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Everything posted by Jojothemonk3y

  1. Jojothemonk3y

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    Haha wow! I apologise completely..Sacriel is the worlds foremost Day Z, Quake 2 and FPS player. I hold my hands up. Please send me a pciture of him so I can put it on my wall ;)
  2. Jojothemonk3y

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    Meh...I was talking about the comments made during the stream. They WERE sarcastic. FACT
  3. Jojothemonk3y

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    Meh come on, im more than aware of whats been posted about his vids…my point is that when a livestreamer and his mates to bang on about it mid stream…well its bound to ramp it up isn’t it? Also watch the stream, im only talking about what THEY said. Come on, I mean really!! Yes I did watch the stream and heard it firsthand. I know sarcasm when I hear it and also that wasn’t the only comment was it? So please don’t try and pull the wool. Also it has absolutely nothing to do with not given Frankie enough credit, so don’t paint it as that either. Also in terms of Fankies most recent video, im sure its not just down to Sacriel and his subs, BUT im pretty sure they are a large part of it. What it has to do with is the general arrogance and holier than thou attitude of Sacriel and his squad. As I said, I was initially a fan of Sacriels, in fact he got me into the game in the first place! However, what im not a fan of is how he has, IMHO, become one of the most arrogant youtubers that ive had the “pleasure” of watching. Original question on this post, “Is Sarcriel becoming a bully”. Well from what ive seen… he lords it over people, shoots new spawns, takes great pleasure in screwing people over and moans he is hard done by when killed. So yeah, the answer the original question is YES. Its criticism, something that needs to be taken on board…simple as that.
  4. Jojothemonk3y

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    Shannon - You seem to be painting Sacriel as a player who is above criticism....which none of us are. Also, if what your saying is accurate, then why did he take it upon himself to rag on Frankie during a live stream? He also suggested that he fakes his videos? Frankie has had to livestream to prove he doesnt fake them, all as a result of Sacriel, his squad and his fanboys. Is it a case of sub envy? Or maybe just that Sacriel has dined on his on own hype, had a desert and then took a one way trip well and truly up his own arse?
  5. Jojothemonk3y

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    I started watching Sacriel just before I 'got' DAY Z and I must say I liked his videos. I remember Elektro Loot route? That was a good video. Recently however he seems to be focusing on how good he thinks he is. From his live streams I gather he has never been killed fairly, never done anything wrong and for some reason seems to enjoy ratting on Frankie. I mean would it kill him to admit hes been killed by a better player? Its always...6 man squads, stream sniper, hacker, camper noob or lucky. Sacriel is an average Day Z player...nothing more. He just happens to play in a well geared squad. Just to echo previous posts...Sacriel should post here and enter the debate. Also Frankie & JackFrags vs Sacriel & Oshi would be awesome!! One sided....but awesome!