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Everything posted by illuminati.doffy

  1. illuminati.doffy

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    I would like my character to have a mustache! And also a magnum.
  2. illuminati.doffy

    stuck in ocean. please help

    I have been stuck in the ocean in Namalsk for a while now. I am the admin of this server btw. Is there anyway to commit suicide? please help! Doffy.
  3. illuminati.doffy

    stuck in ocean. please help

    If i wipe the server, alot of people (including my friends) would be mad. our server has lots of players, and we don't want to lose them
  4. illuminati.doffy

    stuck in ocean. please help

    My god damn cursor keeps moving while spamming on the esc button :(
  5. illuminati.doffy

    stuck in ocean. please help

    there should be cyanide or anthrax in the inventory when you spawn
  6. illuminati.doffy

    stuck in ocean. please help

    it does not work :(