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About nightops

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  1. nightops

    Gun Cleaning Kit Bug?

    Known bug at this point :( I just did it to my FNX45 and M4...now they are both worn. Double-hurt because there is a bug with not being able to remove handguards already attached unless swapping with an unattached handguard. Now my pristine MP handguard is stick to a worn m4 :(
  2. nightops

    *THIS* is why I KOS.

    Bah, that's the way it goes. I decided long ago that I'm going to be a good guy no matter what. I only kill bandits that are actually acting like bandits. If you are hunting fresh spawns on the coast, I will be coming after you.
  3. You guys rock. Thanks for all your help in the opening days of the mod. I appreciate the training sessions and the professionalism of your crew!!! To anyone new to the game, take these guys up on their training sessions (if they are offering them for SA).
  4. nightops

    Character deleted - WTF why??

    We believe you, we've all been there. It's just the way it is. Seriously, this is DayZ. Not to restate the obvious, but this is an ALPHA right now. Like others have said, don't get attached to your gear. If you played the mod at all, then you should be familiar with this concept. It's not harsh criticism...it's just the way it is. Don't take it personally - we've all lost great gear. With the latest patch I lost my pristine m4 with ACOG, MP buttstock and hand guard, bipod, and 3x coupled mags + a ton of other gear. Was I frustrated? Sure...but again, it's part of what you agreed to when you purchased an *early access* game. Dean and the crew are hard at work making a great game. These things take time. If you didn't have the patience to deal with these issues, then you should have waited for the retail release.
  5. nightops

    Character deleted - WTF why??

    Don't play? I wish I knew bro...can't really tell based on latency - that doesn't seem to be the culprit.
  6. nightops

    So M4 accuracy.....

    I just tried switching between multiple core M4 weapons using the following: Standard buttstock RIS weapon flashlight 556 Silencer ACOG coupled STANAG bipod --everything PRISTINE All of them had slight variations starting at about 100m...but not enough to truly miss my target. Even at 200m it was fairly consistent. At 300m I saw enough that I needed to stick to aiming at the body. I was able to achieve regular headshots at 450~500m after lying prone for a while and holding right mouse button to steady breathing, while my display for my character showed as "healthy". It seems that health level does play a slight factor in ability to take longer shots...but not drastically so. All in all, I'd say it's a pretty decent Alpha so far...It has brought me back to core DayZ. It does seem that, given there are already "conditions" for the accessories, the bulk of the weapon should have a "condition" as well that would be the primary factor in weapon accuracy.
  7. nightops

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Wow...where do you guys keep finding the black tactical pants/jackets? This is the closest I've come to it...
  8. nightops

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Current loadout: M4A1 with Suppressor, RIS, ACOG, bipod, standard buttstock (looking for MP), and flashlight 3x Double-stack STANAG 1x 40rnd CMAG FNX45 with 1 mag and a bunch of bullets and weapon sight Standard axe Ballistic helmet Aviators Gas Mask Military Boots Black Work Gloves TSKO Jacket/Pants UK Assault Vest Hunting Backpack Ammo Case filled with 30/40rnd 5.56 Protector Case with LRS, M82 Optics, Vial Full Med Kit ... oh yeah, and everything pristine. Had this guy since the release. Still need a can opener...lol. Guy is fully "healthy".
  9. What ever happened to the good ole' Q/E side-side movement? Generally that will let a player know that you don't have killing intentions.
  10. nightops

    -LOST TO ADMIN, US 3949-

    In Chern only, or do you have gear in Namalsk? I'm guessing private hives aren't gonna work for you :(
  11. nightops

    Traders and Traitors

    Another +1 for Swordsworn and his friends. Just traded 3 AS50 NATO 5rnd mags for 6 STANAG SD mags. They even threw in a few extra mags and gave me a ride. Very smooth trade, easy to work with. Would happily trade with again!
  12. nightops

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    Sounds good. Send me a PM to setup ;-)
  13. nightops

    need guille suit and as50 ammo or a M14 with ammo

    Ignore, dupe post
  14. nightops

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    I have 3x AS50 NATO 5rnd, looking for STANAG SD. Interested?
  15. nightops

    need guille suit and as50 ammo or a M14 with ammo

    I have 3x 5rnd NATO AS50 ammo, looking for STANAG SD. Interested?