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Posts posted by combatcomm1

  1. Anyone know if there was a character wipe on Exp?? 


    I just logged in and I am back at shore. If you are killed after logging out does it tell you? Do you log back in on the "You are dead" screen if your killed while logged out?? 


    I hope it's a character wipe because even though I was in a risky log out spot there are no zombies in the new town and I was not in combat. 

  2. Well now there are several, almost 5 servers up with the version 124019. All full. I, and I assume everyone else has version 123906 since nothing has been pushed on Steam.


    Really weird if you ask me. All I know if it isnt meant to be played with two different versions. The game was acting waaaaay to wacky. 

  3. How is it possible to play on exp server where the server has a different version than the client?? Wouldnt you as the client not have the dependencies needed? The AK model, the animations, textures, and sounds?? I dont know.....


    SO after about 15 minutes I have come to the conclusion we arent actually suppose to be playing right now lol. Some very strange things happen when client and server versions are mismatched, animation bugs galore, more rubberbanding than ever and my first client crash ever. lol Ill wait till its official. 

  4. Same exp client version but higher version exp server is open and unlocked. Havnt been able to get in as it is full... Anyone else??


    LMAO, so I got in, there was a hand in my face...my hand, I pressed one of the F keys to see if it was a facepalm animation and now I am stuck in the handcuffed position and cant move. Can someone please blow my brains out.....


    Annnnnnnd n.m a zombie luckily found me. 

  5. Yah, looks like its not the newest exp version as those are still up and PW locked as SE servers with a different higher level patch. :( Nothing different except the P1 pistol for me too. Ill check to see if there are sticks on the forest floor or I can cut down a tree but doubt thats in this version. 

  6. I have NO RB and awesome frames/sync in California on German servers so I dunno why everyone is bitching about RB. Get a better ISP. 



    Anyway, yah checked a lot of the "no loot spawn" buildings hoping that was the update but nothing. ONLY thing I THINK i notice is the sun sprite isnt coming through cloudy weather now?? Not sure though. 


    EDIT:: Nope nevermind -___- there it is again, that incredibly ugly and unrealistic bright sun behind thick clouds. Although because I didnt see it before and the weather changed somewhat maybe dynamic weather has been added. As in, weather changes from sunny to rainy during the life of the server. 

  7.    If you think about it, not really. I eat just until I get full energized, then I don't need to eat for at least another hour IRL... Also, if this were real, running around like that all the time, all the stress, all the environmental factors, you're bound to run out of energy and hydration very quickly.


    THIS. To all the little bitchers and moaners and this mechanic who are just annoyed they have to stop and eat after running 500 km to get mad military lewtz, go try this in real like and see how fast you need water and food before you start developing headaches and cant run anymore.


    Besides it is a game, It would be a pointless mechanic if you didnt have to drink for 3 days like some humans can last under certain conditions. ie. NOT THE ONES IN DAYZ.


    Read a friggin boook guys. 

  8. Have to agree with the guy you quoted.

    Still haven´t died cause of zombies(even on 0.37 experimental) but as they are, they are more annoying then they have been in decreased numbers.


    Was able to loot the NWAF yesterday alone after a server restart and it was absolutely not fun.

    They see you through walls(and still run through), bring all their friends with, even if those zombies are out of sight and hundreds of metres away etc.. . I managed to loot the first 5 Hangars and killed plently of zombies till then. As soon as i arrive the firestation some zombies have been respawned and were running into the firehouse on my location.

    I felt like i killed 1 million zombies and not the fun way. I used melee half the way but I had to stop because killing them without bleeding can be impossible since this patch. Sometimes they hit me from 5 metres, when I couldn´t get any hits from even 1 metre(try yourself if you think I´m not skilled enough).

    Zombies are an important task to this game. When the SA came out I thought it would be enough for quite some time if the zombie count was increased and they would respawn. Now I think completely the other way around. Less zombies with a better AI first would make this much more playable and interesting.


    I tried to be sneaky and take them out from behind and what not. But there is no regular working way. Even at night when I was laying down 200 metres away without moving or anything, the complete Krasnostav Zombiegang attacked me after the first 1 was running into my direction. :(


    Sounds like someone is butt hurt they cant loot and KOS in peace without Zombies attacking (annoying) them. 


