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Everything posted by mr0zzy99

  1. Hey! When I played DayZ today, I felt something was missing in the forests. They are way too empty and I think there's an awesome fix for that. I watched some walking dead and came up with an idea for dayz sa (standalone). So my idea is that everytime the server restarts there will be like 5 random small camps in some random forest. So when you are out walking in the forest, you suddenly see a small camp. Two benches, one tent and maybe a campfire. The place has been abandoned since a long time ago, just like it would in a real zombie apocalypse. So when you get to the camp hidden in the forest, you can start your own small camp there. Placing some of your loot in the tent(s) and sometimes sleeping in the tent(s). That way if you are like 3 people, you can all survive in the small camp. It'd make the game more "realistic" and you would survive more insted of just looting all the time. I hope you like the idea, and I'd love to see it in the game. See you in game! -Ozzy :)
  2. mr0zzy99

    DayZ SA - Random Forest Camps

    But the point of this idea is that it'd be random and would make exploration much better and you'd have to explore more.
  3. First thing, it's early alpha and all the loot spawns will be different in beta and "final".
  4. Hi! I have been watching the walking dead for a few weeks. It's a great show and it's just awesome. (In my opinion) One cool thing I would like to see in standalone is The Walking Dead clothes and character settings. Like it would be possible to change your hair like Rick or Shane or have clothes that they have. It's not a big thing but I would like to see it in standalone. Have a great day! -Ozzy
  5. Hi! I have been thinking about things that would be awesome to see in standalone. One of them is, crutches. I know we have morphine but crutches should be super rare and you could put them in your backpack whenever you want. They should be able to be found in any hospital but a they should be kind of rare. Another thing that would be cool would be weel chairs. Why? This is why: 1) Works like crutches but you don't lose stamina as quick. 2) Wouldn't it be hilarious to see someone roll down from a mountain in super high speed in a wheel chair? :lol: I hope you like the ideas and I hope they add it in standalone and I get some credit if they do for posting this. :beans: :beans: Have a good day! -Ozzy
  6. mr0zzy99

    Find Jackets and boots

    Hi! I was thinking about what could be added to DayZ/DayZ standalone. First I was thinking of basic stuff, different food, skyscrapers and other stuff. But then I came up with the idea of finding boots that could make you walk more silent or a jacket that would be less rare than a warmclothing but still not to easy to find and it would give you more temperature or it would make you less visual, like a ghillie suit but more like a jacket. I don't know if someone else have brought this up but I think it should be added. Hope you like the idea! -MrOzzy99
  7. mr0zzy99

    Day Z Wallpapers

    How did you remove the hud? And how do you do it in 1.7.3
  8. Hi. Today I was playing DayZ with my clan (6 people). It was on a private server. Everything was fun and we had amazing gear. 1 URAL, 3 UAZ, 1 car and 1 mini bus. Everyone had good weopons and alice backpacks. We got a nice base that were very hiden. It was in the top left corner of the map in a valley, and the cars were placed in the leaves so they were less visual. So the chance of finding that place were extreamly hard. Now the hacker strikes. Two days before there were a hacker on the server, he killed 4 people with 2 shots. And we weren't that close each other. The hacker that were on the server today were even more cruel. We killed him twice and after each time he teleported 10meters from us and had the same gear every time. He had ghillie suit, AS50, and a ton of other good stuff. After that he telled us in the direct chat that he bought some hacks and he teleported every vehicles on the server to him and some people. Please ban this guy before he continues!!! HIS NAME IS: SirLanzelot