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About wiggins

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I don't have any useful suggestions, but your laptop has the same specs as my full-size tower :P
  2. Just a "new user experience" observation here -- this game would greatly benefit if these features followed your account, no matter what server you joined. Making the user remember which server they visited last so they don't lose all their stuff is one of those elements which can cause drop off in audience who won't want to deal with the additional mental hurdle. (Full disclosure, I'm a game developer myself, I've been making games for 20 years; this is not to give my observation any additional value but please recognize that I've made many mistakes myself and this comment is offered with the most constructive intent.)
  3. wiggins

    BANG I'm dead?

    When I get killed instantly without warning it sounds like the shot in Dallas' awesome linked video ... Except I'm usually crouch-running, not "crawling in daylight in Cherno right under sniper hill". :) Is that a DMR? Does a DMR require a headshot to kill in one hit? In http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons the DMR info here says "2 body shots to kill" so I guess they are really good and got my head.
  4. I always had shut the game down when I got killed, and came back a few nights later -- on a beach in Kamenka with a flashlight and a bandage. But now that I'm a little better, I play a while, don't get killed, have a few useful things ... then come back another night -- and I start back on Kamenka Beach with a flashlight and a bandage. It isn't supposed to be this way, right? Aren't I supposed to keep my on-person belongings and location between play sessions? If not, is this a known bug? Thanks in advance!
  5. wiggins

    "Zombie Logging" What's your take?

    IMO it's not really an exploit, or at least a vanishingly minor one. You're not denying any other player of a benefit, you're inconveniencing yourself more than anything -- I'm relatively new and have found a couple of tricks to lose aggroed Z's (run into a bush and wait they'll reset and wander off*, or sprint out of sight around a corner and immediately switch to jog and get around the next corner or obstruction). I find I can lose a zombie crowd in a few seconds if I'm careful. *Is THAT an exploit?
  6. wiggins

    BANG I'm dead?

    Thanks for all the responses guys! ...Yeah, I was wondering why I was always shot with that super-loud kill-with-one-hit gun when all the videos I saw had people surviving hits long enough to bandage themselves. I must be special. :/
  7. wiggins

    BANG I'm dead?

    I've played about ten times so far; it takes about an hour to get geared up, and then "BANG" I'm dead. One shot. I never know where it came from. I see in youtube videos and from the stories here that lots of people survive getting shot, but I never have. What's the deal? Most of the time I don't even have that much worth killing me for -- no military-grade weapons, just all the things needed to finally go harvest some animals and have a campfire. I've never survived long enough to be able to do that though ... Thanks in advance. It's, um, kind of a drag.