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Everything posted by DookieJankins

  1. DookieJankins

    baiting people always fun

    You guys are too obvious with your baiting. Not just you, personally, but over the past few days I've noted stuff like this: "Party in Cherno" "Free blood transfusions in Elektro" "Hey can somebody come to the church and bring me blood?" Stuff like that is just stupid. It reads exactly like what it is: a trap, and I'm surprised people run into it. Me? I'll call out reports of bandits at, say, Balota Airfield, and maybe throw in a bit of the "I just died" rage chat. It has a pretty good success rate; people always seem to want to try their chances at known conflict. However, there isn't much of a chance when you're dealing with two people in the ATC on the doors, and a sniper calling out what you're doing and occasionally killing you outright. That method netted us 14 kills over a two-hour period the other night, with one guy coming back twice (guess he didn't get the message the first time).
  2. Screenshots will be along shortly. Incident occurred approx. 12:20AM 05/25/2012 on Virginia 25. Pilot was called 'Chernarus Transport.' I convinced the chopper to land at Balota Airfield to pick me up. After going through the motions (killing the zombies attracted to the noise), the chopper set down. We opened up on the crew and passengers. All targets killed, much loot taken. Shooters were: Dookie Jankins Temos Grim Again, screens will be along shortly.
  3. DookieJankins

    So I shot down a helicoptor today...

    That's after we landed in a bunch zombies. It was as green as grass until I had to cut the engine to stop the infinite pirouette. Your shots did not do all of that damage while we were in the air' date=' at any rate, this is a pointless thread, I'll not be posting in it any longer. I'll notify you later after I do a couple of tail rotor tests to see if you can indeed screw up a tail rotor even with green indicators. [/quote'] Something tells me that your pride's getting in the way. You flew into an ambush and were killed for it. The chopper went down under fire, likely due to pilot error. And nice evasion. The chopper was shot up. You claimed the need to repair it, and did so. You must have some pretty awesome luck to come up with the necessary parts to do so within such a short amount of time.
  4. DookieJankins

    So I shot down a helicoptor today...

    That's not a destroyed helicopter. This is a destroyed helicopter. And you conveniently went into a spin after we opened up? LOL. Sounds like somebody needs to work on their piloting. Military AARs tend to list such actions as "crashed due to ground fire." Really doesn't matter, man. You were dumb enough to trust... random people, with a chopper. Your crew and passengers got killed. In the process, one of us was killed. From our perspective, with non-explosive weapons (we had a shotgun, a CZ, and an AK), we got what we wanted: hilarity and rage. The only real bright spot from the actions you took was that you actually followed through; until we heard your rotors, we were convinced that you and a few others were just trolling. So props to you for that. Enjoy your chopper; you probably put quite a bit of work into it.
  5. DookieJankins

    So I shot down a helicoptor today...

    haha ! +1 The guy who took them is still in game. We asked for a ride from Balota to NW Airfield. He came in for a landing. Should have made that more clear; there was some confusion, probably due to lag, but he spun (on my screen) for about 15 seconds.
  6. DookieJankins

    So I shot down a helicoptor today...

    Not necessarily. After taking out ~6 zombies below the chopper, we simply shifted fire into the cockpit and crew compartments. The chopper went into a spin, and hit the ground. There was a gunfight on the ground, but the chopper itself was green, with many cracks on it, shattered glass, etc. As in, not functional. Yes, we tried to fly it out. We've got screens of the destroyed chopper. Stand by. Edit: and yes, you did. Only reason you're still alive is because your cockpit's bulletproof, by the way. Future reference: can't shoot through vehicle glass, guys.