i belive that this is correct in human nature we all think whats best for us, more specific this is just a game, quite a good one i might add but remember people dont get that hesitation to kill in a game, it comes so easy, from the click of a mouse. I know this very well as to when i first played this game all i did was help others, i would travle across the map to give another player a blood bag if they need it, but now just like alot of other unique players i have adapted to this game realised what i need to survive, what i need to make a camp and have supplies also the wepons i need and when you know all of that... really? what do you need other players for? this is why there are bandits, they think of what they need and only themselves, i am a bandit i kill upto 10 players a game when i play some times more or less, but if i come across a guy with nothing but a back pack ( fresh spawn ) ill gladly help him and set him on the right path dont look down on all bandits sometimes we try but only kill if fired upon frst, to me its more than just a game when i play its like my own little world and im sure others feel the same.