for items that have somehow made it "out of bounds"... it should then try to "Reset" these items... to their spawn position (as long as there is not another item in that position...) if there is an item in that position... it should just turn the dmg flag to "1"... ** This may be a Suggestion... :) and if so I can move it... or it may be a Server Side Script... :) either way... figured I would post it in the server forums first... then see where that goes... - Sea