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About Ulven

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  1. Ulven

    Inventory problems

    Any of you been shift-tabbing while on Steam? If you have then shift-tab a few more times till it stops "flashing". (If you press escape you'll see that the game is flashing through all the options on the menu) I've heard about some people having the same problem without Steam, but me and my friends have only been able to replicate it by shift-tabbing while on Steam. The game doesn't seem to like the program.
  2. As Copgun said changing the HDR to full increases your night vision drastically. On my system it goes from completely pitch black where I can only see the stars and nothing else to seeing pretty decently.
  3. Ulven

    Stupid question needs stupid answer!

    If I recall correctly you throw stuff the same way as you throw chemlights and flares. Have one in your inventory, select it the same way as you select your flare, and throw it.
  4. You can only turn it on during the night. It's an engine limitation or something.
  5. Ulven

    Health System?

    Blood packs give you a full 12000 health back, canned foods give you 200 and cooked food from slain animals give you 800. Different animals yield a different amount of meat. Chickens and rabbits give you one or two pieces of meat and cows give eight. You'll need a hunting knife to get the meat from the carcass though, and you'll need wood and matches to light a fire to cook the meat.
  6. Ulven

    My pc runs?

    I really really doubt your processor would be up for the task, even on minimum. :-/
  7. Ulven

    Update to Beta or not?

    The beta patch is for Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead and you can get it here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10989 The 1.7.1 patch is for DayZ and is currently not out yet.
  8. Get a hold of the politicians in your country and tell them to up your internet infrastructure, it's obviously lacking. Bomb threats should hurry the matter.
  9. Maybe. Only one mag at spawn might be better, I'd hate to be defenseless against other people.
  10. Ulven

    Can't run DayZ

    Do you see DayZ under the expansions tab on the main menu? If you've done everything right then it's most likely just not enabled there yet.
  11. I don't turn it up. I run around almost blind then I throw flares when I believe I see a building or something.
  12. Ulven

    Missing file

    A friend of mine had the same problem. Thing was that he had installed Operation Arrowhead before he installed Arma 2. He had to delete both programs and then reinstall them in the correct order, it worked perfectly then.