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Posts posted by SteelKnife

  1. I disided to tell of how my first dayz experience went. ( this happend months ago ). Waking up on a beach with a dense and dark fog surrounding me. A wind that could snap someone sick in an instant. Seeing over the small rise of land to see smokey figures moving around the area. To my left was a large forest of pine which seemed to stretch around the land endlessly. To my right a large amount of cargo boxes were on a concrete platform. Knowing that I must find something to help me not get harmed from the elements of nature. Knowing that the figures will not be freindly to me I had to crawl to the boxes in hope of one being open and supplies are filled within. Slowly makeing my way I checked behind me in case of danger every few seconds. Almost 5 meters from an open crate and when I checked there was a man with a ak74 pointing at my back. Suddenly freezeing and fumbling the swith chat key to direct and yelled " Please don't shoot! " He said don't move, then suddenly he shot at something right over my head. A text said at the left of the screen " Krosnvto killed Phanypack". Directly after he said go loot that guy and leave the gun. Moveing over to the man he had a white wrap of cloth around his now bloody head. Krosnvto said wait here, after 15 minutes he returned with a ural truck. The truck was in colors of blue, red, and yellow patchs of paint. Beeping once to alert me to get into the truck. As I sprinted to the ural I could see the undead behind me also. After getting inside he sped up the truck toward the east and drove across the coast. Inside felt like safety from all else, passing by towns we are now in a tree line parked next to a hill which over looked a plain of grass and giant hangers. It's a bright day now clear and the lush grass is nimble from the breeze. Krosnvto tells me to get supplies from up there and return in 5 minutes or he is leaveing with out me. Climbing the hill to get to the air control tower first, for no reason zombies were completly erased from the area. Walking up the stairs to find a gun infront of me, it was the first gun that alowed me to be in control. Knowing that in dayz the evil are filled with greed and hate. While the good are filled with protection and mercy. While the neutral which most think they are, is just one without a purpose in this deadly game. The gun I found was a CZ550. Seeing that I was neutral gave me the oppertunity, remembering that with out warning he shot the man without caring who he was. Only because he was armed. Time was almost up to get back to the truck. I have to act now to be a good player I must survive to help others. To trust a man who just might use me to search his supplies and when he is done he will kill me. No, I use the cz and aim straight at his head. Thinking that I am about to kill another person and say why. I will kill him because he will not kill again. Then the metal trigger was pulled to send a bullet that crashed threw the glass into the head of the driver . Showing at the left that I had killed him. When a roar of a engine came and then a helicopter came into the distance. Flying toward the hangers. Seeing the heli closer and closer now to be landing on the air field. Next to the air tower, when the engine turned silent I heard " Find him".

  2. 1. Are you willing to start a new character in DayZ for the sake of role-playing? Yes

    2. Do you have a Skype account? Yes

    3. Do you have a private TeamSpeak / Mumble / Ventrillo that we can use for the group ]this is not required at all, but it would really be nice if someone had one that we could use. Yes

    4. What is your new character's full name (you can also use a nickname that you would like to go by.  Please, make the nickname serious though, I will not accept any nicknames that are not) James Devoy

    5. What is your character's story (how did they get to Chernarus)? In the darkness of night my squad were going to be the recon team for the seals. Almost 2 miles from the shore awaiting for our go. Taking a RIB onto the uncharted land was the stragest step. The air was silent, useing my M91A2 to scan the surrounding area. Seeing several individuals moving slowly and not alert to us coming to shore. Telling John to start transmitting to the ship, to describe what is moving. Our team leader has told us that there are settlement around the area but the independents have wepons and can look as a regular civ. Giveing us permission to take down any threat. Starting to travel toward the tree line we could see someone crouched over another person. We investigated the scene and see that he was eatting the dead person. Me saying " Hey " and then suddenly a screeching yell came from the man and turned and began to sprint at us. Our first reaction was to shoot, John used his silenced M4 and pushed 2 bullets through the head of the beast. Looking over the man we could see bullet wounds already in the chest in account to ours. A chunk of the leg was gone also, John contacted the ship and told them about no sight of enemy soldiers but attacked by a insane person eatting another person. Team leader told us to move back the boat and get back to them. Walking back to the boat I saw movement by the boat, useing my rifle to examine the boat and there was a man searching through the emergancy supplies of the boat. He looked around and continued to search. Seeing the akm on his back and a pistol in the hand. Useing my rifle I take a shot at him. The bullet penitrated into the mans chest, running over to the boat to see that he was still alive. Blood coming out onto the sand gave him little time. Before we started to leave the man said "Другим отрядом ". ( The undead ). Back on the RIB we started are journay back to the ship. When loud engine noise came from the distance. Out of the sky 2 L39 jets came over us, then horror came to sight. Fire bursted in bright yellow and red fire, being chased by smoke. Trying to communicate with the radio but static poured. As the faint glow faded from sight we were now in the dark night. Suddenly the ear peircing sound of a rocket comes from the tree line. Then our boat explodes from behind sending me and John in the air to crash into the sand. Loseing consciousness blurring from me, pain no longer surged through me. The last sight I could see is a man holding a revolver to johns head and I close my eyes and hear the faint fire of the gun...

