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Max Head

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Everything posted by Max Head

  1. carsforall and helicoptersforall do not exist and will not download
  2. Max Head

    dayz beta.. how???

    Just returned again after about 12 months to find the UI and in game info changed a great deal so I cant work out some things.. please help! How do I know whats killing me? seems to be no info apart from a down arrow below my health. Im stumbling along, but hydrated and fed, and suddenly im dead. I could telll SOMETHING was wrong from the way I walked but nothing about feeling sick, or tummy grumbles etc. No gun shot sound, no grunt, groan or ANY indication what has killed me. How do I quick switch items? Im holding a gun.. I run out of ammo.. i want to very quickly switch to fists or a melee weapon. How?? How do i get over slightly high fences / barriers? There used to be vault.. now its just a jump that doesnt seem to want to get over fences and low barriers unless i take a run at it sometimes works THANKS!
  3. Max Head


    I was a massive dayzmod fanboy back in the day and spent many many hours in it with a few mates over the year or two it was REALLY big. Like the many other millions who bouaght the SO when announced, ive been waiting and waiting patiently for dayz SO to get there, dropping in now and then over the years, but not playing much. I know BETA is only round the corner now so Ive jumped back in a few nights recently to see where we are. To be brutally honest Im so disappointed to find it to be such a boring grind to a pointless death with zero thrill. I search until I starve, finding sweet FA food or drink to survive by, and much less finding any useful survival items in time, and weapons and bullets that shoot?? forget it! I run around searching EVERYWHERE until I inevitably starve or die of hyppthermia due to being wet. No mater how much I change my clothes im still wet through!! Why is there zero fucking food and why are the zombies now harmless annoyances rather than the terrifying death dealing, leg breaking nasties that they used to be, meaning you had to sneak as soon as you saw one and avoid confrontation at all costs unless you had a decent weapon that was quiet. Now you just run up behind them, or in front, it doesn't matter much, and bosh bosh and he's dead. Not really much of a zombie game if the zeds arent anything to worry about at all! They were FAR more terrifying in the mod, even if a little OP, and even with the annoying accidental clipping deaths etc, it was still better experience than it is now. I know its still alpha, but really, its so far from being the addictive, edge of the seat, white knuckle, heart thumping, nerve wracking experience it used to be, that kept me coming back for more, and more, and more, no matter how many times i died. At least back then I got the chance mostly to get kitted up enough to at least not have to worry constantly about starving or hypothermia and get inland to die an honourable death, rather than the feeble wet fart of a death i seem to be stuck looping in now, dead before i can get anything of use at all or find any enjoyment. I got so annoyed now playing it, so, so sadly very, very disappointed. I really hope this isn't the state of the game going forwards, as its just turned one of the best survival sims of the decade into a starvation simulator with some arcadey zombie boshing.
  4. Max Head


    You know I might employ this as a general tactic in life situations I just cant handle..
  5. Max Head


    Hilarious and tragic at the same time as its funny and yet soo true .. Hilagic!!
  6. Max Head


    I get the gist here regarding the idea that grind at the start makes one time you manage to stay alive more of a achievement.. but I still think if I change my clothes, and/or stay in shelter, I shouldnt get SO wet.. its shuld at least delay the clock on my hypothermic death! Im no flaker and I like a challenge as much as the next guy but I do wonder how the game will attract new players at all with such a bleak grind to the enter the "game" proper, its very off putting .. even for me, whom I consider myself to be a bit a vet dayz survivalist from the mod days, but maybe Im old skool now and this is the new dayz? Also pissed at the lack of fear created by the zombies.. but again I guess judging anything at this stage of transition is pointless. Can someone please explain what the "player controller" is and why its relevant right now? I feel Ive missed part of the story and Im no game dev so not sure what it is at all.
  7. Max Head


