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Everything posted by treva_l@hotmail.com

  1. Hello, I'd like to start off with mentioning that I can play Arma2 on high settings around 40 frames consistently, but as soon as I switch to DayZ, I get between 7-10 on low settings. It seems to stay around 7-10 even when I change the graphical settings. I've also looked at other posts regarding the same issue, and it seems rather wishy-washy so I thought I'd ask. I've played around with the target line with OA, launched both before DayZ and all of that. At first I thought it was due to me launching through DayZ Commander, so I tried opening through normal Arma2 but it's still giving me major problems that make the game unplayable. If there's anything that can be done for this, I'd really appreciate it. If it's just DayZ being terribly optimized, I'll just have to suck it up and wait until I can afford a new GPU (hooray for being a poor college student) This is my setup: Processor: AMD Phenom 9600 Quad-Core Processor 2.3ghz Memory - 4.0gb Graphics - Nvidia Geforce GTX 285
  2. treva_l@hotmail.com

    Horrible FPS drop while playing DayZ

    Yeah I definitely understand the rig upgrade. My good computer completely crashed, and this is just spare parts and such. Alas, I don't have the money to afford a new CPU and GPU as of now which is kinda rough. I didn't know commander had launch settings however, so I'll have to play around with that. Thanks for the input!
  3. treva_l@hotmail.com

    Banned from DE 85

    Admins are not allowed to ban/kick someone for disconnecting from a firefight. It's considered admin abuse. I agree that it's very annoying, and people that d/c during firefights shouldn't be playing the game, but that doesn't change the rules. He shouldn't of been banned for this reason.
  4. Sadly, you won't get any of your belongings back :\ the only ones who have power to give items are very very high up, or hackers. You're going to have to scavenge all over again. Trust me, I know it sucks. Some other hackers that have been taken care of killed me while I was fully geared. :\
  5. treva_l@hotmail.com

    Best Revenge Ever definatly worth the read.

    I can also add that I was at said camp 2 or 3 hours prior, and it was empty.
  6. treva_l@hotmail.com

    Logging in unconscious?

    Date/Time:Almost all day today What happened:Every time I log on, I wake up unconscious and have to wait 5 minutes before I can move Where you were:NW Airfield, Gorka, Wilderness What you were doing:Nothing. At no point was I attacked by players/zombies. I just keep spawning in like this...
  7. treva_l@hotmail.com

    Sniping for Fun Isn't Banditry

    Recently, in my server a group of bandits were literally sweeping through elektro, killing every survivor they saw. They didn't bother looting, just killed literally everyone. Both had m4s, and also had 1 on sniper support. I took advantage of this, and killed one of them with a 1911 (they weren't that good, just had op weapons for the coast) than continued to kill another. My clan-mate also joined me, and killed the last with a mak. They continued to charge the location where they died, trying to get back to their loot, but failed in doing so. In my opinion, these are the kind of people that ruin the game. They were just killing noobs, and people trying to re-gear for fun. I saw dead bodies at the coast of elektro, making me think these people were actually afraid to go in because of the group of 2 or 3. That's why my clan and I do everything we can to eliminate these threats so people can enjoy the game.
  8. treva_l@hotmail.com

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

    Well, it treats me very well! :D
  9. treva_l@hotmail.com

    start off with SOMETHING

    Personally, I think we should start with absolutely nothing. It doesn't matter if it's fair or not, the game is meant to be an anti-game, meaning things aren't supposed to be given to you, it's not supposed to be easy, and it's not meant for everyone. I loved the update where we lost everything, it makes the situation seem a lot more dire, and the need to search everything actually necessary instead of everything being given to you.
  10. treva_l@hotmail.com

    a stop to death-dodging(Alt+f4)

    Recently, my group got into a large firefight. A group had called out the one I belonged to, so we moved into NW to take them on. When we entered, the firefight began, and we started taking them out. But, as soon as we shot ones with big weapons (L8A5, and others), as soon as they were hit with the bullets they alt+f4'd. This also happened later when we tracked one of the stragglers. As soon as he was on the ground, he alt+f4'd and we lost him as well. This is very frustrating, not only for us, but I imagine for everyone else. I feel that it would be possible to add in a "suicide" if you are to drop out like this. Just have alt+f4, or closing the game with out exiting be an auto suicide perhaps? I'm not sure, I'm just frustrated with the amount of people who want firefights, but as soon as they are close to losing the fight they quit out.
  11. treva_l@hotmail.com

    a stop to death-dodging(Alt+f4)

  12. treva_l@hotmail.com

    Make the old bandit skin a find-able item

    +1 as well! I've been wanting this as soon as they announced equip-able clothing!
  13. treva_l@hotmail.com

    Not able to die

    Date/Time: Sometime between 2:00 and 2:30 AM What happened: I took a hit from a zombie, got up, and continued to kill a zombie. I think that was the trigger, but I noticed I was in the negative health zone, and could continue being hit. I respawned shortly after I noticed Where you were: Near Castle Zub What you were doing: Fighting Zombies in an entry way