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Everything posted by ahyokata
Nah man, spawned at night hit two towns hiked 3k or so, and not a bean to be found. Searched all buildings in Mogilevka repeatedly (after leaving area and coming back.) But I'm blinged the fuck up with watches all the way to my armpits! Feel like Jay Z and shit :)
It's Impossible to See at Night! - Other threads will be locked/deleted!
ahyokata replied to daish's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Now, I am aware that this is in alpha and I accept being a tester of sorts. I love the game and support it through the high and low points...I'm patient. With the previous ability to adjust gamma to a point where you could see well at night...in the forest...being able to discern different blades of grass, was maybe a bit exaggerated with respect to realism. I have spent months at sea in the middle of the pacific with the ship in blackout (no exterior lights/ shades drawn), and I could see quite clearly with just the illumination from the stars, and with the moon, sheeeit I could almost see as good as the "gamma nightvision". I have also conducted nighttime land navigation (in the forest) over miles and was rather adept at it. This was with a search and rescue outfit in the Washington state. Now, when I play at night since the gamma nerf, it is virtually impossible to walk, well anywhere without being able to distinguish any shapes/structures/zeds. Yeah, I know we get a flashlight now, great /sarcasm, I dont like announcing my position to those with a jacketed lead accelerator if I dont have to. I think that these gamma nerfs have been taken a bit too far to the point that I am less inclined to play a game that I really enjoy. Not being able to make out an open fields' contours on a dark starry night is pretty un-appealing. Maybe we could have the devs sprinkle magic unicorn dust on the computing device and let us have the ability to tweak the gamma to a little more acceptable level. -
DayZ 1.7.1 Discussion - Others will be locked/deleted!
ahyokata replied to Tigerr13's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
How I Eluded a Zombie Horde With No Gun
ahyokata replied to MissBehave's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I was chased by one zed for about 2km while standing running, dodging between pines and shit...he still pursued. Finally i went to a crouch run and did the same thing, and he FUCKIN FINALLY stopped chasin me *cause i was makin less noise apparently* -
This thing, How do I get rid of it?
ahyokata replied to manowar's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The mouse steering is actually nice once you get used to it. Its allows for better control of a vehicle, as opposed to using the A and D keys to turn. Try getting used to it in some of the Singleplayer campaigns -
I wrote a little story about my "stranger" experience in "dayz stories". I was solo observing the NE AF at night, just watching ppl move about. They were sneaky, but one accidentally had a hopper after him. I was ~700m out with my DMR and NVGs, and took aim with one shot at the zombie. My reasoning was that it would be safer for them (who i didnt know), if I took the shot rather than them aggroing the area. The zombie died and they moved out alive and well. They could have been in a bad situation if I felt like shootin at them, but, I didnt need anything from them. It was interesting listening to my inner monologue and decision making while I observed them for 15-20 minutes... what an amazing game.
The drop chances are low, I have never seen one in any barracks. However, that drop (acquire) rate can go up if you are lucky enough to hunt another human that has them. I was out "huntin' wabbit" near the NW field in a location from which I could fire my sidearm with no Zed threat... well, someone stepped into my trap. The reason he bled out was because he had a sweet DMR, and luckily he had NVGs on him. /win
My buddy and I had been playin and trying to meet up, so we picked a spot and made towards it. He had been alive for the 2 weeks prior, and was well kitted out. We had raided Stary and the NW field quite a few times... So as we are making to our rendezvous point I all of the sudden see "Maxime was killed". He was not in a friendly area, and who killed him, cause I was gonna be a mushroom cloud layin mothafucka, MUTHAFUCKA (on his face with my DMR). He humbly and sadly muttered..."I...hit...Respawn..." NOOOO!! If there were a way to make a confirmation box for respawn that would be great, no, amazing for cases like these. (I know its alpha, and I accept the alpha challenge:))
I have found probably 6 crash sites, and just before my 6th site found, I learned that loot was on the ground around it (not inside). I scoped it out from distance; took out the surrounding zeds from distance and only found one loot pile with a little bit of military ammo and such. I presume it must have been looted a bit earlier. I was just west of bereznino.