    Thanks for the diagram dude!! Awesome!! lol!
  8. Max Head


    Thanks for all the tips and some good points about whats missing or broken I agree with them all! I will have a try see if I can do better with your advice, but really hoping as many said, its a interim phase where a lot of the mechanics are either out of whack or simply absent. I look forwards to heli;s most mysel, if i can find enough food to survive long enough to fix it!! I may well find some mods that are better, but thats a sad cop out for the game that was so amazing as a mod it has to depend on mods to make it great again. Anyways, good to see there's still a community behind it who have faith ;) , and I look forward to seeing it take proper shape, and still hope it can be ALL the things it should be and more. (bring on the heli's!!) I spent 20mins stocking up on apples but it got boring, and then i ate a whole raw chicken.. a few minutes later im ravenous?!. greedy fuk!
  9. Max Head

    Not having any fun !!

    when you do start to find the the good stuff.. it took you soo long to find.. whist struggling to keep healthy and survive... you wont wanna die for shit. Then when danger comes close you risk losing it all and your heart starts to race... or if your unlucky and get killed losing all your hard earned gear....while your screaming at the screen... you then will know why people play dayz ;)
  10. Max Head

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I think Rocket and his team have the distinct advantage of recent first hand knowledge of just how damn hard it is to tweak and balance when over a million people are playing the game. Just look back at the rolling update threads and the problems that came up and the bitching that came with it. Its a 1000 times faster to roll balances, tweaks and make minor changes several times a day when working with a closed group of testers rather than a public release. So if they release too soon, with too many bugs, it will take WAY longer to get it fixed up properly. This way they can work much faster and release a game that is much closer to ready. And dont accuse people of lying cos thats just ignorant, rude and childish. Unless any dev is a psychic or is making a repro of bat n ball, there is no real way to ever give accurate dev times, cos noone can ever know exactly what problems or complications might emerge in a complex and HUGE venture such as this. IMO the only time a game comes out exactly on time, with no delays, is a broken game cos the publishers forced the devs to release on time but before its ready..(TR AOD? SIMCITY anyone? to name just 2!) Also I dont know any other game devs that have had as much hands on contact with its fan base as Rocket and Matt, no I think we should feel lucky to be included at all. They have a massive job to do, are very good at it no doubt, and they are working hard to bring us the game we want. Good PR Comms isnt why they got the job so dont expect it necessarily. They are the devs, not the marketing team!
  11. Max Head

    The Frustration of DayZ

    i know its frustrating dude.. part of the reason ive stopped playing so much, but when i do I accpet that im gonna die at some point somehow. But admittedly its much easier to accept (though still hard) getting shot after hours of scavenging by a random passer by for no reason other than their personal amusement, but with that in mind you probably would have got to the top of the last steps to find some twat chop u up the ass with axe from 5ft away..
  12. Max Head

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Seriously whats the fuss??? Any gamer here who plays any of the top releases over the years is WELL used to waiting through months and months (sometimes years) of missed release dates, at least by the more conscientious publishing houses. My worst experiences and greatest disappointments with any games over the years have been the ones that have been squeezed out too soon due to a publishing house being too keen to cash in quick. I think we should be fukin glad that BIS isnt squeezing Rocket too hard to release the game asap, or we could have a broken release on our hands and THAT is WAY more devastating to potential sales than a sliding release date, and im sure NOONE here wants DAYZ SA to release like a stinking wet fart with shit reviews and players walking in droves. Mud sticks. This isnt just another game.. and the potential player base isnt just the 1.5mill currently playing it. We all know why we FUCKING LOVE dayz mod...because its groundbreaking, completely innovative, open world experience that actually delivers more bang for your buck than any title out there...period. And when it catches to the mainstream, and people experience the fuking shit yourself immersion and heart pounding experinces its gonna go totally mega. Its the biggest and most refreshing gaming experience to enter gaming since Half life or maybe even DOOM, so there is no way in hell its gonna fail by moving a release dates by a few months to get it right, but a bum game on release could really screw with its mainstream uptake as they will hear the hype and just see it as another WARZ piece of shite...and before it can redeem itself we'll be seeing all the copycats realeasing games based on the same concepts, which I promise you are already well in development. Everybody in gaming industry has turned their heads and noticed the storm that DAYZ has created and for sure there's some big companies already throwing huge piles money at development in secret, getting ready to jump on the bandwagon. So just relax and wait for the SA game to come out when its ready... in meantime play DAYZ mod maybe?
  13. Max Head

