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Everything posted by combatcomm1

  1. combatcomm1

    Suggestion : Death event

    I'd like to see this implemented as well. Along with leaderboards and a place that your stats are stored, not just after death.
  2. combatcomm1

    A cabin and the swamp....

    Some people.... There I am sitting (litterally in the sitting animation) at the cabin by the swamp in one of the US West servers enjoying the beach and drinking a beer waiting for some new spawns to roll up so I could hook them up with bandages. (In my opinion the most nessecary items for survival) I hear somebody to my right and coming up the creaky dock is a standard new spawn with a helmet on. I get up and announce im friendly. Now, I have an M4 with shit ton of ammo, Axe, vest, beanie, camo pants, the works. You'd think when I say "Friendly here, whatsup man?" a dude with nothing but his bare fist would stop. But nooooooo dude wants some! Serious KoSer bandit I assume who just got it handed to him and is a new spawn. He pulls out a WRENCH! LMAO Yes, A wrench and comes at me like a banshee! I still dont want to shoot him and try to manuever but end up dropping off the dock and getting stuck between the cabin and dock. I couldent believe I was going to get pummeled to death by a wrench. He tries to take advantage of my situation and comes at me. At this point I have no choice but to shoot. All my rounds hit the dock in front of me but at this point he knew I meant buisness. He runs off around the cabin. I finnaly end up going prone and under the dock and go around the corner to find him cowering in the reeds. Right before I pump 10 rounds into his chest, I say "Really dude? Really? Piece of shit! I was trying to be friendly!" Hopefully it taught him a lesson. On the other hand, most likely not. Just let this be a warning to assholes and wrench rushers, justice will be served. If this was you. Chime in. Id love to hear your side of this encounter. No matter how dick it was.
  3. combatcomm1

    Power Stations/Night Cycle

    Love it, it has been a long talked about feature. It would help to create "end games" so to speak. Objecitves that arent story driven but give people advantages and help set up civilization again.
  4. combatcomm1

    A cabin and the swamp....

    Wow, I like that. Its preatty heavy, but deffinately would work. It would fix KoS too for sure. People wouldent want to risk it. But good luck selling that to the devs. I personally like the idea.
  5. combatcomm1

    any way to get character stats?

    We desperatly need a STAT system though. It will add major replay value to beat your best time survived.
  6. One word.......STATS! Longest time survived VS Time survived with this character. Introduce leaderboards. It only registers TIME IN GAME! Not time youve had the character. People love leaderboards and being on top. I know some people think its gamey but I would think twice about KoS and possibly dieing if I might lose my beard and my best surival time. KoS will never go away but its the things that make people think twice that will help simulate real world empathy. People wouldent kill like this is real life. It is because it is a game and consequences are not like in real life that people kill like they do. No justice, no fear of prison or real death. So we have to simulate it some how. This is where I am ok with the game getting "gamey".
  7. combatcomm1

    A cabin and the swamp....

    Not really, if there had been a combat logging timeout he would have sat there while you chopped him to bits and the next time he logged in he would be on the coast with a new spawn. I have faith in this game.....I have hope that the community and culture will change when certain mechanics are introduced. This game is ever molding, ever changing, and so the culture and community will change with it.
  8. combatcomm1

    Unable to pinpoint where gunfire is coming from?

    Welcome to the Real Virtuality Engine boys. It fucking BLOWS Major in 2 areas. Sound and Animation. I hate it. I cant wait till BIS uses that 15 mil to create a new engine from scratch. This thing is like 15 years old
  9. combatcomm1

    A cabin and the swamp....

    I low crawl EVERYWHERE I go, minus areas where its safer to run crouched. Its slow and sometimes boring but I always get to observe enemies and get the drop on most people if necessary. I love stealth.
  10. combatcomm1

    Little to no updates for dayz for the next 2 weeks!!!!

    Yes, ARMA 3 does daily updates on the development branch. Then they agregate them for stable branch.
  11. combatcomm1

    Little to no updates for dayz for the next 2 weeks!!!!

    Does anyone know if they're planning on daily updates like ARMA 3 is doing or will be more like the mod where updates come out at random every few weeks?
  12. I know it's early and this is more a discussion/suggestion for the devs. I hope that when zombie respawns are implemented they are finally done in a way that is realistic and adds a new gameplay element to the game. One that could bring a substantially fun replay mechanic. I hope that the zombie respawn timer will not start untill at least 75 % of the zombies in a town have been killed. They should re spawn 15, 30 minutes or later after. When they do respawn they should respawn OUTSIDE the town. In the woods or something and slowly roam into town again as a massive horde. This gives groups time to fortify the town once those things are implemented. Then, the survivors can defend towns and their "bases" against the incoming zombie hordes. Now if a "mini game" of defend the town isn't a good addition I don't know what is. Discuss.
  13. combatcomm1

    Zombie Respawns and "Capturing" Towns

    Well, is there a way to get these ideas to the devs? I know everyone thinks their idea is the best and the devs need to look at them but there is no way they can go through every forum post.
  14. combatcomm1

    Zombie Respawns and "Capturing" Towns

    Louis that is good news but with all thier talk of base building they need to implement something for server hopping. Maybe if someone tries to hop into an area where certain amount of fortifications have been built it will not allow the joining person to spawn in that server.
  15. combatcomm1

    Zombie Respawns and "Capturing" Towns

    Well, I think the server hopping thing will be addressed or private hives. At least you could fortify against zombies. In any case I really hope zombies dont spawn immediately and not right in front of people. There needs to be a timer so that people can benefit from clearing out towns of zombies.
  16. combatcomm1

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    Since the mod first came out I have been strictly PVE and chose to try and not kill people. I am done with that shit. What happens is this game breeds a vicious circle. New spawns and new players want to join up. They want to be alone and have the excitement of finding another survival in the vast nothingness to help them out. But that never happens. They always end up getting shot and losing all their gear. So what happens? They essentially become bandits themselves after they get fed up. I will now be KoS purposefully for the first time since the mod came out. Well, only people with weapons. Ill still hand out bandages and such to those without weapons.
  17. combatcomm1

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Impressed with the character and gear texture quality guys. Top notch! Keep more stuff coming.
  18. combatcomm1

    New sounds for weapons

    Sounds and animation have always been the Achilles heel of Bohemia interactive. I wouldn't count on it.
  19. combatcomm1

    How long have you survived?

    Bleeding out from zombies mostly. I dont even try to stay alive until iv found some bandages. But I just realized you can tear clothing for bandages.
  20. combatcomm1

    Confirmation of changes? Again?

    Are there red dots next to the servers?
  21. combatcomm1

    The Alpha NEEDS a SUICIDE option!

    No, this is so going to be abused and all the people for this button are probably all just unhappy with their spawns. Suicide IF you have a gun! This is a game about realism, or at least as much realism as possible. No METAGAMING!
  22. Yah, I am ashamed to admit that both times I lost well kitted characters was while excessively server hopping. Maybe it's a feature? In any case I wont be serving hopping anymore. I cant wait till they implement the timeouts. I hate being able to server hop. It's just there....and so convenient. A interesting note to make, both times that I lost my character data I spawned inland. As far as stary sabor. Maybe a dev can make a correlation to help with bug fixing.
  23. combatcomm1

    Underground structures are possible

    VBS is a very different engine I believe.
  24. combatcomm1

    Better music.

    Add it. I loved it but often turned it off. For those that hate it just turn it off. Simple