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Everything posted by Niani

  1. So I've played DayZ several times alone by now but I'm still quite the beginner. I'd like to find one person or several people to accompany me in the game. I prefer people who have a microphone with Teamspeak 3 or either Skype. I personally prefer Teamspeak 3. I can provide a server on Teamspeak 3 to talk on. Thus I also prefer people who speak good English. I prefer people who are mature or either act mature. People who are social, kind to people and fun to play with. I live in the Netherlands but on some days I do play till very late. Specially in the weekends. I don't shoot on sight unless attacked, provoked or threathened*. *There has been a situation where I was in a building and there were gunshots outside, next thing to show in the chat was that someone had been killed. A few short minutes again gunshots and someone was killed. Next thing I know a bandit is standing in front of me inside the building. My reaction? I shot him. The guy freaked out and talked to me in chat. He never shot back. I asked him if he was the one killing people outside. He claimed he didn't. He ended up a bandit defending himself against others. I calmed down and we ended up trying to work together till the bandits outside, who did kill people were shooting at us inside the building. The guy went into a small room and disappeared on me. I decided to relog because he told me he wasn't able to give me a blood transfusion. As I relog the chat said he was killed.