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Everything posted by MeTheMonster

  1. MeTheMonster

    Big prison and mine, Snow area

    A prison would be great, and riot gear could be a possible item. But a mine? I don't know about that. What would the point be? Sure, it would be fun to ride the mine cart, but that's about it. The thing about a snow zone is that the map is so small, a random snow zone would just not fit. Maybe on top of mountains though.
  2. MeTheMonster

    KoS Bandits

    So far, everytime I die it's to someone who shoots me on sight. How do you guys avoid KoS bandits? If you can't avoid them, how do you deal with them?
  3. I have looted the NE Airfield so many times, and have never found a rifle. All I need is a gun, and I'll be good to go. Where is the best place to go for m4s or Mosins near the NE Airfield? Thanks
  4. MeTheMonster


    I hate when you get killed on a server with barely anyone on it.
  5. MeTheMonster

    Hey! Complete newbie!

    Follow these tips, definitely watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwNgTnj9hBE But no matter what, always remember that everytime you die, you learned something new that will help you survive later on. Try to think "What could I have done to survive longer?" everytime you die, and apply that to your next life. This will keep you from raging whenever you die, and will definitely help you improve.