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Everything posted by rocksicles

  1. rocksicles

    Hatchet is overpowered but necessary

    how do you overpower an axe, a sharp heavy object + Force + trajectory= death. anything else ?
  2. rocksicles

    L85 needs to be changed

    every man and his dog has thermal, including myself. it needs to be removed. Thermals aren't required, it just makes the game easy, which is what rocket didn't want.
  3. rocksicles

    Mk48 mod0

    yes its legit, they spawn at the chopper wrecks. there is no other version.
  4. rocksicles

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    what you should be realizing is the DevTeam are kind enough to allow an open alpha and a open forum for the testers instead of doing everything behind closed doors and keeping the test bed to a select few with little to no input. instead of acting like petulant children. be greatful for the freedom you have with this game currently.
  5. rocksicles

    Headlamp or pistol/torch dual wield?

    headlamp for sure, gives a better a target. All torches and NVG should need batteries.
  6. rocksicles

    DayZ scene in real life!

    pics of girlfriend?
  7. i gotta admit, i've been using 6 updater for a few years and it's giving me the shits today, re downloaded dayz 4 times and it keeps coming back to saying 1.7.1 *check*. not updating properly. hideous nightmare.
  8. rocksicles

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    add a note pad and a biro so you can leave IOU's in a players tent. :)
  9. rocksicles

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    cue whinging for the new spawn loot.
  10. rocksicles

    The Ban TS3 thread!

    how the fuck can you ban a player from having an independent 3rd party none malicious program on their HDD and then using it to communicate. If they want top make it hard to communicate then ACRE should be involved. But considering it a cheat, your a muppet.
  11. rocksicles

    0.19% or Why I stoped playing

    its just the luck of the draw. i found 3 crossbows and an enfield in the same milking shed at the same time lastnight.
  12. rocksicles

    The ability to build and grow crops

    Day Z = Zombie Apocalypse Survival Shooter. Farmville = Growing Crops.
  13. jesus, its lord of the fucking flies on this forum lately.
  14. rocksicles

    Extreme DayZ Video must watch shootout

    lol +1 that's some demented shit.
  15. rocksicles

    Chinese Camp Security

  16. rocksicles

    Filling water bottle with rain

    if you could use a tarp, you can fill a water bottle in heavy rain in no time. No different than the time it takes to chop fire wood or cook 8 steaks.
  17. rocksicles

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    and people wonder why there are fuck all female gamers
  18. rocksicles

    Wrecked UH-1Y

    roger, i'm yet to see one. Now i want.
  19. rocksicles

    Wrecked UH-1Y

    why has your rifle got a ghille suit.
  20. rocksicles

    Stop Adding Things and Fix The Game

    seriously, yall need to get a fucking job.
  21. 3 and 4 still wont allow me to join and they are always empty