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About Wired

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  1. Wired

    Pending Update: Build

    So how would it report this: Right now a continuous problem I'm having goes like this: My game will force minimize, and will not maximize. It is still playing, however I just can't get into it and I'll have to ctrl-alt-del and end processes. It went away for a while with the latest beta patch, but it started happening again and I'm not sure what is causing it at this point. I won't know for sure if it's actually hardware until I invest in a new rig in september.
  2. Something which makes fun of his epic fauxhawk that it looked like he had during the rez presentation.
  3. Zombies are inconsistent at best. At one of the airfields I popped around the corner of a hanger and put 3 shots into a zombie with a PDW. He didn't care and kept shambling on his merry little way. In fact the other zombies nearby didn't seem to mind much either. However I was looking further down the airfield and a zombie came into visual range running at me. So somehow I couldn't aggro the ones next to me, but one a football stadium away caught on to the fact that I was there.
  4. This entire thread is why PvPers are seen as mouthbreathers.
  5. Zed's a problem? Not from my well stocked forest fortress surrounded by bear traps. :cool:
  6. A little bit of a correction here.. They aren't Rotting Zombies. They're 28-days later rage infected. So, they're still living. But apparently life for the infected is good. Despite their change in dietary requirements they seem to have become super human.
  7. If being infected gives you super human endurance, speed, hearing, and sight...sign me up.
  8. Wired

    Vanilla Coke

    Throwback Pepsi please. No high fructose corn syrup for the apocalypse. *although I doubt that russian versions of our soda would have it...
  9. Wired

    Found a car.

    I found your car.
  10. Carebear refers to anyone who wants to play a game where pvp is impossible. There is a PVP problem however, because pvpers are crying to have a fix to something only because it cuts into their kill stats.
  11. Wired

    For the love of....

    DCing to avoid being shot IS pretty bad, however the majority of people complaining about it have a hard time not coming off as whiney PVPers who are upset that they didn't get a new kill added to their stats.
  12. Wired

    Seattle 35 Removed

    care to share your sources ? cuz everyday we got a new player record... http://stats.six-updater.net/history_month Dropping in population. Sure... Wow, the six updater IS good for something.
  13. Wired

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Listen dude. I think you're confused. I agreed to the DayZ rules when I started hosting. Yes. I did NOT agree to have my BOX...my SERVER BOX taken away from me if a DayZ dev gets pissy with me. That's what I am saying. I'm not arguing the rules, I'm arguing paying money to a server host that bends to the will of a Dev team. If I shut BE off on my servers, they can blacklist me. They CANNOT take my server box away from me that is paid for. Does it make sense now? I'm not arguing the fucking DayZ rules...I'm arguing the Devs being able to break a fucking contract you made between your HOSTER and YOURSELF. Does that clarify it for you? Christ Almighty. Apparently you don't understand the term "suspended" You're being over dramatic about exactly what happened here, and making yourself look like you're wearing your ass for a hat. The server is still there. It hasn't been brought out back and lit on fire. They didn't wipe it and give it to a different customer(which is in their right). If you lack the maturity and personal fortitude to deal with server hosting, then don't do it. *facepalm* Go read the original post dude. Suspended means that your server is taken away from you. I think it's mostly Europeans that don't quite understand what is happening here. Even if suspended in this case is on a permanent basis, it's not something outside of their rights. People who wish to protect their IP, such as in this situation where what they were doing endangered the stability of the rest of the game, have the right to petition a server host to remove said offending content. MOST server hosts comply.
  14. Wired

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Ah well, maybe if they were more selective people wouldn't be "pointing out fallacies" about something they agreed to when signing up. Listen dude. I think you're confused. I agreed to the DayZ rules when I started hosting. Yes. I did NOT agree to have my BOX...my SERVER BOX taken away from me if a DayZ dev gets pissy with me. That's what I am saying. I'm not arguing the rules, I'm arguing paying money to a server host that bends to the will of a Dev team. If I shut BE off on my servers, they can blacklist me. They CANNOT take my server box away from me that is paid for. Does it make sense now? I'm not arguing the fucking DayZ rules...I'm arguing the Devs being able to break a fucking contract you made between your HOSTER and YOURSELF. Does that clarify it for you? Christ Almighty. Apparently you don't understand the term "suspended" You're being over dramatic about exactly what happened here, and making yourself look like you're wearing your ass for a hat. The server is still there. It hasn't been brought out back and lit on fire. They didn't wipe it and give it to a different customer(which is in their right). If you lack the maturity and personal fortitude to deal with server hosting, then don't do it.