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About PapaWolf

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. PapaWolf

    Will you shoot me in my Ghillie?

    I always worried about the same issue. Its why I avoided wearing ghillie suits for a long time. If you got a ghillie you might as well wear it. There's always people that'll shoot you on sight and at least you'll have some camouflage to help you. Personally I don't shoot people people on sight. Unless its a bandit skin and I'm cornered.
  2. PapaWolf

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    The game looks absolutely amazing. Having zombies spawn without anyone nearby is a feature I'll definitely like. Some people are scary good at finding you by zombie spawn. I'm a little worried about the durability aspect. Its a fine line between durability either not effecting the game at all or being such a pain its just unnecessarily frustrating. I look forward to seeing it in action.
  3. PapaWolf

    A closer look at Day Z stats

    I could definitely be considered a zombie hunter. I prefer killing them to trying to avoid them. It just works better for me that way. I carry a trusty hatchet to get the work done. Guns would attract too much attention. As for the "why did you kill me?" question. This happens to me a lot. I'm friendly so if someone asks for help and I'm nearby I'll help. If they happen to kill me I wouldn't bother asking why. I know why. It doesn't stop me from trying to extend the hand of friendship. It just means my hand gets shot off a lot.
  4. So I've been playing this game for 3-4 months now. I'm generally a very friendly player. I always try to say friendly and I don't kill on sight. As you can probably guess, I've been shot many, many times. I keep trying though and that's where this story starts. I just spawned into a new server. Ten minutes later I'm running through a field on my way to Cherno with nothing but a hatchet. I hear a voice call out and turn around. There's a survivor running towards me with a lee and a few zombies on his tail. He asks if I'm friendly. I say that I am. Then he shoots me. I start bleeding but I'm still alive and on my feet. He tries to sound sympathetic but shoots at me again. It's very obvious he's deliberately trying to kill me. At this point I have few options. I'm bleeding but I've used my only bandage already. This life isn't going to last long. I decide to go for it. I rush at the guy. I weave around to keep from getting shot again and swings at him when I can. Finally I get lucky. His legs snap and he falls to the ground. The zombies that were following us surround him and I hack his face in. I thank my zombie friends for their help by hacking them to death too. There's no bandages on any of the bodies. I just crouch on the pile of dead I made and wait for sweet death to take me. It's a bummer I didn't survive my first successful fight but I'm still pretty proud. That first kill was super satisfying. Maybe I'll have better luck next time with being friendly (probably not.) Anyway, thanks to you Aussie bandit. I'll never forget you.