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Posts posted by dvaugha1

  1. You want some help? Try looking to Dr. Wasteland, M.D. He's got a group of people who do medical calls. They used to have a chopper, but I think it got shot down. I'd look to that thread in survivor hq and see if you can't add some of the trusted people on Steam. Then let them know where you are and see if they can't help you.

  2. I'm okay for adding smoking' date=' or other nasty behavior as a roleplay element, but your suggestion is pretty much smoking endorsement.

    I mean it would have been okay a few decades ago, but not today.


    It's ok to have smoking in games and movies. You make the choice to smoke or not. Nothing in the suggestion above would require it. It has pros and cons. This is not a game for children as far as I know.

    If the cons outweigh the pros, then people wouldn't utilize the item. Same as if it were a visual thing. I know that if it was purely cosmetic, I probably wouldn't utilize it either. Even the new skins serve a purpose as they hide you better.

    And like Sarlac pointed out, I'm assuming most people playing are adults.

    Just add vodka' date=' guitars, and we can all sit around a campfire and be merry


    Can we please? Especially the vodka? :P

  3. Well, I'm in the market for a graphics card right now. I know I can't run it just yet as my graphics are integrated with my CPU.

    But with what I'm planning on getting this what my rig would look like:

    8gb ram

    Intel Core i5-2400@3.10 ghz (not overclocked)

    Nvidia GTX 550 Ti

    So, would that be sufficient?

  4. I think it would add an interesting aspect to the game, but the protective equipment would also have to be VERY rare. If it was an industrial area, maybe it could be like a hotspot for gas and jerry cans as well as vehicle parts. Like rotor assemblies and such. Maybe other protective gear as well. I also think that each of these areas should be heavy spawn for zombies too.

    Maybe there could be a small bunker that housed chem weapons leftover from the Russians, and it would have military equipment and gear.

    I agree with Doktor though. I think that this is something that should happen once it's out of Alpha.

  5. If you add it make sure I can see them smoking through my scope' date=' KOS.


    That would be one of the inherent dangers of doing it. As they take a drag, it would brighten a little, and that would be it. In DayZ's current darkness it would be a beacon almost.

  6. I was thinking about this earlier today. So you go into shock, and instead of waiting out the 5 minutes or so, you find yourself walking along with what seems like kind of a peaceful lull after you just got out of your life threatening situation. You pull out a smoke, light up with a match or maybe add in a lighter (but it would be rare, and could be used to start fires as well) and after two minutes you're done smoking and you're not panicked or in shock anymore (bear with me, haven't played much because I'm limited to my roommate's comp for a month or so, so I don't know too much about status effects and the like.)

    Now, as someone who smokes, I know it staves off hunger in reality a little. At least it does for me. So if you're blinking red, but don't have those glorious beans we all love, you light up and it stops the blinking, or it turns it to a shade better.

    Well, smoking's bad mmm'kay? So, it reduces your stamina a bit, but it also affects your thirst. One cig= about, I don't know, 3 minutes of continuous running for both stamina and thirst? Just a guess. Also, this is something of importance for the dark. The cherry. That nice little bright red as you take a drag. Well, if someone is scoped in, they know where to hit your face now. You won't be as hidden in the night, and the smell might attract zombies.

    That's it for my suggestion. I don't know how realistic it is, and like I said, I can't play much right now. Just a couple of hour sessions whenever my roommate lets me use his PC cause I can't afford a new one, and busted laptops don't exactly play games well. My experience with everything on this game is low, so this is purely something I would just like to see in the game when I am able to play regularly.

  7. I do believe realism is to be the name of the game here. In reality, there are women. The majority of women are, in fact, smaller than men when it comes to the human species. So, you've got a smaller target now. I know I won't be using a female, because I'll get shot in the first place. Half the posts have been about people shooting girl characters with guy voices.

    I guess what I'm saying, though, is that you have to adapt to this situation. The solution is not going to be spoonfed to you, and I'm sorry that it's that way. It's survival though, and the addition of the most cunning of all creatures happens to make me happy for yet another challenge.

  8. I've only played a couple of times on my roommate's account (my pc's graphics card can't handle it yet). I've hunted a good number of people. It's a great way to play. I've also helped a few people. Also nice.

    I've seen some VERY smart bandits and survivors, and I've seen some who will probably be in assisted living for the rest of their lives because they just keep doing things only mentally challenged people would. If I ever see OP, whenever I actually get the game myself, well, let the hunt begin my friend.
