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Everything posted by blizzlock

  1. blizzlock

    Spawning in the air!

    I agree with this, as it seems to happen when I'm logging out and into servers to often(Such as when it is night time).
  2. blizzlock

    How to report a hacker?

    You must screenshot things like this, and generally just him having a hacked item on his body isn't enough to prove that he spawned them. Edit: I should also add that you report hackers in the Cheat Reporting Section of the Forums.
  3. blizzlock

    How can i switch into 3rd person view?

    Num-Lock Enter is the default keybinding, however, you may change this in the options. Do remember that some servers have 3rd Person Disabled.
  4. Combined Operations will give you both Arma 2 and Arma 2:OA, so there is no need to purchase Arma 2 and Combined Operations. Some of the DLC will also give you higher quality textures.
  5. blizzlock

    Strange and fun bug/glitch I've discovered...

    XD That was hilarious.
  6. blizzlock

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I should be here to today's run, but I may be a bit late, my family wants to go out tonight. Just thought I'd let everyone know :).
  7. blizzlock

    What is rearm?

    Rearm is an Arma 2 feature that is left over in DayZ. It was there to allow you to quickly grab ammo from crates and what not. Its fairly useless in DayZ as it functions in a rather buggy way.
  8. blizzlock

    another newbie question

    You should check your key bindings to see if you have "Push to Talk" bound to a key, by default that should be bound to "Caps Lock".
  9. blizzlock

    another newbie question

    They probably asked if he had VOIP enabled, which by default, it is. And if you can hear your friend, it is surely enabled. You should make sure that the game is detecting your microphone. Does your microphone work on Skype and other VOIP services?
  10. blizzlock

    another newbie question

    Press "." to switch channels to Direct Communication. Period is the default key binding, although this may be changed through the options.
  11. blizzlock

    "Bandits killed..."

    Rocket is trying out a new feature where you will hear a constant heartbeat when looking at someone with low humanity, the lower the humanity the faster the heartbeat.
  12. blizzlock

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I wouldn't mind donating a bit to help out with the site. :)
  13. blizzlock

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I have also sent an application to Publik yesterday morning, doesn't seem like he came online yet. Should I just wait?
  14. Well written, this should be sticky'd. :)
  15. blizzlock


    Try rebinding it to a different key.
  16. Are there any specific requirements for joining? Me and my friend may be interested.
  17. blizzlock

    I paid $30 for this game

    You bought Arma II not DayZ. And its a Early-Alpha, these problems should be fixed by the time it's in beta. Don't complain because an Early-Alpha is buggy, that's what you're here for, to test it, so that the final version isn't full of bugs.
  18. blizzlock

    I made it to the 1hr mark finaly

    Take Leb's advice. There are multiple places to find good loot, if you look on http://DayZMap.info you should find many of these areas labeled with a high chance of "Military Loot", some good areas to find military loot are, Deer Stands, Military Camps and Airfields. The NW Airfield all the way to the top left is where the best loot spawns, but it is a far walk and the risk of dying there is high. So you should probably check deer stands and at least find a pistol before traversing over to the airfield.
  19. To enter Third Person you must rebind your key in Options/Controls. As for the frame rate, it would help if we knew your system specs so we could give some specific advice(Like Graphics Card specific optimization's).
  20. blizzlock

    Want 50$

    I'll help you out for free, my Skype name is "blizzlock1". I had no problems what so ever with installing it though, are you having any problems? Or do you just not understand how to do it?
  21. blizzlock

    Bandits and ledges

    I wouldn't call someone an idiot for falling off a roof, its really easy to fall currently with ladders being buggy and accidentally double tapping "W". Still a cool story though :).
  22. I'm not sure if you even need to login to eat in an incremental manor. I believe that the only time you would need to eat is when you login to play(Other then when you're hungry that is). Take what I said with a grain of salt as I am still unsure, although I haven't really had any problems with dying while offline.
  23. blizzlock

    Good Servers

    Arma 2 Free Version? Not sure what that is, but you do however, need to have purchased Operation Arrowhead to play DayZ. The open field you spawn in are probably the Developer Plains, that's a bug. If you've got nothing to lose, just press Escape and click Respawn, this will kill you. Otherwise, I believe I've heard that you are supposed to run 2 Kilometers East then reconnect to get out, but I never tried this myself. What error are you getting exactly? Does it actually give you an error? Or does it get stuck on "Waiting for Character to Create" or "Retrying to Authenticate"?