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About sakalu

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  1. Yes it is worth playing. :D
  2. Every single FPS game gets people moaning about snipers, I grow so weary.
  3. sakalu

    [Stand Alone] closed House

    Your English is excellent.
  4. Might be worth chasing it up then if you feel it's worth your time.
  5. sakalu

    Shooting system for the standalone

    Might also be your fps, arma has a lot of fps issues.
  6. sakalu

    Happy New Year

    happy new year all :lol:
  7. im looking for myself has anyone seen me im all here
  8. sakalu

    Join Our DayZ Group

    IGN: Red Age: 20 Location: Portugal
  9. sakalu

    What should our next competition be?

    Art competition? :huh:
  10. sakalu

    Connecting Failed

    yep getting this, was in a server with no problem
  11. I like this thread :lol:
  12. sakalu

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Apparently there are these bad people called Bandits in this game..
  13. sakalu

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Nice one, Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to the community. :thumbsup: