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Everything posted by stryker211

  1. stryker211

    For the Love of All That Is Crossbows: QUIVERS

    I remember my first pvp encounter with the xbow, putting 2 bolts in a dudes chest and him turning around and cutting me in half with a AKM. :(
  2. stryker211

    For the Love of All That Is Crossbows: QUIVERS

    I hope Rocket gives the crossbow some much needed buffs like +damage to players, stacking bolt ammo, maybe iron sites that work or glow in the dark bolts or bright orange ones at best. If not I will tee-pee his house.
  3. I feel sorry for all those that posted out there that don't own firearms that won't be armed for the coming bean wars. THE END IS NIGH, PREPARE WHILE YOU HAVE TIME!
  4. I would love to have a little shopping cart to push around town and fill with random scrap metal and beans. Think of it as a mobile tent of sorts.
  5. stryker211

    This game needs shopping carts

    Still think a packhorse or shopping cart would be cool. Anyone know if bicycles store gear?
  6. stryker211

    Cannibalism and Zombie suggestions

    What about zombies that drag your body around (like how players drag players) while they eat your face off, that would be great.
  7. stryker211

    What should our next competition be?

    Most unique zombie/player kill of the week like in zombie land haha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWe3s31AKOc
  8. Limit starting gear altogether or start with crossbow, final answer. Btw is Rocket ever going to reveal who did the mocap for the new zombie animations!
  9. If the majority’s in favor of spawning with no gun then I want everyone to spawn with absolutely nothing to potentially balance the urge to farm the coast.
  10. but players look vastly different when they are unarmed. So you're not going to shoot people that clearly dont have a weapon because you are "in fear of losing your precious gun" I would like to think someone is going to stop and look to see if I’m armed or not. I think realistically they are going to see me and shoot first rather than debate it. Much like it is now.
  11. Honestly don't think it has the potential to draw fresh spawned people together. Think people will shoot on site more in fear of loosing there precious gun. If you want to promote teamwork I think you need a join group feature.
  12. "- Maybe adds some authenticity, who has a handgun at home?" No way buddy, I have enough guns to equip my neighborhood to protect our beans. I support limiting spawning ammo to 2 mags maybe.
  13. stryker211

    This game needs shopping carts

    What about a pack mule or horse instead of a shopping cart?
  14. stryker211

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    What is the meaning of this!! lol Best guess is they are testing the patch but don't say that out loud the creeper forum police might yell at you and tell you to shut up and wait.
  15. stryker211

    This game needs shopping carts

    Best of both worlds lol. Nice one.
  16. stryker211

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Excuse me but where was I bitching or whining? I think a lot of you people are going crazy and are trying to hard to make comments like this to try and please the staff or something. It's kinda creepy really when all I was doing was making a joke instead of bloodtransfussion it was the update, having to explain that to you I dont know why I expect you to get it anyway.
  17. stryker211

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    I dying and need the update, someone please give me an update its in my backpack. Anyone willing to help?
  18. stryker211

    Steel bolts and taking them

    I have used the crossbow a bunch and I rather enjoy it. Stealth supermarket raids in towns and reusable for the most part ammo. I do not enjoy searching for 3 minutes looking for a lost bolt in a body or trying to get the perfect angle to retreive it. When you use the hide body action the bolt stuck to the body will go into the ground with the body and you will never find it. It does seem that arrows do get lost in the bodies maybe 1 out of 8 times, sometimes they lay on the ground next to them or get stuck in bushes after they kill zeds. The best part is when Im down to my last bolts and I miss then me and my buddy spend 10 minutes searching the ground for it through the grass lol. Wish the bolts feathers were bright orange and had a little bigger search area for the picking up option. Wish that the bolts would stack so you could free up more inventory.
  19. stryker211

    Can not place a tent

    Wish I had not just wasted 1.5 hours wondering around trying to find the perfect spot that doesn't exist because its bugged.... I can confirm this also.
  20. I had the same problem with bodies disappearing quickly within a matter of minutes. I was involved in a pretty epic early morning shootout at the S/W Airfield and managed to kill 2 different groups of guys and some loners totaling 8 people. I was only able to see 3 people’s bodies that were closest to me and was able to get to them quickly and loot. I knew the area where I had killed them but could not see bodies but I could hear flies where the bodies should have been. Don’t know if it has anything to do with the more aggressive clean up system but I find it weird that zeds that I kill stay on the ground for a long time before going away. It’s hard to loot bodies quickly when there are multiple people still around or coming in from hearing the gunshots or if you have to run to dispatch some zeds that want to eat your lunch or all of the above but it seems when you get out of view of the bodies they vanish. I really find this annoying when you spend precious ammo and risk your neck and gear sticking around after a fight engages only to find no reward for your efforts or you get wasted in a futile attempt looking for a body that doesn’t exist anymore.