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Everything posted by ahyokata

  1. ahyokata

    Dual boxing accounts step by step guide

    Thanks for the guide DaddyO, exactly what I have been looking for!
  2. Same here man, I last played at around 6 am EST
  3. Man, everytime I log into play Counterstrike people try to kill me...WTF! I will definately not be playing that game anymore until there is some sort of safe zone. I'm soo sick of it, and just wanted to post my grievances. Going back to playing "Hello Kitty Island Adventure"
  4. Right on Skepy, I'll check it out. Tonights stream from sacriel had a pretty assault on stary sobor where oshi and sacriel stormed/flanked the big metal barn near the tents!
  5. ahyokata

    DayZ Stories

    Lost a 15 day character to a couple bullets... no biggie, fresh start incoming and its always fun to run willy nilly through towns grabbin loot. Spawned on Krutoy Cap, ran to electro with a crossbow, found gear, made it to the supermarket, met 2 friendlys...died to a horde the 2nd guy dragged in. No biggie. Spawned again west of balota, made it to airfield with a broken bone and met another friendly who didnt shoot me. I'm feelin lucky. Told him I was gonna crawl to cherno and pick up some meds. He offered to go pick some up for me and got on skype together. After chattin I found out he was one of the friendlies in the supermarket in elektro and had a good laugh about how we died earlier, and were amazed to meet up again. He headed off, got shot dead, and luck of the draw he spawned again in cherno. He looted the shit outta the hospital, came back with blood bags and morphine. I was all better, and had an alice pack full of various military ammo. We ended up clearing all of cherno lookin for an alice pack for my bud. He was new (3rd day of playin). And after my 1+month experience I showed him all of cherno's sights, runnin and gunnin' with my 1911. After stocking up we head back to balota airfield. Heated up our barrels on some more zeds at the factory buildings at the East end of the runway and make for the barbed wire tents. Cleared some more zeds and walked up the berm to do a check of the hangars for people. Apparently someone was in the area that had heard our noisy adventures. And not 5 seconds of being up on the berm I got hit in the leg from a sniper in the treeline ~140 m away. Luckily we could escape out of his line of sight by going back down into the berm. My buddy patches me up and blood bags me. We decide that we dont need to go to the hangars, hehe. So after we evade along the coast we get into kamishovo and had angered some zeds and ran to the red brick building. The zombies began coming in from both doors, 2 were on my buddy, just wailin away on him. I had my military shotty trained on those 2 and unload. Unfortunately, Bubba panicked and ran into my shotgun fire. He went down, unconscious and getting eaten, it was all my fault! So I unload on all the zombies but due to some wierd glitch they just wouldnt die. I backed out, and the zeds and his corpse disappeared. I fired a warning shot in my friends bulbous ass! He actually spawned in the same town and we had a good laugh about it, but he couldnt pick up his lost loot.
  6. ahyokata

    Fix for the Crossbow

    I personally love the crossbow, aside from the sights (or lack there of). I wish it was more feasible as a weapon but due to its glaring limitations, it leaves room for improvement. Stackable bolts/ proper sights aside, the only way i have been successful with this "gun" is when Crosshairs are enabled. I did a silent raid on Stary with it and truly appreciate its potential. And I read (but not tested) that if you kill a zed and have trouble finding your bolt, you can use the "hide body" to get your bolt back because it apparently drops the bolt at the place in which the zombie/player died.
  7. I love the mosin, its the best $80 bucks I have ever spent. What a great gun, its a beast, but its what held off "ze germans" in stalingrad back in double-ya-double-ya-two
  8. Had a full mag from my m4 SD disappear when i logged in today. sucks
  9. ahyokata

    lost 3 bizon mags :(

    I just logged in and found that I had lost an entire Stanag SD mag, now I know that I had 3 when i logged out and they were full. Ammo is precious for my M4 silenced, so I dont use it unless I really really need to. Kinda sucks but thats what alpha is for and bug reports.
  10. ahyokata

    DayZ Stories

    I log in, its night, no NVG's. Its dark, but I like it dark. Camo suit, M4 CCO SD, etc... I'm survivin' well. Day 6 now, got all I need, minus NVGs. Made a trek down to cherno from Putoshka, I needed some hospital supplies. After a successful infil/loot/exfil, I deer stand hopped Northwest, its still dark when i happen upon a helo crash site. Its out in the open, 500m from me...zed/player check indicates its empty. Run up, silently execute the infected in my path, find M14 and a MK48, both with ammo. Pass. Cruise up to the S end of the NWAF at this time there are 10 ppl on, and I can assume that at least 2 could be up this way, its a hotspot, and I felt like some action. So, I sneaky sneak up to the S barracks and use my lovely silenced M4 to finish off the zeds spawned inside the barracks. But even silenced the noise of glass breaking would be a sound cue to anyone nearby. I snuck up around the corner after dispatching 5 zeds, keepin my situational awareness on point, and when I rounded the corner, I heard something that I had not experienced before. It was a rapidly pulsing heartbeat, in the dark, position unknown. I had only peeked around the corner, and knew someone with ill-intent would have me dead to rights if I entered the barracks. I instantly fall back and remove myself from the area. I know that place is dangerous, and I had been 2nd in line to that party, and that guy/bandit was waiting for his opportunity, that I denied him. I boogied slowly out of the area, having lost nothing but a few rounds, to survive and hunt into another long life.
  11. Looks good man, i'm watchin it now, but the music is a bit loud and drowns out your voice. Edit: Episode one.
  12. ahyokata

    Bandit heartbeat? What is it and how it works?

