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Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

  1. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Mix of Joy and Disappointment.

    Practice man. I used to be in that same boat. You just have to play on low pop servers and expirament. Don't like small villages? Try the big cities. Don't like the trouble of looting such a large area? Go north, Stary Sabor and dearstands. I feel you on the matches thing though. Those things are like fucking gold.
  2. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    What Happened On Your FIRST DAY Of DayZ?

    I ran into a barn, in what I assume was near Prig, grabbed a Lee Enfield and shot the nearest zed. It didn't take me long to run out of bullets, and before I knew it, I was trapped. I drew my axe (not a total noob, youtube helps), and went into the other barn across from me. As I walked down the stairs, I cut a corner and snapped my leg in two. I kept crawling til I reached the other barn. At this point, I went apeshit on the zombies, having found a DB shotgun in the barn. I was daring them to kill me. I didn't die. I found one solitary zed stuck on a door, and let him eat me. Best game ever.
  3. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    I killed my friend.

    Sympathy beans for you. I can't imagine that happening to me. I was pretty shaken after killing my first survivor, period. Killing someone you owe your life to, even if in a game, must suck so much.
  4. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Community Patch 1.7.5* around the corner?

    Czech pack is now as large as a Coyote? Gimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimme...
  5. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    If you want to be a friendly player, here are some tips.

    Don't go out of your way to say friendly. I the guy is close and you know you'll run into him, say hello. Don't chase him down. I've seen too many newbs shouting friendly over side while chasing some chump.
  6. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Crossbow kills?

    Never killed anyone with a crossbow, but pointlessly hunting animals is fun.
  7. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    What is the best DayZ map so far?

    I've never played Taviana, but what issues?
  8. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Long Term Survival & 6 Rules To Keep You Alive!

    If you ever come across a large amount of dead newspawns, it's time to leave. There may be a sniper around.
  9. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    So what is special about namalsk

    Namalsk flips the Chernarus loot ratio upside down. You'll find tons of military equipment, but food and water will become as valuable as any gun. Temperature becomes a problem weather or not its raining. It's wide open and a car becomes almost required. It really is a bit of a "hard mode".
  10. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    US2419 Admin Abuse/Random Bans

    Someone explain how you teamkill when you're a different clan attacking another clan in DayZ, a game of deception and beans?
  11. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Longest time you have stalked someone?

    About 10 minutes. I saw a guy in a Ural and I was new to the game, and couldn't work up the nerve to get close enough to see talk or shoot him. I lost him pretty fast.
  12. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    I take your brand labels and substitute my own!

  13. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Weirdest / Worst / Annoying Hacker Moments

    A ghillie hacker once broke my legs from 30 feet away with an axe, while i had an axe. Then he stood still while he got swarmed by zombies. Then he called me hacker when I axed him in the face.
  14. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Tell us about your most recent kills!

    While not really a bandit moment, I just killed my first player, unprovoked. I was in cherno where I found a PDWSD (Custom loot according the other players) and a Lee Enfield. As I was looting the fire station, I grabbed an M9 SD for my friend (not online), and some guy with a Remington runs in, bleeding. I panic, and unload my PDW into his gut, eyes wide open, heart rate stopping. As he dropped, he clipped me with his shotty, and I started to bleed. I bandaged, and went about looting him. He saved me a trip to the hospital, and filled me up with food and drink. As he did the "dead" animation, there was a feeling of guilt, of panic, of thrill.
  15. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    My first DayZ experience

    I call BS on the bear traps and barbed wire part.
  16. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    5rnd .338 Lapua Magnum

    Offtopic, but seeing as how I'm a professional derp, how do I tell the difference between a public server and a private hive?
  17. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)


    Can I get a translator over here to tell me what he's trying to say? I put it into google translate and this thing came out. "i am alfa mail u faget"
  18. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    It says I don't have the right version.

    I get this problem too. Some servers work and others don't
  19. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    What is Your First Instinctive Reaction When Spotting a Player?

    Duck into the nearest building, or behind it. Cry.
  20. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Dayz: Your Code of Conduct

    1. Stumble around until I find a barn. 2. Avoid cities and villages at all costs 3. Follow vehicles, they know where they're going better than I do. EDIT: Reading the posts above me, it disapoints me that so many players are trying to so hard to be badasses. "I R TEH ALFA MAIL" "BOW 2 ME NEWSPAWNS" "SH00T ON SITE 2B BANIDTO LOL"
  21. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Giving up, to much stupidity.

    Calm the f*ck down. That is all.
  22. Does the Ak and the AKM not count?
  23. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Medical Tents

    Is there a reason why the medical tents across roughly from the bolota airstrip dont have medicine in them?
  24. Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ)

    Experience and adapt

    All I want is the ability to combine half empty mags. Then I can die happy.