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About junkets

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    On the Coast
  1. junkets

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    // This comment is mainly directed at R4Z0R49, but am also interested in the community's response. I have also posted this on /r/dayz. I like this, even as someone who hasn't complained about the current infection mechanic. However, the 1 hour time limit bothers me, and I foresee some problems with the idea. Hear me out. As I understand it, this new mechanic takes into consideration the immune systems ability to fight off the infection. It's a great idea and also like the ideas of sterilisation, hydration, warmth etc to help delay, or eliminate the infection. With regard to the 1 hour time limit, I have two questions: • Say a zed has successfully transmitted the infection to you (i.e. the 1 hour counter has activated), how would one know this has occurred? (i.e. is there some indication?) • What if you get hit again by an infected super zed during this hour, does the counter reset? If there is no indication, one could naively run off into the woods where suddenly the infection icon appears and blood loss is instigated, seemingly out of nowhere. If there is some indication, I guess one could call it an "infection risk" indicator. In this case, I can see this actually making the new infection mechanic worse in the eyes of those who are currently complaining. For example, if you have said high risk of infection, during that hour you will be attempting to procure items to help remove the infection. During that hour you'll likely be hit again and thereby reset the counter. In this fashion, you are constantly 'at risk' of infection unless you make no physical contact with zeds for a full hour (after which you still might get infected). Personally, I kinda like the idea of being constantly 'at risk' of infection, but I don't believe the majority of the community would agree. If my understanding of the new mechanic is correct, and you are going ahead with the idea, may I suggest breaking this hour into shorter intervals. For example, four 15 min intervals at which the immune system attempts to reject the infection. After four failures (1 hour has passed) one then becomes infected and begins to lose blood. I hope my understanding of the new mechanic is not over simplified. If so, could you perhaps provide further insight, thanks. Edit: formatting.
  2. junkets

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Yea, you gotta eat every 5-10 mins when infected. Hospitals aren't the only place antis are found, try medical tents too. Just keep eating!
  3. In-Game name: junkets GUID: c11930000a2742545e987eb0901b9eba Thanks