    I was just at the NWAF barracks (South end and at night) and after dispatching a few zeds through the windows of the barracks with my silenced M4, I walked around to the doorway very slowly... And as soon as i turned the corner I hear a very distinctive heartbeat. It was beating rather rapidly. As soon as I heard it, I backed away because I knew if I had entered the barracks I would have been sniped through the windows on the other side, and my shots had made enough noise when hitting the glass. I made a slow retreat, and it was exhilirating, because that was the first time I had heart it in game.
  13. ahyokata

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    Found an M4 cco SD and a MP5 Sd at the NW AF and took both, I first tried the mp5 and the sights were pretty bad, but not as bad as a PDW. Even with headshots (@15-20m) the MP5 seemed to take 2 hits but it was as silent as a crickets fart. I didnt like it too much and kept the M4 silenced. Sadly when i tried to put the mp5 in my buddies pack it just disappeared, oh well.
  14. ahyokata

    Longest survival?

    Leaderboards should be able to tell you that information
  15. ahyokata

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    If you are going for realism, personally I think if anything it would slightly decrease the amount of noise (Very slightly) because the sound waves are coming into contact with the mist. Maybe I'm just talkin out my ass but seems plausible.
  16. Date/Time: 6/22/2012 2100 EST What happened: 3 weapons and ammo were in a military spawn location, but were "beneath" the ground, I knew there was supposed to be loot spawned there so I searched the area. I was able to bring up the 3 different loot piles in the "Gear" selection. However I cannot confirm if this has persisted since before because I was previously unaware that this structure (garage building) had loot in the enclosure. Where you were: Military structure (garage type enclosure) at green mountain. What you were doing: N/A (looting) *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Dayz zombie RPG NY 72 *Your system specs: AMD 3.2 quad; 750w corsair PSU; 16gig ram; factory Nvidia 560Ti; windows 7 64bit *Timeline of events before/after error: N/A
  17. ahyokata

    225 km2

    I OBJECT your honor. The above speaker talks like a fag, and his shits all retarded. Brought to you by Carls Jr.
  18. I looked through 14 pages of recent suggestion threads and found nothing on this topic, so here goes. I have been playing a month or more now and have been successful at doing the sneaky sneaky. Lived for long periods of time and had great times. However, with the implementation of 1.7.1 onwards and the implementation of superzombies (I know they are being balanced atm), combined with the no starting gear (which I like, aside from no morphine), my life spans are quite short. Since 1.7.1 zombies have now been able to spawn and stay inside buildings. I see this as a problem simply because there are already limited amounts of buildings we can enter that contain loot. Now, if every building were enterable, this would be less of an issue. I already start with nothing, and coming up on a town to find a house AND a toolshed with zeds in it seems a bit extreme. This presents a problem, because by the empty tin cans I needed to throw at them for diversion, were already inside the 2 buildings that i could not get into. Life in chernarus has been very unforgiving lately, and I think there needs to be a happy balance between realism and playability. And I know you guys are working hard at this, and thank you for your hard work.
  19. ahyokata

    Drinking from a pond or well

    +1 this
  20. ahyokata

    Patch plays perfectly fine...

    Haha, ^^ This. Enough said.
  21. I dont know corey, maybe your use of "fix your shit" and "maybe quit sitting on dick?" comments followed by your pleas for ppl to no be so aggressive makes my synapses short circuit.
  22. ahyokata

    Tin cans, how do they work?

    I had a problem with the cans as well. I had a zombie walkin towards me at about 20meters so I chucked a can which landed 10m in front of him at his 2 oclock, he continued on his path towards me, and maybe 6 seconds passed by before he turned around (maybe it was part of his path, i dont know). Im assuming it was his natural path, because they are very reactionary now even if im hidden and quiet. But maybe, Im just not used to the new super zombie senses since 1.7.1 (ish).
  23. Sir, I do not like it...no sir. The zombies are far, far too sensitive to anything... I bet if a cat quefed (spelling), that they would rip that pussy apart. I was creeping into the TeC building in electro on my belly and zeds were inside, around the corner...and upstairs. As I crossed the threshhold of the doorway it stood my character up (thanks arma engine) and aggroed the whole fucking lot of them. On top of that, I am none too impressed with the hatchet and its melee capability. The zombies have so far broken my bones 3 different occasions on two surprisingly short lives, leaving me to crawl around, with no morphine. I think they could use a little bit less bone breaking ability. On another occasion, I was up in the woods near staroye, watching some guy fight off a few zeds from about 40 yrds away, and as I crouch ran up to a tree to just observe, one of the zeds broke off and came after me. Are U serious? I mean, the zed wasnt even lookin at me AND I was behind a tree for christ sakes. Flame away if you need to inflate your egos, but there really needs a bit of tweaking. I'm a sneaky player and have had my scrapes, but this is really torturous, and reduces the fun factor by a bit.