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About Reo

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  1. Reo


    Logged in but the content of my backpack had disappeared :(
  2. Reo

    November Round-up

    Next update ༼ ◕◡◕ ༽
  3. Reo

    November Round-up

    You must be new to interwebz. Seriously, check the opening post.
  4. Reo

    November Round-up

    Looks like a shovel to me. [edit] Too late :(
  5. There are rumors that there has been a very short early access sale on Steam yesterday. http://www.onlinewelten.com/games/dayz/news/standalone-version-angeblich-kurzzeitig-steam-erhaeltlich-early-access-start-ende-oktober-123772/ I will try to translate the article later. Fakers gonna fake?
  6. Very good report, thanks for it!
  7. Reo

    Best preformance config/max framerate

    Having a much better CPU would help too
  8. Reo

    Vilayer can you get your act together?

    Welcome to the world of business. You sell services others pay for. If you have too much stuff to deal with, I'm sorry, but I don't care since it's not my problem. My problem starts when the services don't work which I pay for. If you don't have enough human resources, get new people. If you don't have enough hardware, create a forecast and order accordingly. I was very satisfied in the beginning but it get worse every week and in my eyes this is very unprofessional.
  9. We need one since people start to open threads in "General Discussion"...
  10. Same shit right here. ACP shows "Java not enabled bla bla" Remove this, it was annoying anyways..
  11. I agree, fast, without any problems. Trustworthy player. Thanks for rangefinder and have fun with the suit!