    Multiple Glitches

    Me and three others playing last night simply couldnt go anywhere near berezino as we all blinded by graphical artefacts, tears and b&w triangles making completely impossible to play. Tried re logging, switching servers, alt tabbng etc and still the same. Went south and came back 3 hours later on anothre server and still the same for all of us, couldn't see anything. Seems to be only around the medical tents and some buildings as far as I found. Didnt happen if i looked at the forest.
  14. Max Head

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    i was creeping, zeds miles away.. next thing Im being hit by one. I dont know how i can avoid them atm. They seem to have no rhyme or reason to pull or not pull, sometimes v close and fine, other times miles away and im crouched and suddenly the scream and run to me and attack.
  15. Max Head

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    i was just talking about your request for a PM dude.. the reason u get hurled with abuse is cos there are tens of thousands of people reading and posting on here, goes with the turf. There is no way rocket and his small team can repond to every post. Stop being so small minded and get over it... your an anonymous number just like the rest of us! :)
  16. Max Head

    Wait For Host

    same for me :(
  17. Max Head

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Im just hanging on "wait for host" since last night no matter what server I try :( on both pc and laptop which usually both work fine.
  18. Max Head

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    With 600k + players and rising by 10-20k per day, and with 55,000+ members on this forum alone, I really dont think thats a realistic request..do you? Rest assured rocket and others have said they do read and take on board what people post as long as its short, constructive, relevant and to the point.
  19. Max Head

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    https://www.facebook.com/events/315392488555230/ the guys are busy... chill out and be patient
  20. Max Head

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Im sure bugs are better to be reported here https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz also some people need to read post one before asking for fixes as a LOT are already there.. and if not you can be certain they are in the works.
  21. As the title says after discovering he couldn't log into my pc on his steam account I've fresh installed a new copy of arma2 co, and dayz on my sons pc on his own steam account, but still when he logs in its my character, even when Im logged in at the same time! I cant understand why this would happen when everything on his pc is a fresh install! Ive even wiped the folders and redownloaded the whole arma 2 package and dayz. Any suggestions to solve this would be gratefully recieved. Hes dying to play this but he keeps logging onto my character so I wont let him! lol!
  22. ok this is VERY odd. The reason I got my son a copy was that he logged into my character the other day when I had alice pack and lots of goodies and when I went to play it I was dead. So later that day I boudht his copy on his steam account. Just now while waiting for a response to my query I created custom rules on my router and added his pc and my pc to seperate ports. Then I log back in and now many deaths later and im back on my character with the ALICE pack and goodies in eth same place that i left it originally! ... and he has since died on his toon and ive logged out and back in and Im still on my old character, and he is on his new one... very strange! but we now seem to have two seperate characters... for the time being at at least! Thanks for the help with this...and Ill update if anything changes for future ref.
  23. ok thx.. done all except im not sure which start up parameters you mean me to change. You mean in the same "launch option" in steam where I put the client port? or a different one?
  24. Thanks Dr... yeh it was frustrating reading those first few posts when obviously I had checked it out thoroughly already. Some poeple just wanna have a go! eh! Much appreciated your solution and will try that out and let you know! Hi again, Problem with this solution is I cant launch the beta patch launcher via the client port/steam games library and I cant play the game unless I launch via the beta patch launceher as is dependent on the beta afaik. Any suggestions for how to allocate a port via other means? I could use port forwarding I guess?
  25. Max Head

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Its been mentioned by Rocket previously (in this VERY long thread I think) that 1.7.2 is way too unbalanced at the mo, so they need some more time to balance and do some serious closed testing before public release. Believe me you'd much rather wait for it to be right than end up trying to play on a borked update....so patience.. it will be here when its ready. :)