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About MeTheMonster

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MeTheMonster

    Big prison and mine, Snow area

    A prison would be great, and riot gear could be a possible item. But a mine? I don't know about that. What would the point be? Sure, it would be fun to ride the mine cart, but that's about it. The thing about a snow zone is that the map is so small, a random snow zone would just not fit. Maybe on top of mountains though.
  2. MeTheMonster

    KoS Bandits

    So far, everytime I die it's to someone who shoots me on sight. How do you guys avoid KoS bandits? If you can't avoid them, how do you deal with them?
  3. MeTheMonster


    I hate when you get killed on a server with barely anyone on it.
  4. I have looted the NE Airfield so many times, and have never found a rifle. All I need is a gun, and I'll be good to go. Where is the best place to go for m4s or Mosins near the NE Airfield? Thanks
  5. MeTheMonster

    Hey! Complete newbie!

    Follow these tips, definitely watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwNgTnj9hBE But no matter what, always remember that everytime you die, you learned something new that will help you survive later on. Try to think "What could I have done to survive longer?" everytime you die, and apply that to your next life. This will keep you from raging whenever you die, and will definitely help you improve.