    6. Do you have good microphone quality (very little background noise would be considered good)? I have turtle beaches.

  3. 1. Are you willing to start a new character in DayZ for the sake of role-playing? Yes

    2. Do you have a Skype account? Yes

    3. Do you have a private TeamSpeak / Mumble / Ventrillo that we can use for the group ]this is not required at all, but it would really be nice if someone had one that we could use. Yes

    4. What is your new character's full name (you can also use a nickname that you would like to go by.  Please, make the nickname serious though, I will not accept any nicknames that are not) James Devoy

    5. What is your character's story (how did they get to Chernarus)? In the darkness of night my squad were going to be the recon team for the seals. Almost 2 miles from the shore awaiting for our go. Taking a RIB onto the uncharted land was the stragest step. The air was silent, useing my M91A2 to scan the surrounding area. Seeing several individuals moving slowly and not alert to us coming to shore. Telling John to start transmitting to the ship, to describe what is moving. Our team leader has told us that there are settlement around the area but the independents have wepons and can look as a regular civ. Giveing us permission to take down any threat. Starting to travel toward the tree line we could see someone crouched over another person. We investigated the scene and see that he was eatting the dead person. Me saying " Hey " and then suddenly a screeching yell came from the man and turned and began to sprint at us. Our first reaction was to shoot, John used his silenced M4 and pushed 2 bullets through the head of the beast. Looking over the man we could see bullet wounds already in the chest in account to ours. A chunk of the leg was gone also, John contacted the ship and told them about no sight of enemy soldiers but attacked by a insane person eatting another person. Team leader told us to move back the boat and get back to them. Walking back to the boat I saw movement by the boat, useing my rifle to examine the boat and there was a man searching through the emergancy supplies of the boat. He looked around and continued to search. Seeing the akm on his back and a pistol in the hand. Useing my rifle I take a shot at him. The bullet penitrated into the mans chest, running over to the boat to see that he was still alive. Blood coming out onto the sand gave him little time. Before we started to leave the man said "Другим отрядом ". ( The undead ). Back on the RIB we started are journay back to the ship. When loud engine noise came from the distance. Out of the sky 2 L39 jets came over us, then horror came to sight. Fire bursted in bright yellow and red fire, being chased by smoke. Trying to communicate with the radio but static poured. As the faint glow faded from sight we were now in the dark night. Suddenly the ear peircing sound of a rocket comes from the tree line. Then our boat explodes from behind sending me and John in the air to crash into the sand. Loseing consciousness blurring from me, pain no longer surged through me. The last sight I could see is a man holding a revolver to johns head and I close my eyes and hear the faint fire of the gun...

    6. Do you have good microphone quality (very little background noise would be considered good)? I have turtle beaches.

  4. 1. Are you willing to start a new character in DayZ for the sake of role-playing? Yes

    2. Do you have a Skype account? Yes

    3. Do you have a private TeamSpeak / Mumble / Ventrillo that we can use for the group ]this is not required at all, but it would really be nice if someone had one that we could use. Yes

    4. What is your new character's full name (you can also use a nickname that you would like to go by.  Please, make the nickname serious though, I will not accept any nicknames that are not) James Devoy

    5. What is your character's story (how did they get to Chernarus)? In the darkness of night my squad were going to be the recon team for the seals. Almost 2 miles from the shore awaiting for our go. Taking a RIB onto the uncharted land was the stragest step. The air was silent, useing my M91A2 to scan the surrounding area. Seeing several individuals moving slowly and not alert to us coming to shore. Telling John to start transmitting to the ship, to describe what is moving. Our team leader has told us that there are settlement around the area but the independents have wepons and can look as a regular civ. Giveing us permission to take down any threat. Starting to travel toward the tree line we could see someone crouched over another person. We investigated the scene and see that he was eatting the dead person. Me saying " Hey " and then suddenly a screeching yell came from the man and turned and began to sprint at us. Our first reaction was to shoot, John used his silenced M4 and pushed 2 bullets through the head of the beast. Looking over the man we could see bullet wounds already in the chest in account to ours. A chunk of the leg was gone also, John contacted the ship and told them about no sight of enemy soldiers but attacked by a insane person eatting another person. Team leader told us to move back the boat and get back to them. Walking back to the boat I saw movement by the boat, useing my rifle to examine the boat and there was a man searching through the emergancy supplies of the boat. He looked around and continued to search. Seeing the akm on his back and a pistol in the hand. Useing my rifle I take a shot at him. The bullet penitrated into the mans chest, running over to the boat to see that he was still alive. Blood coming out onto the sand gave him little time. Before we started to leave the man said "Другим отрядом ". ( The undead ). Back on the RIB we started are journay back to the ship. When loud engine noise came from the distance. Out of the sky 2 L39 jets came over us, then horror came to sight. Fire bursted in bright yellow and red fire, being chased by smoke. Trying to communicate with the radio but static poured. As the faint glow faded from sight we were now in the dark night. Suddenly the ear peircing sound of a rocket comes from the tree line. Then our boat explodes from behind sending me and John in the air to crash into the sand. Loseing consciousness blurring from me, pain no longer surged through me. The last sight I could see is a man holding a revolver to johns head and I close my eyes and hear the faint fire of the gun...

    6. Do you have good microphone quality (very little background noise would be considered good)? I have turtle beaches.

  5. I am makeing a group of 4. Mostly people that been playing for a bit and has a microphone and skype. To most of the time kill bandits. If you have a higher skill in a certain type of wepon. List what they are below.Also please tell if you have experience in Arma CO other than dayz.

  6. There are these people named Vladimir, Tyrone, and Shawn that like to cheat in their stupid group. I know that they are hacking because of teleporting to me after I die from them. they have always a AS-50 and ghille suit with Shawn with a LMG all the time. If you see them on your server BAN THEM ON SIGHT! You have been warned.

  7. There are these people named Vladimir, Tyrone, and Shawn that like to cheat in their stupid group. I know that they are hacking because of teleporting to me after I die from them. they have always a AS-50 and ghille suit with Shawn with a LMG all the time. If you see them on your server BAN THEM ON SIGHT! You have been warned.
