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Everything posted by niotna

  1. I like as much freedom as possible in any game. In DAYZ though, people should think of giving players a reason to kill others. As well NOT to kill others. Else, the genre will tend too much towards a form of "COD with zombies" type of game. It only depends on how limited or unlimited our phantasy will be. Also, these settings related, should be alterable in server tools. Why not add a "warning sound" when other player is within 50 meter range? Or within viewing range? Why not allow players to choose to play "friendly", and allow them to have much more health (5x the usual), than those choosing "bandit" (But let them die when killing another player who didn't start shooting at them, for not to allow misuse their choice) Why? Bandit has to do lots more to kill "friendlies", While killing other "bandits" isn't any harder. Bandit has always the dillemma: Should I start this fight, or not? One of the main reasons for me, not to like the game so much anymore, is the almost always Killing On Sight happening lately. If it would have any reason, I could understand. But there is no benefit, and thus no motivation to not kill other players, and play together. It just get very very boring, to being shot all the time, carrying almost nothing, not being able to even start playing a game (spawn killers). It just takes away motivation. For me, if on certain servers, a "wanna take revenge?" button would appear, being killed for the xth time at spawn or close by, allowing to respawn in the neighborhood, fully equipped to do just that, would be welcomed very much... Then those dirtbags would have something to worry about all of a sudden. Talking about a challenge, everybody yells about, that they want... Well, that would be one.
  2. Liberty is to be found in setting up servers as you like. And allow people with the same game style to find each other. Now already, there are Dayz servers that allow only PvE. Else you get banned. That is only because the server tools seem to be insufficient to enforce certain rules. I don't mind others play their way. As long as I am given the abilities and opportunities to play mine. THAT is the core issue. (BTW: not only a Dayz matter; this goes for many games. Thing is, that a lot od DEVS want to enforce one play style - the one they envision. And don't allow others to go beyond that. I could give dozens of examples - amongst those even very recent games - but I'll only give one example: BF3 enforces the scope reflection on 8x ans 12x sniper scopes. We had a sniper clan, who very much wanted to play sniper versus sniper. We even rented a server at start. thinking it foolish to give away your sniper position with that stupid sniper scope flaring, we hoped it would be an option that could be turned off. Not so! Result: no sniping for us the way we would like to play, with a great game, that uses a great engine. Why? Because DEVS don't allow it. It isn't part of their vision. - Small addition: sniper ghost warrior one, had a small compass with a red dot, giving away enemy positions by definition. - Wow! Very exciting! Sniping, and in real time knowing where the enemy is to be found! Only months after release, there was a patch released, giving away the possibility to not have the red dot on the compass. Result: Way too late, all potential players had left the game for what it was already months earlier. Only as good as empty MP servers to be found... AND above all: A very big mistrust towards future releases of the same DEV. team. Talking about a missed chance, no?) Thing is: Freedom in game setup, and indepth server control through proper tools. That is what gaming should be about. That is what makes it fun. And here the real big succesess like COD 1,2 and 4 on PC can be found. (Once they cut off the extended server control, the series got a name of having become "child play". And they just had! (How many times players say to each other in games like Dayz: "Go play COD if this is too hard..."? That says everything, right?)
  3. niotna

    Please Lower Zed's aggro range

    Zed's are irregular... sometimes one doesn't attack me at all; sometimes, one comes running from great distance, in a way, that I think: How could he possibly react on me? I know, because of the loud cry and starting to run from a very far distance... No idea why that sometimes is... Also, some ZED's seem to see/hear you lot better, once they spotted you once. Even when outrun long distance, changed to crouch, or even dropped, and barely can't be heard, they come right at you. Then, others, can stand next to you, and do nothing. Any good youtube on: "How to deal with ZED on DAYZ"?
  4. niotna

    The Cure!

    Nice idea! If it has its own characters and chain of development next to the "normal" character. All gameplay should be possible, because everybody should be able to play the way he/she wants. But not necessarely mixed up with one another, and crossing into each others world. The technology exists. Only thing we might lack, is the imagination. As a separate game type, I say yes. Why not?
  5. Key bindings: - More organised (grouped together), more logical, keybinding system. (All bound keys visible! In ARMA 2, sometimes not all keys can be seen... ---> larger window for cotrols?) Multiple keybindings for one function should stay though. It is a very good function indeed! - Ability to export profiles - keybindings - settings; for when one has to re-install (new PC, etc...) - Controls should reside under one keystroke, to change them. Without having to go through all menu's. (Exc.: Like CTRL+C brings up the control screen at once - Why? One needs it most for checking key bindings. Can be painfull process... with lots of mouse clicks) - Certain visibility functions, like brightness etc...(those with a scroll bar), should be adjustable, while in game (CTRL+'+' / CTRL+ '-' adjusts brightness in real time) No more menu hopping, to check if brightness is fine or not...
  6. Voice comm. for communicating close by: whisper mode, normal speaking, and yelling. (Accordingly loud voice) (This instead of chatting in global or side channel)
  7. A third slot: One for main gun, one for pistol, and one for hatchet. Or all "belt tools" could be quickslots. Faster weapon switching...
  8. The grass issue...: Grass all around. Or no grass. (Only grass close by, lying in "grass" to be shot like a duck is unfair; but most of all not realistic at all.)
  9. A better server browser than ARMA2, with all kinds of filters, AND AUTO UPDATE TO SERVER VERSIONS AND MODS... Functions DAYZ COMMANDER or WITHSIX do right now...
  10. I don't know if this was already suggested. Unable to read all those posts in here... But I would like to see, a "friends" game mode. Meaning, that the game could have a friend system. And using this, it would be great to on a server, enable "friends" play and spawn as a team. (Maybe to keep things balanced, max four?) I know, I know... So many players like the hardcore play to play alone etc. Don't wanna take their fun away. Only, I would like to play with a bunch of friends. Against other teams. (Or loners, I don't care...) WITHOUT HAVING TO SPEND TWO HOURS OR SO, TO FIND THEM... OK, put a cooling time on respawn, like 5 minutes or so, after having died. Or let spawn a friendly player like 1 km away or so. Or, instantly, if a whole enemy squad was killed. I mean... Thinking out of the box, right? Well, as much out of the box as I can think of, in enjoying a great game, TOGETHER WITH MY FRIENDS. And if I play 3 hours after work, I don't want to spent 2 of those just to try to find them... If not being killed in that time... One could also create with this game mode in mind, a world, or local, or server dependant chat lobby, in which players can team up. Teams would be able to be locked up, so no other, unknown guys can join, if not wanted. Players who do want to join the team, should have to ask permission first. (To avoid others join, while in fact being hostile, or belonging to another team in fact.) Can you imagine, ten teams of four, or more, going against each other on a large map? Confrontations would ask for more tactical. Not just run and shoot. Because other, more, players around? Think it would be great! And, to make things more comfortable, one could add nametags for friendlies, visible in an area of 100 meters or so. Or/AND...with all these different army skins around on armaholic... Why not let teams choose their skin, to enable to recognize each other? All this,as setup, under server controlled options... (want six teams of 8? Why not? Why would one stay in the box?) For me, the basic motivation of playing, is friends playing. Gaming is a social activity for me. One of the reasons why buddies of mine get tired, of playing dayz (or even won't consider trying), is the lack of comfortable teamplay! Beside this teamplay, people should be able to play on "single play" servers too, of course. I would play that style too, if nobody of my friends are online. Sure! I think, whatever critics of dayz diehards may throw up, this idea has a big potential. Most of all, because it gives us something to enable us to convince friends to play this great game style. Through teamwork. Instant teamwork.