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Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

  1. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    New handgun damages need changing

    To make room for bleeding, knockout and other effects like that. Bleeding wouldn't be a threat if you didn't have enough blood to lose.
  2. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    New handgun damages need changing

    That's why they nerfed it to begin with.
  3. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    That's the whole point, I think. Make DayZ a living hell, and players will avoid each other instead of KOSing. And, for the record, you shouldn't be walking into cities with full gear.
  4. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Contaminated areas

    That sounds really nice. Maybe you could put a surgical mask in your toolbelt and have a lower chance of infection?
  5. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Hip Fire Too Good on Snipers

    There is no "hip-fire" in Arma. You're always holding your gun in stance, aiming down the sights or not. Removing crosshairs would make an unaimed shot harder,
  6. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Lets be honest: How many times?

    I died at least twenty times before I figured out how to play the game right.
  7. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    No more 50 cals!

    Holy crap those guns are literally identical. Uh, I mean Grumble grumble as50s grumble
  8. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    No more 50 cals!

    You could at least justify the M249. LMGs are pretty heavy, but the black market must have a few lying around. I don't think I could say that same for a .50 or the M240 though.
  9. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    No more 50 cals!

    Anitmaterial .50 cal Elephant gun sniping isn't skillful. It's point and click.
  10. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Why remove the 50?

    So anytime anyone is being shot at, you're doing something wrong. Perfect thinking there, bud.
  11. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    No more 50 cals!

    Are you trying to tell me that I should be using an AR for ranges between 300-500 meters? Good luck hitting anything like that. Not even the AKM/SA-58 can hit accurately at that distance, even with zeroing. Gews can point you to his threads explaining that. I also like that you are avoiding their questions by telling them that you can do whatever you want. Sure, you can, but that isn't going to last without a .50.
  12. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Don't be afraid

    What OP fails to realize is that DayZ isn't a real game. It's a MilSim turned zombie apocalypse. While any other game would kick your teeth in for adding or removing something for realism, this game is driven by its communities' unique desire for the extremely difficult and realistic. And if that means difficult sniping, thats whats going to happen.
  13. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

  14. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Daily Events on PvE server.

  15. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Crafting Discussion only

    Would a failure result in the crafting items become un-usable, or just give you them like it never even happened?
  16. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Silliest excuse for an Admin Ban.

    Are you seriously complaining that you got banned for spawnkilling?
  17. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Shhhh, I'm hunting wabbits

    Furthermore, why doesn't morphine act as a painkiller?
  18. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Why playing A2OA *before* DayZ helps you be a better bandit

    Thank you for introducing me to ShackTac. Those battle he has are fucking riveting.
  19. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    How Will You Play Standalone Without the Mod's Exploits?

    I'd like to assume that we'll be getting more residential weapons, like knives, pots, and others to help combat this new and improved zombie menace?
  20. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Police Station Project by Grimzentide

    Due to the way arma sounds work, such a big building would be impossible to stealth in without alerting every nearby player and zed. If that can be rectified though, I'd love it. The model is already sexy as fuck.
  21. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Will anyone continue playing Dayz?

    I think after SA comes out, R4Z0R or someone else will keep updating it for as long as it's popular. However, it would have to branch off, make itself different from the full game.
  22. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Your "Revenge is so sweet" story?

    I once had a newspawn steal my car. No loot on it, but I saw him driving off. He stopped in Electro, and I waited for him to get in. When he walked up to the car, I shot him in the legs, ran away, watched him morphine himself, and shoot his legs again. Then I took the car back.
  23. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    How do you feel about donation bonuses?

    Holy shit I used to play on there. They got taken down by a bunch of hackers, didn't know they we're such big pay2win fans. I would have thought that 1000+ vehicles and 50+ choppers would be enough.
  24. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Blood damage

    Gews you are a mathematical genius. I volunteer to be your bitch for the next 72 hours.
  25. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    AKM vs SA58 series

    I love you