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About Dylanco1

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Dylanco1

    Player decisions: Unlocking new Content

    Id agree with something like this like that "Metallic something" Could be a Stationary Fuel tank you can fill up inside your base and it could remain post Restarts if not used it despawns like a vehicle
  2. For the problems with loot spawns you'll hate SA then after a restart ALL the loot is spawned for that part of the game meaning the Rifles will quite quickly get picked clean from their spawn locations and Higher powered rifles will actually be a Commodity because they'll be harder to find (Only on Crash sites that happen DURING the time between the restart)
  3. Dylanco1

    Dayz with VR Glasses!!!!

    They would be good hell they'd be more than good Depth Perception that really works hell it'd be cool to be running around looking around away from my weapons at times just to see some bandit trying to get me and with things like Scopes you could actually have the feel of Scope Tunnel vision
  4. Yeah Jeff the red one that Paycer spends hours in trolling everyone with Soundboards and his own voice and it takes people forever to think to check it...
  5. Dylanco1

    Uzi 9mm. (New weapon!)

    Hey that looks like the PDW only with a stock and actually larger than pistol I think it IS the PDW in fact thats where the Uzi comes in
  6. Dylanco1

    Become a infected!

    Its not a bad idea but all survivors are immune to this unnamed virus (But of course if they were bitten by the original Zed *cough*Patient Zero*cough* they might get a mutated version that they arent immune to and could succumb to the point of eating Human flesh to remain "Human") so its not possible of course the are many loopholes such as Mutations but we havent spent more than maybe a week since the start (This was one quick to infect virus)
  7. Dylanco1

    Headshots should be instant death

    In fairness what no-one realises is say a 5.56 headshot It should leave you on low blood (Like so low you cant wake yourself up and you need a blood bag and a bandage within 2 minutes otherwise you die (No bandage) or cant wake up (Blood bag) and for a while you should randomly collapse and suffer terrible aim (It'd fix with time to balance and you could work on doing stuff Like capturing zombies to create an item that cures it completely but gives them an infection)
  8. Dylanco1

    Ventalation Shafts

    So I'll get to live out my fantasy being Adam Jensen in a Zombie apocalypse proceeding to roll around stealthily taking out anything that moves and crawling through vents to sneak up behind people? Hurray! (On a Serious note) It'd get annoying fast some guy sits in a vent and just waits for guys to come around then massacres them or you hear a chopper and see a bunch of people die only for some guy who HALO jumped in to massacre your heavily defended building this isnt some 1990's spy film like mission impossible in reality an air vent has barely enough space for your average three year old at largest and even then they are crawling "Commando" Style I think making them a viable Hiding spot sure but anything else would be pointless (dead drops and stuff would be their only use) and if we use them for hiding stuff why not hollowed out logs? Random Dead Drops of guns and ammo incase your in a pinch scattered around the world
  9. Dylanco1

    fast and slow reload

    Guys while they arent in the armed forces the people in DayZ have been surviving long enough to have the same level of experience as your every day Front line soldier loading quickly wouldnt be a problem but dropping the mag would REALLY increase the speed of the reload still
  10. Its an admin that isnt happy with you lad you probably found a heli they spawned in and were going to "Find" and repaired it they saw this and decided "Lets ban him so he cant steal our precious Heli that we could probably get more of" nothing you can do unless it was a public hive if you were running a Suspicous script Battleye would have busted you the odds of them actually catching a hacker who avoided Battleye are Astronomical at best its just an unhappy admin
  11. In a Cove or on an Island or something If its turned on its side even better it shouldnt be near a spawn and should be Like NWAF Only its harder to lockdown to the fact you have a massive Cliff face or a full set of dunes covering the area
  12. Dylanco1

    SA DAYZ Prison Yes or No

    It would be cool but it should be one of those places you can go to and upon doing certain things it will classify it as a Non-Zombie spawn but you get random Zed Assualts where people have to defend it or the place goes back to Super Zed land (Electric Fences and stuff people?
  13. Dylanco1

    Zombies ignoring/not attacking

    I have that power I find it hilarious that I have the ability to traverse NWAF panicking about Aggro only to realise any Zombies I aggro cant locate me anyway due to my Positioning not being there to them
  14. Dylanco1

    *You were kicked off the game* error fix.

    If you launch OA it runs as CO and starts the normal Arma 2 files up aswell
  15. Say Im going to nip this quickly but Bullpups Might be slightly more accurate when it comes to full auto fire and smaller (The barrel starts before the trigger so you need a smaller external) but most bullpups are American or British the L85 for example is in use by British Cadet Organisations and the amount of work to get it to work are ridiculous its also alot easier to break and did I mention that it's not a gun that likes being dealt with quickly also Just because they are sexy doesnt mean they need to be added you dont see me Demanding animations for bolt action weapons so they look cool or demanding an RPG because my rifle cant take out the engine on the vehicle I want to randomly attack. Also in my opinion we need the AS50 removing and more Civilian grade weapons with Military "Full Auto" Ak's for example being really rare outside of the Camped Army bases and so people get more Semi-Auto Variations or Bolt action/Pump Action weapons around