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Everything posted by SteelKnife

  1. SteelKnife

    New Epoch Server looking for a Co-Owner

    I don't know much about scripts but I will join the server.
  2. SteelKnife

    Befor You Play DayZ

    Before I started DayZ I didn't really know about it. And what I would do is go into the mission created for Arma 2 regular and move the spawn in an air field. Then fill it with every vehicle in the game. And I screwed around with them until I found out about The pre-made mission that comes with OA allows you access to the giant arsenal of weapons and vehicles. They give you missions to do for each vehicle you can get. What I am trying to say is, you get a lot of experience with this pre-made mission before hand. Because sometimes I run into others that don't even know how to start helicopter. For new people about to start DayZ try it out. Because if you get experience first, you will know," I don't want to spray bullets into this mans legs". You want to get 1 shot headshot kill. Quick and clean.
  3. SteelKnife

    Chief lé Steel

    Hello all I am a hero, and a hunter. On any server I will bring you the ice cold soft drinks and cooked to perfection meats when you need it. Or if you want to be within a safe environment and take a break from the zombies that plague us, come to my restaurant ( To be announced location and server.) I don't require anything in return because I do not build up gear. All I do is, get a gun to hunt if you have a preferred type of meat you would like I can hunt it. I find that a gun can be helpful to protect myself against the undead. That's why I carry my M1911 and crossbow at all times. Reply on this post if you need some delightful indulgence in the fine queasine that chernarus can provide.
  4. SteelKnife

    Social Experiment, Neat Idea

    I can join.
  5. SteelKnife

    Torch attach to gun

    Flashlight's are dangerous to goldfish.
  6. SteelKnife

    Hacker on DE 2765

    Mumbo Jumbo
  7. SteelKnife

    Befor You Play DayZ

    This is just how I learned to play Arma2 in general, I just want other people to know there is more to Arma than DayZ. That joining servers like Domination or ACE can be extremely fun when you can be working together with others and still have that feeling of at any moment you can be shot by enemy insurgents.
  8. SteelKnife

    I want to buy a new Arma 2 oa cd key

    Right those brothers sure are annoying. Can I get a mod on this because I searched your username and saw something's I'm not sure of.
  9. SteelKnife

    I want to buy a new Arma 2 oa cd key

    I'm sorry how did you lose your key?
  10. SteelKnife

    Something less KoS

    Without a white listed server, there realy is KoS everywhere. I haven't found 1 yet that hasn't had more than 20 people that I have not been shot at randomly when I didn't have my hero skin on.
  11. SteelKnife

    Any vanilla groups or the likes around?

    http://tmwdayz.com/ The TMW guys are great, they can help you get geared up. And they work together strongly.
  12. SteelKnife

    Lets go back to the classics...

    Do you if there is an active namalsk server without or much reduced blood suckers.
  13. SteelKnife

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    The stapler king is coming.
  14. SteelKnife

    The Safe Crew

    Alright I am getting together a group of 4 heros. I am done with the life style of "oh I am going to shoot you because I can". I saw this first hand when I didn't feel that adrenaline pumping when I only had a m240 and there was a guy with an M16 waiting below with his 2 freinds. Even with me about to lose a pretty great wepon I didn't care. Because I could just loot for an hour or so and get something equal or better if I go to some military loot spots. The reason for this post is to get a group of 4 heros including me. To try to get geared up with medical supplies and vehicle parts, to go around and help other survivers and heros that need help. Because it may seem pointless to others to run around healing others and giving them food, drink, and supplies. But imagine the times that you were in a barn with zombies coming up stairs when all you have is a crossbow with 3 arrows and a hatchet. By the end you might have lost a lot of blood or even wore have a broken leg. This is where the squad comes in, we try our hardest to make an impression on the server to let them know we are legit. The requirements are You have to have comms, ears, and at least a month of playtime to make sure you are familiar with the game. PM me or reply your Skype.
  15. SteelKnife

    Chief lé Steel

    Would love to. Thanks for the invite.
  16. SteelKnife

    The Safe Crew

    on your teamspeak it seems that there is only 4 people on. In about 2 hours I will be home, to try to get everything rolling.
  17. SteelKnife

    The Safe Crew

    How active are you guys?
  18. SteelKnife

    [Hive Buddies] Server closed.

    I will on when I get home.
  19. SteelKnife

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I don't know if this is appropriate to ask but could anyone help me with mabey a lower budget computer that can run dayz at 25 fps+. Right now lowest settings I can run 20 fps in towns and 10 fps in forests. When I play I am at a very large disadvantage for not only anyone in a ghillie suit or in a bush looks like grass. Because of this I try to stay within larger city's more often than forests. I can spend up to $550 at one time but over weeks I can get more parts any price below 400 a part. If the price is close to it then I can see if I could. Thank you very much if you can help me out.
  20. SteelKnife

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Getting hit an knocked out by 1 zombie.
  21. SteelKnife

    Hacker on DE 2765
