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Samuel P. Tinkersmith

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About Samuel P. Tinkersmith

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  1. Samuel P. Tinkersmith

    Which map is better??

    Chernarus is definitely the best multiplayer map, just because of the full immersion. My own personal favorite is lingor, just because I love the urban combat feel.
  2. Samuel P. Tinkersmith

    Need some help on this urgently

    Yeah, it is not really that big of a deal, all that really matters is the right enter-key which toggles third person. This can easily be changed in the control options.
  3. Samuel P. Tinkersmith

    How to lose Chasing Zombies, even a "horde"

    Yes, you can, but that caries the bad connotation of "hiding in a bush". Sorry bro, but I think I'll stick with loosing my zombies the old fashioned way.
  4. Samuel P. Tinkersmith

    LMB vs MWB

    Thanks for the tips guys!
  5. Really well done, only one thing that bothered me. You left an M1911 on the floor of the grocery store. (11:30) The seagulls with sniper rifles made me lol in the middle of Web Design. Beans for you my friend!
  6. Samuel P. Tinkersmith

    Chernarus Heroes

    (sorry for the double post)
  7. Samuel P. Tinkersmith

    Chernarus Heroes

    Name: Samuel P. Tinkersmith (in-game and forums...) Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, US Role: Private, escort, guard, scout, hero on many private hive servers. Would be fine taking orders. Tell us about yourself: I play a conservative game style, not making my presence known other than side chat. I try to help improve the gaming experience, shooting hackers and bandits on sight. I help out the bambis with care packages/loot drops and silent overwatch. I only have the survivor skin on the public hive servers due to multiple kills of hackers or KoSers (had hero for a while but I dropped below 5000 Thanksgiving weekend). Form of communication: I usually use skype, but I recently downloaded teamspeak, although I have never used it. Why would you be suited to this role? I have plenty of experience shooting, and stealth. I also work well with chain of command. Age: 24
  8. Samuel P. Tinkersmith

    Dayz Female!!!

    This problem was fixed in the last update... They improved the selection screen as well as clarified any miscommunication specifically having to do with gender selection.
  9. I really like the idea of having a clean world that is destroyed or bled all over by the humans. Has some psychological meaning as well...
  10. Samuel P. Tinkersmith

    Server 'Death' - the end game to end games.

    I am an avid roleplayer and would truly appreciate this addition, but I feel that not everyone is like us friend. Too many people fail to recognize that this is an apocalypse simulator, not just a way to run around shooting people and laughing at them. You are going to be playing with 10 year-olds who don't understand the role they will play in an apocalypse. They just want to be the Big Man and not the fount of innocence you imagine. In ideal world where you would be playing a game that is rated Mature with people who actually are Mature. Too many players are young and raised in a world where winning is all that matters. They fail to understand the big picture, if the humanity was on the brink, who will bring it back? They are not helping us as a species shooting people on sight, just because they might shoot them. Your Ideas would be perfect in a simulator of the world maybe a decade after the apocalypse, not during.
  11. Samuel P. Tinkersmith

    Where's all the kids?

    This isn't really a matter of what the media thinks. This is an argument of whether it is right to portray the murder of children(undead or not).