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Everything posted by Bonappetit

  1. I would like to see you perform with 20 kilos on your back after a few miles sprinting. Perhaps if they introduce flamethrower the sway won't matter ^-^
  2. Bonappetit


    If they ever implement this it will scare the crap out of kids in this game ^-^
  3. Bonappetit

    Forest stations otherwise known as "Ranger" stations

    Like the idea and a bonus to that a working radio station inside it with which you could contact and/or leave a message with other ranger stations and perhaps green mountain incase you stumble upon a survivor.
  4. Bonappetit

    "Aging" concept

    While I like this idea I sometimes prefer running with a mask on my face and wouldn't like my beard clipping through a mask, for example current Dean's nose ^^
  5. Bonappetit


    I don't like this, it will spoil me like a LOT
  6. Bonappetit

    I am overheating

    Running shirtless just made it easier for me to take people down with one mosin shot. So a tip to that make sure to equip your gear when you're looting cities/military zones.
  7. Bonappetit

    Trading Post

  8. Bonappetit

    0.51 Magazine Rarity

    I don't remember the last time I've seen 1911 mag, I cary the gun in my bags on every character in vein =(
  9. Bonappetit

    How zombies will change the game

    Still won't stop those that camp on cranes, buildings etc. They'll just relog if they see a swarm underneath them waiting for him to come down.
  10. Bonappetit

    Trading Post

    I wish to complete my set so I'm in need of a Blackskull Balaclava, last two I found where damaged. I'm willing to trade all of the listed items for it. HAVE: BANDANA - Purple 1x, Black 1x, Green 1x, Red 2x, Camo 2x ( All of these can be face masks) - all pristine BALACLAVA - Green 1x - pristine Long Range Scope 2x - pristine Khaki Vest - pristine FNX scope - pristine WANT: BALACLAVA - Blackskull Balaclava 1x - pristine/worn 3rd person server EU Hurry up before I die, hehe :)
  11. Bonappetit

    It's Hard Being a Deer in Chernos

    Oh deer...
  12. Bonappetit

    Tired of spawning at the coast

    Meh, I would like to spawn inland then work towards the shore, find myself a nice boat and sail away
  13. Bonappetit

    Got Loot? (NWAF content)

    Couple of days ago I found 7 protector cases inside a fire station, soon enough they started confusing me as I couldn't remember where I've put each item ^-^ Now they're a decoration for some random bush, should of put them back on shelves where I found them :)
  14. Bonappetit

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    He looks more of a junkie then infected, cracks me every time.
  15. Bonappetit

    Where to loot (if there is any point?)

    If you're new and don't know where the loot is the best way to learn is by checking every house you stumble upon, after some time you'll know what kind of loot usually spawns in certain buildings. But if you want a shortcut you can always check http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus
  16. Bonappetit

    What can i do if i dont trust anybody?

    I barely run into someone, I mostly see them from the distance then just watching what they're doing. I wouldn't suggest trusting anyone in military zones as those places are well known as pvp zones where people just kos. If you happen to see someone and want to interact with them I suggest making sure you have an advantage and always have plan B incase things go south. Make sure to lead the conversation and tell them to drop their guns. While it can cause a mistrust from the early start atleast you're sure that you're the person in lead here and can present yourself as a nice guy. But I think of these method as more agressive one which I would suggest to use in military zones, but if you happen to find someone in some random village, running with your gun on your back and trying to communicate should be fine as well. Thing is you'll never know how the situation might progress so it can happen for you to die sometimes but trust me it's worth the try as human interaction in this game is hell of a fun.
  17. Bonappetit

    Where is the Amphibia? + Winter Camo

    I've seen 3x amphibia at the same crash site.
  18. I decided to seperate my binds as a sniper but I firstly wanted to hear your thoughts on it. I would like to bind better my options for zeroing, hold breath and aim down sight. At the moment I only have zeroing rebinded to my two thumb keys on my mouse. I could really use a bit help on this matter as I never played a game with this many options. Honestly I could only think of removing default left Ctrl bind and binding either hold breath or aim down sight but perhaps some experienced sniper in this game could help out.
  19. Bonappetit

    Mosin & Heli Crash Sites

    My favorite town is now Severograd, never seen anyone there and tend to find couple of mosins and bunch of ammo. Not a single building is looted there... But it involves a lot of running. Anyway if you really wanna gear up as fast as you're hydrated/energised move away from all those clusterfuck towns full of kids and hackers and go north. Think I've been there twice since I play and regret it both times.
  20. Bonappetit


    I think I found mine inside a prison on the upper floor at that bench by the doors, not sure but it was the prison building. I didn't even see it, I had my inventory open so it poped up by accident.
  21. Bonappetit

    Do we really need more towns?

    What I would like to see is, lets say a year after the official release, that they make a few touches on the buildings like degradation, cities with overgrown grass etc. just so we can feel how time is passing and effecting the Chernarus.
  22. Bonappetit

    The good and the bad of 50th patch

    Fully decked with mosin and all its attachments, rangefinder and AK74u with one mag all from one server. Also found 10 makarovs in NWAF tents and 6-7 protector cases... whats wrong with loot. Also thing that bothers me the most is running shirtless most of my gameplay and drinking every 2minutes. Well good side is atleast the zombies wont ruin my black tac shirt.
  23. Bonappetit

    Mosin Rangefinding

  24. Bonappetit

    Blank screen

    Yeah, that's gotta be it. I'll check it out later today, thanks :)
  25. Bonappetit

    Servers restarts too often?

    Don't forget to favorite server you liked. I remember spending a lot of time searching for a server where I wouldn't just get instantly kicked from an admin that wants to gear up.