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Everything posted by SteelKnife

  1. SteelKnife

    Landmines again.

    Already DayZ has the hand granade, satchel, M320, and AT4. But another wepon that could be implemented would be the TM-72 or the M15 mine for vehicles. This could discourage people from using a car or truck because most of the time when I see others inside of vehicles. They speed past me, most likely for them they are going to drive full throttle to where they go at all times. Now some people might say, " oh this is unrealistic, why would there be land mines in a zombie apocalypse". Well because Russia and the US were at war in the country. Probley mines were at the ready to put throughout roads and forests. Anti-personal mines also could have been used. I am sure this idea has shown up before many times but still none have been implemented. Here's a list of some land mines that could work: POMZ-2M Mk 7 4AHM-100 You can add to the list as you please. It's just an idea that should be in the game overall for anti-person, zombie, and transport.
  2. SteelKnife

    Landmines again.

    What I would do is slow down yes. Unless they are a bandit or someone who is pointing a gun at me. I have a hero skin on at all times because I like to show people I am an alright person. If they were unarmed or another hero no doubt I would let them in.
  3. SteelKnife

    Landmines again.

    Mostly the mines would be a great source of protection of a base rather than just putting them behind corners to wait for unsuspecting people to walk over them. But instead If you wanted to go into a market or large building you and or your friends could set up mines near doorways or hallways like on the map namalsk underground.
  4. I find this to be a great idea.
  5. SteelKnife

    Landmines again.

    IEDs are great but mines are military versions that you could stand not to far from it and not get hurt because of the explosion is forced upwards to do maximum damage to the vehicle. Also they aren't really improvised and have only the highest quality explosive materials of their time that can be produced with.
  6. SteelKnife

    Adding .50s Back In

  7. SteelKnife

    Landmines again.

    http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_landmines List
  8. When you can see someone from farther away you don't want to walk up to them even if they are hero. For me It would be common sense to not to walk up to some because they might be tracking a bandit or looting. If they were to see you first and walk up to you I could see the reason why you would say they would shoot you in the face. But the reputation could show how he was a "fake hero". Everyone that is neutral can be either way until the game actually changes their skin, even then they could find camo cloths, ect... Inside the vanilla dayz. If the reputation was implemented, would other types of ghillie suits or camo reduce view distance. Many more parts of the game could be explained to the effect of the rest of the game.
  9. SteelKnife

    Admin Abuse - UK352 - Public Hive

    I am going to say that you might a need bit more proof. I know that not everyone has their recording equipment out at all times but a screenshot or a picture of these conversations would help in your fight against this server's admins. Otherwise this might be taken as "story telling" or "lack of evidence".
  10. SteelKnife

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    iBUYPOWER - Desktop - 8GB Memory - 500GB Hard Drive AMD Quad-Core FX-4200 Processor with NVIDIA GT 610 graphics 8GB DDR3 SDRAM 8MB L3 cache memory 500GB Serial ATA III hard drive (7200) This is the computer I am thinking of buying soon. I just wanted to know.
  11. Age: 18 Country of Origin: United States of America English Skills: Can speak complete English. Dayz Experience: I have been playing for 2 years. Do you have DayZ Origins: Yes Do you have Teamspeak and a functional Microphone: Yes How active are you: Everyday, Weekdays from 1:35 PM to 2:00 AM. Weekends All hours just contact me if I am off, which I don't plan to be off for long periods of time.
  12. My Fps on average is 10-15 in forest and about 15-25 fps in open fields on the second from last resolution with all settings to low. My processor is a Intel Core i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz With 8.00 GB of RAM.
  13. SteelKnife

    Trying to get higher fps.

    Awesome.Do you have any recomendations for graphics cards?
  14. SteelKnife

    Trying to get higher fps.

    Chip Type: Intel HD Graphics Family. DAC Type: Internal Adapter String: Intel HD Graphics 2000 Total Available Graphics Memory:1696 MB
  15. SteelKnife

    PMPT Wants you to play with us!

    I would like to join. I was wondering if you could message my your teamspeak or Skype to talk about the clan.
  16. I am looking for a heli crash screen shot without the HUD if possible.