    I for one welcome the change as a small and I mean VERY small step in the right direction. I have been killed 2 times by zombies on exp. I am a DayZ vet. 


    Bled out once, mobbed another time with legs broken. It can only get better. I am so tired of everyone calling zombies annoying. To those people, when do you draw the line between annoying and a threat?? Because even when they are a threat they are annoying. 

    • Like 1

  9. Rope as of now, (as far as I know has no purpose) and the whole gun and axe sticks to your back with magic glue is that lazy kind of non polish development routes Bohemia really needs to get away from so this game can get a 9.0 or better in the reviews.


    I love how guns stay on the ground persistent so its easy to just drop your weapon in order to take care of other things like eating and bandaging. This is realistic.


    If you find a actual sling in the military camps or craft a sling by dragging rope over to your weapon or axe, than now you hand hang it from your body for quick switches.


    What do you guys think? PLEASE PLEASE go to this link http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1ym4kv/suggestion_can_only_hold_weapons_in_your_hands/ and upvote it as much as possible.


    It is unfortunate but the devs dont care about this community and prefer to check out reddit for suggestions.

    • Like 8

  10. It's been stated time and time again that they are working on new Zombie AI, new zombie physics (rag doll), and zombie spawn and respawn mechanics.  As the poster above said.  It's pointless to add it little by little when they are working on major code improvements that don't just happen over night.  As far as copying the code from the mod over... It's not that easy, all that code from the mod would have to be ported, then re-coded to fit the new mechanics of the zombies that are being worked on.  If you've ever coded ANYTHING in your life you'd know that its far far easier to re-write the code from scratch than it is to try and sift through thousands of lines of code and make the necessary changes to it.


    PLease please quote. They said time and time again zombie AI was being reworked MONTHS ago as in before the alpha released. And than, silence for months and months untill this day. And Like someone mentioned above, WHY the hell would they choose more players over more zombies with those FPS and server optimizations?? Because they care more about PVP than a zombie survival game. It sucks, but thats what they are showing. 

  11. Need some content! :)

    After 336 hour in the game (steam say) little boring :P.

    Need more interaction.

    Running is boring,camping boring too! :P

    Need hunting and more crafting items & more testable items! :)



    No NO NO NO! What is wrong with some of you people? AND THE DEVS for that matter. Every day this becomes more and more a Survival PvP shooter and less a ZOMBIE horror survival.


    Zombies are the number one thing Devs NEVER talk about improving. And the community is not far behind in letting the devs know they care. AI, Animations, scaryness, threat. I am beggining to think I am the only one who wants to see the Z in DayZ. I think Rocket just wanted to make his survival game and knew that if he didn't at least mention zombies in their weakest, crappiest form, it would have NEVER SOLD. 


    How the hell is moving a little icon in the inventory from one item to the next (crafting) fun??? You are moving your mouse from one place to the next. Who cares? Items? Wow, I found it. So fun.


    And then there are the "THIS GAME IS SO BOREING UNTIL TENTS!!" Tents?? Really? WTF is this? Squirrel Simulator 2014?


    You know what will make this game more fun? Fun zombies, lots of them that are challenging to kill with ragdoll and a variety of ways to kill them. Traps, fire, explosives. Randomness that ragdoll brings is key. I know they are adding it but dont hold your breath. Just look at ragdoll in ARMA 3......oh boy. Add that with the player element and THEN you have a perfect game. 


    Thanks for letting me rant. This game has so much potential. Every time I hear Rocket talk on a stream my enthusiasm for this title dies a little. 

    • Like 4

  12. This is probably the issue that people are complaining about when it comes to the current implementation. A general fix would to be allow both a jump/vault and a seperate climb over as we have now but initiated from seperate key presses i.e. under player control. The current set up seems to be too reliant on near perfect timing of key presses that don't take into account server/network lag, etc.


    But I'd definately not like to see it removed.

    Well, we need to make a ruckus then because he said "who the hell ever wants to do that!?!" (refering the slow vault) in the Eurogamer stream and said he was thinking about taking it out. 


    He did also say though that it's subject to community opinion so please either keep this thread going or go comment on the reddit version of this topic since we all know the devs hate this forum and ONLY comment on reddit. 


