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Everything posted by Karas1989

  1. Karas1989

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Now seems like a pretty good time to make a standalone annoucment Rocket. Just sayin'
  2. Karas1989

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Here's whats happening. Valve have finished HL3 and are releasing on 21/12/12. All other game releases are being forced to wait ntil the new year. The myans didn't predict the end of the world, they predicted GabeNs ascension to divinity. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/063/7/1/gabe_newell_portrait_by_freddre-d4rnffi.jpg
  3. Karas1989

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    If rocket had just stay quiet and not promised an announcment this week people wouldn't be so anxious. IMO rocket made his first real fuck up. We dont mind waiting just dont tease us.
  4. Karas1989

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    edit: offically 'calling it' incase im right
  5. Karas1989

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Does anyone else have a feeling there will be an annoucment of some sort today? Rocket said he was going to anounce something this week, considering devs like nice dates and today is 12/12/12 .. . . .you get the point. Also, considering 21/12/12 is 'the end of the world' wouldn't that make a good date to release the standalone alpha? just sayin'
  6. Karas1989

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Nearly two weeks into december and still no news on the standalone? Rocket, y u tease?!
  7. whare are you guys from?
  8. Hey are you guys EU or US? I'm rom the UK looking for a group
  9. Been playing DayZ on and off pretty much from when it took off (6-7 months). I've played in a few groups in the past but I'm not a fan of killing people just for the hell of it. So, I'm basically looking for a a group of suvivors who play the game because they love zombie games, don't shoot on site unless need and play to have fun. Would prefer players aged 18+ if possible. me: Uk- male -23
  10. applied. waiting for admin to approval. /retracted application