Details for sniping and mil dot usage for ARMA 2 attached in pdf file below
Rocket I love you: Going out of bounds - exploit or acceptable?
ahyokata replied to Publik's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I remember reading a post about this, however it was most likely lost due to the rollback. Rocket, if i remember right, stated that it was fine to be "out of bounds". If you look at the bean finders map, I have been close to the edge, but never passed beyond it. That map shows more of the terrain than the http://avidblur.com/arma2/ map. -
So, there I was bored with my DMR. I decided to head to the NE airfield at night with my NVG's. I have only killed one other survivor, and dont make a practice of killing others unless its necessary. I have been alive for a long time now and am fully kitted out. I get to the airfield and get into a good position to do a little observation before I make my way in. I dont really need gear but I figure if I can find a silenced weapon, it would be a nice addition. As soon as I get into position and scope in, I see a tent right next to the tower and 2 other survivors checkin it out. I wait, and observe that they are being cautious, but perhaps taking too long looking at the tent. One guy moves off to the hangars, and returns to the tent...all the while, my finger is resting lightly on the trigger. They dont appear to have anything on them that I need, and I struggle with morality due to boredom. Should I shoot? I ask myself..."no, they arent even a threat". I had the perfect opportunity to take them both down, and then I see another in the top of the tower. I dont know if they are a group of 3 or just 2; and watch the guy in the tower to see if there will be an altercation between them. I lose sight of the guy in the tower and the other 2 look to be making a careful egress by way of the hangars. One of them in the far hangar gets some aggro from a hopper, and here, at ~700 meters my morality kicks in. I sight in on the zombie, adjust for elevation and squeeze the trigger. The zombie dropped, but I am not sure whether I hit him or not. (I hadnt checked my zombie kill count before). But I figured it would be better for me to fire on the zed than the guy surrounded by them. The 2 survivors obviously heard my one shot and boogied outta there. I watched them make their way SE, but not sure if they were coming after me. Had it been me in their place, I might try and make an advance on the sniper (who could not have possibly seen 700meters at night w/o NVG's. All of the sudden, "session lost" pops up. well damn, I say. I wait for the server to come back up and log in. I never had their names, nor did I previously say anything in chat about the situation. But when I got back on, I moved position and let them know in chat that I had been watching them, and that I had taken my one shot at the Zed in an effort to help. I did not know you guys, but felt like I acted as a "guardian angel" (whether or not I hit the zombie). I could have taken both of them down in short order, but I didn't. Good luck out there fellas, not everyone is out for your beans.
20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon
ahyokata replied to rocket's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
NO No melee ability, and not enough enterable buildings to provide weapons for everyone. -
Just put on the ghillie suit. What are my chances?
ahyokata replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I found a ghillie suit pretty much when just after beta was released, and have not had a problem with spawning in an ocean. I also have jumped around servers because I like to find night servers. -
What happened: was in the water at a pond and started sinking and couldnt move momentarily until i messed around and got unstuck Where you were: at the shore of a pond. 2402, -8574 between sosnovka and zelenogorsk. (coordinates almost exact) What you were doing: finished filling water bottle *Current installed version: 1.60.84 i believe *Server(s) you were on: Dayz zombie RPG dallas 6 *Your system specs: AMD 3.2 quad; 750w corsair PSU; 16gig ram; factory Nvidia 560Ti; windows 7 64bit *Timeline of events before/after error:entered water to fill bottle. filled bottle. got stuck, and unstuck myself with a little effort
Ghillie suit makes your pack unlootable.
ahyokata replied to SensenmanN (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Man, I read this and felt a sense of dread. Although I hadnt been shot at when i logged off, I was worried because I had a ghillie, coyote pack, AND was overlooking a tent...I had to log on to see if i was still alive. Thankfully it wasnt me :) -
My advice, be a little bit sneakier than a sneaky guy, put one in his dome. I was cruising around at the NW AF in a great little location (which i will not disclose), and a sneaky fella walked in front of me with a DMR and a ghillie. He wasnt as sneaky as me. Thanks for the NVG's mate and the DMR. I ended up droppin my M16 ACOG, and in retrospect, I wish I had kept it. But it was my first DMR...AND NVG's.
