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About harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

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  1. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    Cd-Key help please D:?

    Thanks a lot for all the effort guys the gentleman who gifted me the game sent me some login info for the BI site were he bought it as that's the only way to officialy download it :D thanks again. With love
  2. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    Cd-Key help please D:?

    Thanks for this but as i got confused by the whole none steam thing ( and a cyclic redundancy error ) my hdd dieing i had to put new windows onto a new hdd so im currently on fresh windows on a fresh hdd aswell :/ unless i re download my steam copy and install that but it wont work will it? seing as i tryed to activate this new cd key in a new steam account under a new email and it isnt recognised as a valid key type (none steam) :/
  3. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    Cd-Key help please D:?

    One other thing i can say is it all happened in a tiny time frame like i would get maby a week or two of play before they re banned me :/ but lets face it. They wouldent un ban me if i was doing something wrong
  4. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    Cd-Key help please D:?

    Yeah i understand what your saying and i can see it from that perspective but unless i have been keylogged or whatever these kids are doing nowadays by some other means i genuinely dont have a explanation myself but yeah i appreciate the feedback none the less
  5. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    Cd-Key help please D:?

    Yeah im aware of their rule with that. But the initial two times they un banned the account after about 30 hours ish. all i want to do now is get my new key activated and back into the game :) and heyul if BE give back my old account il give the CD key from it to who ever can help me work this out
  6. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    Cd-Key help please D:?

    I beleve i was having some odd conflicts with either my ip adresss or my cd key was stolen? i really don't know myself xD but i have given up on trying to talk to BE now there support is awful.
  7. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    Cd-Key help please D:?

    Ok sadly my original Arma Co was global banned 3 times for no reason the bans were lifted 2 times with BE apologising for falsely banning me. But on the 3rd time they haven't replied in over a month!! My friend was generous enough to buy me new cd keys for Co. But i cannot activate them in steam ( i believe they are none steam version ) this leads me to here. I have no idea were i can download a official copy of the game were i can activate my new keys any advice would be really appreciated.
  8. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Stories

    I was out wandering between Nadezhdino and Mogilevka, My intentions were to push forward to the north west air base i was trying to take the safest route possible. After eating my beans and drinking my pepsi at Nadezhdino i set off onward expecting to get to mogilevka, about five minutes into my journey i come across helicopter crash site, although i really wanted to get to north west air base before night fall, i just could not resist. I took out my Winchester and made sure i had a full magazine loaded. The area was surrounded by military zombies. I tried to get back and take the shots from a distance. First shot, hit no agro/ Second shot, hit no agro/ Third shot hit but all the zombies go crazy i try to keep my distance and pull two more kills off before i had to run. i turned as fast as i could and started to sprint there were six zombies chasing me at this point so i turn around shoot two more however one of them manages to break my leg so i quickly shoot out the remaining four. Im bleeding badly, i open my pack and bandage myself up/ But i have no morphine and cannot walk. Frustrated i wanted to die. But out of curiosity i crawled forward slowly but surely i got closer to the crashed helicopter, and much to my pleasure was a medical box full of everything i could ever need. I patch myself up and explore the rest of the helicopter thinking to myself rocket is looking over me this box was a god send. As i walk past the tail end of the helicopter i spot four players just a couple feet beyond the dirt path behind a fence, all carrying some serious fire power all appeared to be LMG type weapons they open up fire on me i was terrified id never heard so much lead being put down i jumped for cover behind the helicopter whilst shouting at them Friendly friendly!!!!!!!! with no effect. about thirty seconds past under this hell fire it seemed like a decade. a cease fire came about. I rolled to my left and saw them still there aiming as i knew they were not friendly i took aim took a second to make sure and BANG, one shot, the guy on the far right goes down but not killed i take another shot at his team mate, i missed and there fire opened up again i rolled back into cover but quickly it stopped i assume they were trying to patch there wounded i role back out to the left two roles this time around, i take aim but note one of them has gone and one of them is aiming at me i take a shot at the guy aiming at me, miss. i take another shot, i missed again i was ready to get back into cover but thought one more shot steady yourself and be patient. i get the shot lined up and bang, he goes down wounded. I role into cover taking no fire, around a minute passes and i role back out, there all gone. That was the last i saw of the four guys who tried to take me out. I didn't get a kill on any of them. but they never shot at me again. weather or not they were still watching over me. I guess its time to continue onto the north west air base.
  9. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    Annoying thigns.

    Buggy buildings/ not being able to go through a door unless perfectly aligned on the center , would be so much safer if i could walk out sideways. Death to a door. Them doors are more dangerous than zombies
  10. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    My helecopter story <3

    Im really sorry' date=' its my first post like this, il edit for you now Sorry again [hr'] Done :)
  11. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    My helecopter story <3

    I was out wandering between Nadezhdino and Mogilevka, My intentions were to push forward to the north west air base i was trying to take the safest route possible. After eating my beans and drinking my pepsi at Nadezhdino i set off onward expecting to get to mogilevka, about five minutes into my journey i come across helicopter crash site, although i really wanted to get to north west air base before night fall, i just could not resist. I took out my Winchester and made sure i had a full magazine loaded. The area was surrounded by military zombies. I tried to get back and take the shots from a distance. First shot, hit no agro/ Second shot, hit no agro/ Third shot hit but all the zombies go crazy i try to keep my distance and pull two more kills off before i had to run. i turned as fast as i could and started to sprint there were six zombies chasing me at this point so i turn around shoot two more however one of them manages to break my leg so i quickly shoot out the remaining four. Im bleeding badly, i open my pack and bandage myself up/ But i have no morphine and cannot walk. Frustrated i wanted to die. But out of curiosity i crawled forward slowly but surely i got closer to the crashed helicopter, and much to my pleasure was a medical box full of everything i could ever need. I patch myself up and explore the rest of the helicopter thinking to myself rocket is looking over me this box was a god send. As i walk past the tail end of the helicopter i spot four players just a couple feet beyond the dirt path behind a fence, all carrying some serious fire power all appeared to be LMG type weapons they open up fire on me i was terrified id never heard so much lead being put down i jumped for cover behind the helicopter whilst shouting at them Friendly friendly!!!!!!!! with no effect. about thirty seconds past under this hell fire it seemed like a decade. a cease fire came about. I rolled to my left and saw them still there aiming as i knew they were not friendly i took aim took a second to make sure and BANG, one shot, the guy on the far right goes down but not killed i take another shot at his team mate, i missed and there fire opened up again i rolled back into cover but quickly it stopped i assume they were trying to patch there wounded i role back out to the left two roles this time around, i take aim but note one of them has gone and one of them is aiming at me i take a shot at the guy aiming at me, miss. i take another shot, i missed again i was ready to get back into cover but thought one more shot steady yourself and be patient. i get the shot lined up and bang, he goes down wounded. I role into cover taking no fire, around a minute passes and i role back out, there all gone. That was the last i saw of the four guys who tried to take me out. I didn't get a kill on any of them. but they never shot at me again. weather or not they were still watching over me. I guess its time to continue onto the north west air base.
  12. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    Cooking of all food

    I think being able to cook things like beans as we all like our beans hot, lets face it. would be a good idea, ok not to remove the eating of cold beans though, maby hot beans could just give you more of a boost maby even a bit of temperature would be nice
  13. harry_oneill_52@hotmail.co.uk

    Respawn Confirmation

    Hey i think i speak for a lot of players when i say i think there should be a confirmation box after pressing the respawn button as a lot of people are miss clicking and loosing all there hard earned items Hope this can be implemented into the game as it would be a really useful thing for a lot of people Best regards Harry