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Everything posted by iceagecoming

  1. iceagecoming

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    Yup lost my L85AWS too.
  2. iceagecoming

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    So this patch removed my L85A2 from my characters main weapon slot.. What is this shit? Removing weapons that players have risked themselves to get? Why? Carebear poofters having a moan? Screw this.
  3. iceagecoming

    Stuck "Loading" After

    I have this too. I once got into a server but i was spawned on the coast and couldn't move. The next time i connected to another server, I made it in eventually.. but i was stuck in a forest. Now when i try to connect it just gets stuck on loading. Sent my rpt to the developers.