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2 Neutral

About Electronizer

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. The Title says it all :P Prefer Europe. And not the normal DayZ map! Mic Required! Steam account: Noordh95
  2. Electronizer

    Chernarus Funzone New Players Welcome

    No problems:) Just saying the truth:) ,yeh it got fixed i notied it was my internet that was F*cked up :D,
  3. Electronizer

    Chernarus Funzone New Players Welcome

    This server is really nice! The owner and Admins are really nice to people, helping beginners and so on. But so is the players on the server, if you ask for a pickup or maybe a blood transfusion its likely 100% that someone on the server will give you a hand! I started with DayZ 1 week ago, i tried a few servers before Funzone, but this was the server that caught me! Even if the server is hosted in the US and i live in Europe! i don't care about that i get abit over 100ping because the server is so funny! And if you are new to DayZ this is the server you should join! But of course you should join the server aswell even if your not a beginner! :)
  4. Electronizer

    Looking for Partner!

    Hey, Im looking for a well experienced partner for DayZ, Since its kinda boring to run around in the woods alone. im kinda new to the game but i still know how to play^^ add me as friend on steam if you want to help/play with me. Also have mic and be able to speak english! Also prefer Europe but other regions can work aswell! Steam: Noordh95
  5. Hey, I bought DayZ some months ago, but only played it about 2hours when i bought it. After that i havn't played it at all since i don't have anyone to play with! So now im trying to find someone to guide me thru this game! So if anyone is willing to help me with this add my steam. Steam: Noordh95 I live in Sweden so i would prefer someone from Europe but other regions can work aswell! ;)