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About s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

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    Redheaded Women and Video Games.
  1. Server: DayZ - The Server of Narnia ( 94876) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1] dayzmod.com - hosted by RayBray Time: Approx 8:30 PM EST What Happened: The admin "LeLe" just sets in the server by himself/herself and kicks everyone who joins. We were trying to find a low pop server to teach a friend about how to play (one we could semi-easily meet up on and show him the ropes) but we got kicked every time we tried to join the server. I did notice others (in the player screen) who would join and then disappear as well, having also been kicked before you could fully join the server. Message said "You were kicked from the server" with no reason given.
  2. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    Pending Update: Build

    There are times when trying to find a server that works I'll have to join 5+ servers quickly. Some times it sets at "Waiting for Host" or "Loading" and never spawns. Trying to find a server me and 3 other friends could all play on took about 15 tries the other night before we all managed to get a server we could all join
  3. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I am liking the new patch with the exception of the seemingly binocular views of some of the zeds now. You can't crouch run anywhere within a mile (it seems) of one that is looking at you before it aggro's
  4. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    No Environment

    Debug Forest is a lot closer and easier to get out of and you are surrounded by trees Debug Plains is approx 26 Km away (very hard to get out of) and you are surrounded by nothing.
  5. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    No Environment

    Clouds always move from West to East and if it's night you can find the North Star and navigate that way. I ran for 30 minutes before I gave up and suicided with a grenade I had.
  6. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    No Environment

    You are in the Debug Plains. Run East/South East for approx 26 Km or Respawn.
  7. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    How to see how much FPS you have

    I recommend using MSI Afterburner if you want more than just FPS (It can tell you GPU usage, temps, memory usage, etc...)
  8. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    Server hopping needs to stop or patch it.

    There are times it takes me a good 10+ servers to fine one that actually lets me join (stuck on loading, waiting for character to create, etc...) so I hope it doesn't punish for that Or at least those issues are fixed so I can pick a server and join it without the need to server hop to find one that actually works.
  9. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Does this fix the hanging/locking up on "Loading" that I seem to get on every single server I join?
  10. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    *FIX* to stuck on loading screen!

    This doesn't work
  11. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    Why am i spawning here??

    It's a 26 Km hike so I hope you have water and food. I ran for 15 minutes before I gave up and suicided (was under 3000 blood anyways) with no tree's in sight.
  12. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    [Wallpaper] DayZ HD

    I like it but on what planet is 1024x576 considered HD?
  13. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    Died for no RAISINS!

    I died earlier after being launched from a set of stairs at high speed towards the ground, lost 2 days worth of good loot. I am not sure if it's related to the DDoS attacks
  14. I could not find a better place to post this thread (since the Bug forum is for the mod, not the site) and I did a search on the forums and couldn't find another thread about it. The Official DayZ Website seems to hate Opera since it displays incorrectly. All I'd really like to know is the webmaster (Adam, I believe) aware of these issues and if they are do they plan to fix them. It isn't a huge issue as not a lot of people use Opera and I can always just use the site in Chrome but I figured since I couldn't find another thread about it I'd least try to bring it to their attention. See this image for what it looks like in Opera (12.00)
  15. s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

    DayZ Screenshots!

    I died moments later.