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About Fighterfungus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Fighterfungus

    How do I trade?

    Hello I am viewing the trade section on the forum and it all looks nice and dandy in all but what I dont understand is how you trade? becuase of all the different servers, is there a server that allows you to carry gear over or is it a offical dayz mod etc? I am really confused... thank you, ~ Fighterfungus
  2. Fighterfungus

    Player Camps

    Do people not get that some camps are actually friendly? Me and my clan killed about 4 people after landing in our camp in a huey becuase surviors we had given gear to for free (the reason for us having a camp was like a salvation camp) had spread the word on the server so a bunch of complete and utter twats thought they would take the lot, little did they know that if a clan is giving free gear and has a camp that actually they would have alot better gear, weapons and plently of ammo... We then destroyed the camp and have never though about doing it again becuase there are way too many bellends on DayZ.
  3. Fighterfungus

    Wanting to get a new PC for dayZ

    So it would run medium settings in a good fps?
  4. I am wanting to get a new PC that runs dayz smoothly and to a graphics standard thats good enough to enjoy, I have found a particular pc on ebay, of which specs are shown. Basically I am wanting to know whether it would be good enough for dayz. 2 TB Hardrive 16GB of 1333Mhz DDR3 RAM AMD FX-4170 4.4Ghz Quad Core CPU ATI Radeon HD 6670 2GB Graphics Card High Performance Motherboard Any good or another bag of shite? Link to the item; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vibox-4-4GHz-Fast-Quad-Core-Gaming-PC-ATI-HD-6670-16GB-2TB-Multimedia-Computer-/221141117446?pt=UK_Computing_DesktopPCs&hash=item337d09aa06 Can any body help Bambie me?