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Posts posted by cfargo9950

  1. STK - Shoot To Kill!


    STK: is a Clan that is looking for players above the age 14! We are a group that can be either Bandit's or Hero's, it's up to you! STK does not have any strict rules except respect other clan members and if you have a problem with another clan member report it to me.... And No Shoot To Kill does not mean we only shoot on site!


    Contact Information:

    - Skype=STKCody


    Extra Information:

    When/if you contact me please make a application with this format,

    - Name (Only First):

    - Age:

    - In Game Name:

    - How long you have been playing DayZ Epoch:

    - What role you prefer to play:

    - Timezone:


    Information about me:

    I am a 16 year old that lives in the U.S. just looking to start up a clan/group. I enjoy player with more than 1 person that's why I have decided to start up STK. I have been playing DayZ Epoch for quite a bit of time now. The server I play on I have a good amount of stuff and I am a Hero but that doesn't mean I always do hero things!


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  2. Well my server is regular chernarus and it doesn't have rmod, and my server does not have whitelisting. I reinstalled arma 2 and arma 2 oa but its still not working so i'm not really sure what to do, if you think you can help me please add me on skype - corpe4

    update: so I located the issue to my server files which would be @dayzcc - which I need these to run the server. My guess would be its the dayz_server.pbo.

    Doesn't even matter anymore i'm just going to fully reinstall arma 2 / oa and the server itself.

  3. Hello whenever I try to join most servers it says you where kicked from the game! I see the lobby for about 3 seconds and then the message comes up. I have been able to join most servers but its just not working for the server I want for example my server. For my server there is a different message though it says session lost. I have tried updating the battleye thing from this website http://www.battleye.com/download.html.

    Some basic information: I use dayz commander to launch my game, I have the retail version not steam.

  4. Hello DayZ players! I am not recruiting for team AB (AeroBandits)

    AB now has there own server that 100+ vehicles, Spawn with a gun, Custom loadouts and custom bases, More building, Auto refuel, Debug monitor, and we are adding some extra scripts in soon!

    There are a couple requirments to join us! I will list them below......


    1: Speak english

    2: Be 13+ - I'm 14

    3: Be friendly to other teamates

    4: Have some basic DayZ knowledge

    5: Join and make a application at http://www.AeroBandits.enjin.com

  5. Hello DayZ players! Are you looking for a fun DayZ server where there is lots of vehicles, Custom bases/loadouts and more building? Well you have come to the right place!!!!! Down below im going to list some things my server has!

    Server Perks:

    Custom loadouts

    Custom bases

    More building

    Auto refuel

    Friendly/active admins

    Lots of vehicles

    Spawn with a gun

    - Adding vehicle towing/ halo / debug monitor soon!

    Want to join this server? If so here is the ip:

  6. Age: 14

    From: U.S.A

    In-Game Name:OhNo

    Favourite Games:dayZ

    Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: Yes

    You Must Have Skype, Write it down here and i will msg you: corpe4

    Do you have a working Microphone?: yes

    What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot):sniper, pilot, assault, driver.

    Have you ever recorded anything on youtube before? If yes link your channel here:yes, but i do not anymore i closed my channel

    Thankyou for you time

  7. WaB ( We are bandits) is a clan that is pretty laid back we do not just go around the map killing players only players that have decent gear....

    Joining WaB you will have acces to the camps/ some vehicles!

    The age limit to join our community is 13+ im 14 years old.

    We are plannin on getting a teamspeak and when the clan grows we will be planning on playing other maps like namalsk E.T.C

    If you want to join the clan contact me on my steam or skype which is corpe4. For both steam and skype to join the community you will have to fill out a simple form.

    In game name:

    Date of birth:


    What roll you play:

    Example: Pilot, sniper etc:

    Its that simple, Hope to see you around chernarus.

  8. Hello fellow Namalsk players I'm a experienced player I having been player namalsk for awhile now and have decided I should start i clan. Anyone of any skill level may join to clan!

    Age restrictions: 13+. (Im 14)

    Time zone restrictions: None (I live in U.S.)

    Teamspeak: soon

    We are not only bandits we are only bandits to people that gave decent gear.... But sometimes we will help people.

    The server i play on is a Private Hive do you will not beable to keep your gear, but you do start out with some gear!

    At the moment i have 3 prople in the clan so if you would like to join our DayZ community just contact me by my skype.

    You will have to fill out a simple form but all it will be is

    In game name:

    First Name:

    Date of birth:

    Time played Dayz:


    And maybe some other simple questions!

  9. Hi everyone I've been playing DayZ for awhile now and i'm become pretty good at the game.... I just starting playing on this server two days ago and i really like it i want some people to play with because it will be alot easier to secure a camp like area/ get better weapons and stuff like that.

    Guns im good with: I'm good with guns like M16A2 acog and i'm dtarting to get better at sniping!

    Im 14 years old and im looking for any players that are pretty decent at the game it will help if you live in the U.S because of time zones also if you want to join the clan message my skype corpe4

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