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Everything posted by 1n5anity

  1. 1n5anity

    Camping Tents Bugged?

    Is it just this server or are tents bugged. Me and my friends just recently decided to set camp so we can start storing loot, after about 1/2hr we have two tents full of loot. Now we leave the server and reconnect the next morning, the tents are empty and we noticed that the tents we put down are back up. Would be good to get some information on this.
  2. 1n5anity

    Camping Tents Bugged?

    Right, hopefully I come back to my tent one day and all the loot is there ready for me
  3. 1n5anity

    Camping Tents Bugged?

    So each time I change something inside the tent I must save?
  4. 1n5anity

    Why didn't I start with a gun?

    Not mad or anything but shouldn't you maybe do like a minute research before you go through the troubles of making a post. Much more profit towards doing the research.
  5. 1n5anity

    How bad is fall damage?

    You will most likely die, dropping from like 2 steps high will brake your legs at times. There is a trick to this where you can fall onto a wired fence or tank trap, but I'm sure this will most likely brake your legs.
  6. 1n5anity

    New Zombie Models

    I believe the amount of survivors that are killed by zombies is pretty high. Why not have some skins of survivors as zombies walking about. Why not have these zombies have something small of value like ammunition, grenades. I don't know if this has been suggested but I think it would be pretty cool. What do you reckon, maybe expand on the idea in comments.
  7. 1n5anity

    New Maps ready to be Zombified

    Map change?, dude hasn't been that long to have a map change. WTF. It would kill players that have sweated out hours to get there guy where they are now. I think everyone can survive with this until Arma III comes out. OMG.. Its still in beta 2, loot locations and shit can still change. We're just going to sit back and enjoy the updates I recon.
  8. 1n5anity

    FEEDBACK: Humanity - heartbeart.

    Yeh, not liking this heartbeat. Great idea and all but where is the realism in this. Add something else like scars, blood patches etc. Will do the same job of having to get up and close to identify your opponents history.
  9. 1n5anity

    Possible improvements to hunger/thirst

    I posted something similar to this but after like 2 days of playing I'm glad this is not in DayZ. It would make is so much harder for beginners when there spawning near towns that have already been looted in front of them.
  10. 1n5anity

    Zombie Leg Deterioration

    I lose them when it comes to running around a few trees. Zombies just need fixing with there lag/ teleporting around and there would be no problems.
  11. I cant see other peoples lighting from there flashlights, can this possibly be changed.
  12. 1n5anity

    Other Peoples flashlight

    I can see the light in their hand but not the light that is being put across the grass in-front of them.
  13. This kills me, tents are so awesome. Cant you just have a maximum amount of tents with a radius. Even if the radius is huge.
  14. 1n5anity

    Since this is Sandbox, make it Sandbox?

    There taking tents out to avoid people making towns. I dont think this idea would slide well.
  15. 1n5anity


    Na, dont like it that much. Visibility sounds alright but having speed and shit for advantages is silly. And special abilities?. Maybe skins, backpacks and loot should vary your speed slightly.
  16. 1n5anity

    Some wild idea's!

    Really, you want to bring cats and dogs etc?. Aren't the zombies killing for blood. Dont you think that all those animals got F**KED up and eaten?
  17. 1n5anity

    Player spawning sound.

    This also helps the case of spawning in debug forest ( If its still happening). I notice when it says gathering information from server that you can press escape and click re-spawn and you will see your name bottom left corner dead !
  18. 1n5anity

    Non-enterable Houses

    Brilliant Idea, I also noticed some windows get cracks in them when hit. That would help with the whole braking in animation. Also allows a crowbar to be handy.
  19. 1n5anity

    Survivor's Zombified

    How about have some zombies look like survivors. The skin should be covered in blood. Perhaps have a backpack with things like food and water. Maybe a rifle on there back. What this does is fucks with players heads when they see something moving in a distance.
  20. 1n5anity

    Survivor's Zombified

    I seem to find lots of smoke grenades with zombies these days. I wonder what all these civilians were doing before this virus got out
  21. Na bro, should totally be a surprise or mystery. I'd prefer a way to study the body and see if he has been shot or eaten. A recent suggestion like this was posted yesterday !
  22. 1n5anity


    Some people just place wires to block entrances to houses; they do it in angles which doesnt allow people to vault over. I suggest one of these Hammer/Wrench: When equipped you have option to remove these blockades. Interaction: The choice of just taking it away through interaction. Blockades Time: Curtain time until expires and dissapears.
  23. 1n5anity

    Filling water bottle with rain

    Instead of having a empty bottle and a full bottle how about having different values, When interacting with water it should slowly fill up. When it comes to raining your guy would have to sit there for quite some time. The amount of time interacting with the water should determine how much it collects Example: Lake (Takes 30 seconds) for full bottle Rain ( Takes 2 Minutes ) for full bottle