Good story bud. The great things about this game is its put forward with tales like these. The danger is real, and so is your humanity. You put yourself in the situation and that is where your nature, skills, inner dialogue, and actions determine how you survive.
After having broken some bones due to a bug/glitch. I proceeded to crawl from Just north of kabanino to grishino and finally to the NW airfield...yea you heard me, I crawled all that way in search of painkillers. It was a long journey but if i had passed a deerstand in that area i wouldnt have been able to get in, let alone stairs. So, i was shit outta luck and ended up dying to a horde at the NW field. Long story short, would it be possible to have more access to painkillers on ground level. If not, no worries; after all survival in a zed apocalypse is a bitch. And, maybe it was just my bad luck yesterday during that encounter, when i was playin today i did notice a lot of painkillers laying around the Central Western cities. Not sure if Rocket telepathically heard my pleas but oh well. Great mod btw!
I love this idea of stories, and i must say this is the MOST engaging game i have ever played. I love the idea of this mod. I started my day in Krustoy cap on the SW coast. Having a map open on my other screen i was able to get my bearings immediately, it was night; so i found the big dipper, and then the north star (kudos on the celestial aspect). I made my way to msta, but i had spawned with no backpack or painkillers (basically everything thats awesome) and only had a couple bandages and makarov mags. I got into trouble in Msta and ended up with only two rounds of ammo and began running around trying not to die just south of msta when i see a deer stand. about 7 Zeds were on me when i reached the stand, this is all while someone was watching me from the forest line. I got to the deer stand and low and behold was a grip of makarov mags. So i finished off all the zeds and made my way outta there. I went from a state of hopelessness to utter relief when i found that stash. Had a great time afterwards exploring and replenishing supplies, and ended up traveling about 30km conserving ammo, doin the "sneak" and surviving!... After i had hit up the NE airfield (still with no backpack) I ran all the way down the coast to electro. but during this whole excursion i was low on food and water; and i began pondering whether to hunt and kill another survivor, mainly for the backpack and hopefully some meds. The thoughts went through my head, and i decided i would see if i could bait someone, or luck out and see some new spawn run with a flare. after passing through about 3 coastal cities seeing survivors...following, tracking...HUNTING. MY Pulse raised as i'm training in on them, and after a few seconds... i put down the gun and moved to a better kill zone. It was then that I heard flies buzzing and saw 2 bodies. I inspected them and HOLY SHIT! The entire reason i had considered taking a survivors life was that he had a pack and i didnt. The two bodies had some food for me but most importantly, was the backpack! I nabbed the alice pack and all the gear i needed, and abandoned my hunt of that survivor, and made for the hills... Survivor, you are lucky, and i lived a long life after that with a clean conscience. I come from a background of being a volunteer search and rescue member in washington, and am well versed in land navigation. and i gotta say one of the most enjoyable parts of this game is learning/finding/knowing where you are at, and finding interesting routes through the wilderness...goes to show ya that a map is one of the most important items in real life or this game, when it comes to this sort of situation.
Location: 5882, -4914. therabouts Time: 2130 EST 5/26/12 What happened: I was heading north from kabanino to grishino and while i was crouch running through the woods, i tried to go prone to gothrough 2 bushes, and all of a sudden i had blood loss, broken bone, and was in pain. *Current installed version: 1.60.84 i believe *Server(s) you were on: Dayz zombie RPG dallas 23 *Your system specs: AMD 3.2 quad; 750w corsair PSU; 16gig ram; factory Nvidia 560Ti; windows 7 64bit
Date/Time: 5/25/2012 0100 EST What happened: Was crawling prone inside a house with no Z's nearby, and when i turned around (still prone) near a wall, my leg mysteriously broke Where you were: Inside a house, i think in kamenov What you were doing: turning around while prone next to a wall *Current installed version: 1.60.84 i believe *Server(s) you were on: Dayz zombie RPG dallas 1 *Your system specs: AMD 3.2 quad; 750w corsair PSU; 16gig ram; factory Nvidia 560Ti; windows 7 64bit *Timeline of events before/after error: was on the sneak before and after, not engaging players or zombies. played for 2 hours after with no incident.