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Everything posted by ninjarubberband

  1. ninjarubberband

    Same Fps in every settings!

    Hey! I have this problem that if my settings is low i get the same as if it was very high. Its like no matter how i change the settings, i still get the same fps! Around 18 - 27 Its like my dayz lags more than it have done before.. Anyone knows why?
  2. ninjarubberband

    Same Fps in every settings!

    Yea i have. 15-3670k 3.4 Ghz 8 GB Ram GeForce GTX650 Ti OC 1GB
  3. ninjarubberband

    Same Fps in every settings!

    How do i do that? Sorry if i sound noobish, but im new to windows..
  4. Hi! Im a 14 years old boy, (My voice is really deep!) And i need someone to play DayZ With :D! I have played for some weeks, and i know how to survive and stuff, but im not a good shooter.. If you want to play with me make a comment response :D! There is some things that is required: 13 or older no helium voice If you are a bambi, its alright.. im also a bit of a bambi at some points..
  5. I needf someone to play dayZ with.. Ive been playing for some weeks, and it starts getting boring being alone.. So if you are interested to join my adventure on the many DayZ Servers, leave a response :-) FaQ about me : Age: 14 From: Denmark TimeZone GMT Skype: tvebak6 I have some requirments for you to play with me :D! Age: 13 or older. Timezone: GMT. Mic: It will be cool if you have, but if no, its no big problem. Leave a response with skype, age, etc. :D Hope you will play with me!
  6. ninjarubberband

    Need a dayz team

    14 tvebak6 tvebak77 Collecting loot, and find vehicles Time Zone Europe (Denmark, England, Norway, Germeny, Sweden etc.) Denmark And how old are you may i ask :)???
  7. ninjarubberband

    Cab this laptop run DayZ?

    Im considering buying a ASUS laptop. Im not a high performance gamer and i just want to know if it can run DayZ smoothly in some of the settings with good Fps :) Don't ask why i don't buy a desktop computer! I want a laptop cause i can take it to my friends and play with them at there house :)! So here is the specs: Intel Core i5-3210M processor 6 GB RAM Nvidia Geforce 610M 2 Gb ram 2.5 Ghz I just want a laptop who can run DayZ smoothly in low - medium settings! :B Need more information then just ask!
  8. Just installed arma 2 and OA. But when i join a dayZ server it says: Files ''common/air_d_baf.pbo'', ''common/air_pmc.pbo'' are not signed by a key accepted by this server. to play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys. And it happens to every server i join!? Plz someone tell me the problem :)!
  9. ninjarubberband

    Can't join servers. It says 'common/air_d_baf.pbo''

    I don't think i done it the way you did, I installed the to games and lauched them to the menu. Then i downloaded dayz Commander and did the update thing. And then when i join a server it says it? Plz correct me if im wrong and you did do it this way
  10. I just downloaded Arma 2 and Operation arrowhead. When i enter Dayz commander and go to Install/update and install the middle of the 3 above (not the maps) It says system.net.Webexception??? What do i do?? I have no clue!