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Everything posted by Bonappetit

  1. Bonappetit

    Best place to find CR527 magazines?

    Found a couple of mags at car wrecks
  2. Bonappetit

    Overlooked spot?

    Time to go above Krasnoe, there's bunch of those just at the edge of the map .)
  3. Bonappetit

    Whats the point of this?

    Or use their "natural deodorent :P" to avoid getting noticed by zombies, like in Walking Dead :)
  4. If there was "I would get use to it, no biggie", would vote .)
  5. Hopefully a mountable horse one day :)
  6. Bonappetit

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    I've lost a gun when I've pressed an X to move it on to my back slot, also bunch of items where lost after I've looted them so just a heads up. The 0.56 experimental wasn't that appealing for me and I surely played on at least last 15 experimental patches. You can now place the item inside the item like it used to be few patches back, also the server seemed to crash often. I'm a big fan of this game but I'll have to pass on the experimental until it comes to stable branch.
  7. Bonappetit

    Authenticity: Time Acceleration vs Night Lights

    There's nothing better then coming back home from a job at evenings and have to play on nights only servers, thank god for accelerated times. We all know that majority of our community are possibly people in their twenties but even for teens that come back after school and not being able to enjoy much with 24/7 cycles is not interesting.
  8. Bonappetit

    Survivor Gamez VI Discussion Thread [SPOILERS]

    Besides some obvious issues I really want to see some better tools for commentators and maybe handle the commentary situation better. Tools felt clunky and it's really easy to miss out on some action.. actually when I think about it, we've maybe seen 30% of action and rest was missed. If we already have 2 commentators why isn't there any option that with one click they would be able to swap onto another commentator screen that actually found some action. I would really like to see them focus on this part as it's really important for us to be able to enjoy. I love the SGZ and I just want them to improve :)
  9. Bonappetit

    Q&A with Eugen Harton (Highlights)

    Good news, bit sadden on the customization answer as I would like some improvements there with more clothes variety so we all don't look the same after a visit to a military base.
  10. Bonappetit

    I need a good server

    I've been playing on a private shard LOOTPARADISE for 2 months now and I love it so far, usually full and a nice weather. But don't take the server name seriously, its loot is as any other server.
  11. Hopefully people don't mistake you for a berry bush ^-^
  12. Bonappetit

    Complete Fail

    I like to pretend that I'm Brad Pitt and zombies are just some crazy fans chasing me for autograph :)
  13. Thank god for lack of rain. At least my fps is slightly better without it.
  14. Bonappetit

    Spawning with no pants

    Maybe someone knocked you out before you managed to log off and stole your pants.
  15. Bonappetit

    Most wanted feature?

    Would love that :)
  16. Bonappetit

    so much for the struggle

    Neither starved or died in 0.55 on private 50/50 pop server. I sometimes honestly don't get this community. Loot is again easy to come by? Stop server hopping, stop whining and go play on some high pop private server... I loved the scarce loot but finding full military gear in an outside toilet was ridicilous, love it that is atleast back where it should be.
  17. Bonappetit

    Trading Post

    Added few items, still active!
  18. Found a couple already. One was a spawn I've never seen before, in front of that little flat barn which has hail pushed in one of the corners.
  19. Bonappetit

    Most wanted feature?

    Umbrellas, really. Once the rain is back I don't wanna catch the cold :)
  20. Bonappetit

    Ladder problems

    Maybe someone spread the butter all over the ladders :)
  21. Bonappetit

    My tactics for dealing with the 0.55 zombies

    Good tips for new people in here. I managed to kill the 0.55 zombie with the old run around and hit tactic but your hits gotta be on point to do that.
  22. Bonappetit

    closing doors in apartment blocks

    Also ability to push the furniture to block the doors.
  23. Bonappetit

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I honestly enjoy sneaking and this patch came like a present for me. Also besides that I started using my guns against zombies here and there which I never did before, it's a good practice at least :)
  24. Bonappetit

    Trading Post

    HAVE: - 4x blackskull balaclava - 2x black face mask - 2x olive face mask. - Mosin (no attachments) NEED: - 1911 with mag and ammo - Magnum with ammo - attachable pouches + gun holder for that newish beige vest - LRS Anything mentioned above Playing mostly at evening on EU servers, would prefer a trusted trader :)
  25. Bonappetit

    My character got wiped....

    Yesterday I've lost a character that was a couple of months old, he had everything you could possibly need and I don't even remember how many people I killed on it. I got disconnected from the server and when I tried to login back in it said it couldn't find my character so they put a fresh one instead. Friend told me that my character literally spawned dead and the character and it's gear textures spilled on the floor, was a fun picture though :)