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JCDenton (DayZ)

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About JCDenton (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. JCDenton (DayZ)

    Do you leave map markers?

    I generally mark up fire stations, general stores and hospitals when new maps come out. I dont mark barracks or helo crashes, though. Too much of a risk of someone finding an AS-50
  2. JCDenton (DayZ)

    More Night Vision devices

    So right now, Nights give you four types of people: flashlight noobs, Flare Noobs, Chemlighters and NVG/Gamma users. As it stands now, NVG's are a massive advantage. Not that this is bad considering their rarity, its just that most players don't stand a hope in hell against people with NVG's. Possibly why so few people play on night time servers. So why dont we add more common but less great Night vision devices? Such as to start out with a x4 Gen 1 active infra red scope. Pretty much low power scope with about 100m range, but because its active, anyone else with Night vision devices of any type, can see you like a flashlight. Following this, we go up getting better range, until you get to the current NVG's that have near unlimited range and are passive. Having the "civilian" NV scopes and very poor goggles spawn in game towers, the Gen 2 and passive spawning rarely in regular military spawns and the top end NVG's spawns remaining the same would mean that people would be less afraid to spawn at night.
  3. Heinz might object to the cherno beanz war however... Because you know...
  4. JCDenton (DayZ)

    Your vehicle experiences.

    Cars = Deathtraps. They draw far too much attention, are a pain in the ass to fix and are prone to fatal accidents. Especially the accidents, we've had loads, due to disconnecting, textures not loading and the good old lag. We do enjoy murdering people in vehicles. In Nemansk we had a UAZ nearly run us over before we opened up with an M240 and M4 AIM. Vehicle exploded, knocking the driver out, at which point we executed him. Pretty much: all of the Machine guns = anti-vehicle weapons. Oh and he was carrying an AT-4 (we think he stored everything in the car), M16ACOG and...Mountain dew! The curse claims another victim. We left everything on his corpse and fled for the hills, lest the curse claim us also.
  5. JCDenton (DayZ)

    So what is special about namalsk

    Banditry is more fun i have to admit, I've been doing it on private servers and the fact that most players will have an assault rifle makes for a real challenge. Everyone also seems more friendly, even had a newbie player run up to me and say hi. I proceeded to tell him to piss off or I'd empty a mag in his face (I dont shoot unarmed players, no sport in that) Also traded an M16A2 for a can of beans once, due to the lack of food co-operation seems to happen alot more, especially as things like assault rifles are really common.
  6. JCDenton (DayZ)

    Thermal scope on L85A2 changed?

    I would actually love for it to go black/white heat mode. I'm colourblind so it does my eyes with the red background (i cant make ANYTHING but heat sources out). Black and white gives me much more awareness of surroundings.
  7. JCDenton (DayZ)

    finding duped shit. everywhere

    The sheer volume of duped items is a real issue. My regular group now has a policy of destroying AS50's, M107's and L85's when we encounter them (even if they spawned in a legitimate manner). I miss the days when 90% of cherno snipers had CZ's, rather than the "fun" of .50's.
  8. JCDenton (DayZ)

    The Mountain Dew Curse is real I promise you!

    ingame is archer :P Fun times, the good old days, of players vs zombies vs ladders....
  9. JCDenton (DayZ)

    The Mountain Dew Curse is real I promise you!

    Didnt you just repeatedly die off ladders on the Namalsk private hive?
  10. JCDenton (DayZ)

    So what is special about namalsk

    There also seem to be some excellent new weapons too. So far i've found: AK-74 with GP-25 grenade launcher and a L85A2 ACOG with AG-36 grenade launcher. Very Snazzy. Warm clothing looks fantastic, and its good to seem temperature being a real concern. So so much of this is taken right from STALKER. Some of the buildings, the anomaly to the north and some items kicking about. Needs bloodsuckers, needs bloodsuckers badly.
  11. JCDenton (DayZ)

    The Mountain Dew Curse is real I promise you!

    Me and a friend almost got ran over by a UAZ in the middle no nowhere. So we opened up with an M240 and M4. Vehicle exploded and then we executed the driver. He had a mountain dew... We left it where it was, lest the curse follow us.
  12. JCDenton (DayZ)

    "That guy"

    Lancer once accidently shot me in the head with a makarov...
  13. JCDenton (DayZ)

    Namalsk Mines

    Exactly, its like the cherno bean warz. Only this time you NEED the beans to survive!
  14. JCDenton (DayZ)

    "That guy"

    Ever been in a group with "that guy" Aka, the guy who no matter how well you play, somehow gets all the kills. http://www.blastwave...?p=comic&nro=40 We've got a few characters in our group: Lancer: always no matter how careful he is, will get shot first. Doesnt matter if he is ghillied up in a bush 1 click away, he will die first. He will also be the one to die from terrain vehicles and general misfortune. That guy: Kills everything, headshots everywhere. Almost never speaks on coms. He scares us. The scavenger: Randomly vanishes and then comes back the next day loaded with awesome gear. No-one knows how he does this or where he goes. We suspect he sacrifices bunnies to the god of dayz The Noob: Has no spacial awareness, is trigger happy to boot. A friendly fire incident waiting to happen. Also panics when attacked by zombies and often dies to them. Has not improved in six months of play... We abandon him from time to time.
  15. JCDenton (DayZ)

    Found defect Night Vision goggles?!?!

    Found "Broken GPS" with the same description. wish we could fix these items!