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Warp Theory

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About Warp Theory

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. The Siberian Wolves are recruiting mercenaries. We will contract our services out to other clans. In return, they will offer us food, gear, clothes, etc. If you are over 18 you have the opportunity to be an officer. If you have a military background and join, you will automatically be an officer. Do you need a road ambush set up? Contact us. Do you need us to secure a town or airfield? Call the Siberian Wolves. Are you fighting another clan? Give us some of your resources and equipment and we will give you armed support. This mercenary unit is still in the development process. We are open to all applications. I would ask that a form be filled out and sent to my PMs. From there I will contact you with vent information. You can also contact me directly on steam, my name is bobtron. Username: Age: Country: Experience in Dayz from 1-10: Ability to coordinate with others 1-10: Ability to lead, design, and further the mercenary outfit 1-10: Emotional maturity level 1-10: Military background (Yes/No): How will you contribute to this mercenary outfit? About yourself: Note section: Please keep in mind, this clan is new. It is just getting off the ground now with this thread. Thank you.
  2. Warp Theory

    Please don't implement passing stool

    My thoughts exactly.
  3. Warp Theory

    Please don't implement passing stool

    it just sounds like to much of a hassle. I just want to pvp and shit. the game has enough micromanagement as it is but if the poop decomposed fast enough and you only had to do it like 12-24 hours ingame time i guess it would be ok.... I guess it would be ok too if there were toilets you could use.. i just dont want to crap as much as i eat and drink and stuff.
  4. Warp Theory

    Please don't implement passing stool

    do you all seriously agree with this idea?
  5. I watched a bit of Rocket's discourse on the standalone game dated around October 9 2012: Please do not put passing stool in the game. It will be a mockery, and it will turn into the sims. It will detract from team coordination. Ventrilo : "Guys, I have to go take a crap, brb..." No. Please Rocket, please don't do this. If you agree with me fellow Dayz players, please post here. I really like Dayz, but this would detract from the game severely. At least make it so servers can disable this if you decide to implement it.
  6. Hi I am looking for a militaristic clan for dayz that has a command structure and does a lot of pvp. If you have a clan like that please respond to this thread and I will be in touch with you. Thanks.
  7. Warp Theory

    Best Private Server Hoster?

    the max I want to pay is 15. Is there any place I can rent a server for 8-15 bucks?
  8. Warp Theory

    Best Private Server Hoster?

    I am looking to make a private hive server with 16 people in it maximum but most server hosts only offer 50+ can anyone please tell me where to find a server host where you can get like around 16 people instead?